

With a expose face Bane leaned his lips toward the girls hairline.
Bane held in his breath. Counting the breaths she took in her slumber.

Even at the simple sight his heart clenched.

Bane gaze traveled down to her form taking in every inch of her perfection.
His gaze was rather calm.

Bane was completely exposed.

The most selfish part of him begged for the girl to reveal her orbs. To lock him in place and she could finally witness him.

And so she could stop complaining.

But Bane held no desire in allowing the girl to witness his true form. He ignored , banished his weakness.

The girl held his weakness. Bane felt odd in knowing the fact that the girl controlled his emotions.

A stir in her slumber cause Bane to halt in a frozen stance.
He pressed his palms on either side of her round sculpted face.
Bane mouth twitched then hesitantly leaned further breathing a controlled breath.
The girls mouth formed a shape of a "O". Bane held in his amused chuckle. But marveled at her sight.

Bane brow furrowed as he brushed his hand through her long hair gently. Feeling the bizarre and unwanted emotion as he felt for months now caused his hand to tighten in a fist.
Bane pulled away slightly glaring at the girl.

Kill her.
Bane froze. Could he possible allow himself to ponder such a action?

Bane gaze down at the girl perplex.
Certainly not.

A slow smile spread across his lips.

Bane loved the dark sky, the night. It allowed him to be free with himself.
The night allowed him to be free of his emotions.

And Londyn Jonas was Bane's emotion. In simpler forms she molded into him. As he molded her, she molded into his being as well.

It was chaotic. But it brought amusement and bizarre happiness into his life.
And many others.

Londyn lips formed into a lazy smile in her slumber and rolled over to her side gripping the pillow beside her.

Bane leaned forward on his palms and brushed a strand of black hair from her neck. He stared perplex.

Then as if it was the most naturalist action in the universe.

Bane grazed his lips to Londyn's expose neck in a ghost like matter.

But Londyn would never know.
And that is when Bane would feel a odd sensation in his chest.
It would almost feel as if he expressed sadness.
Harleen Quinzel wanted everything in life. But more than anything in the world she wanted his love.
The lavish blonde twirled a automatic weapon absently. Her gaze summoned to the warehouse window. The blonde was in search for her clown.
A grin lurked around the corners of her mouth. She hated waiting.

The girl pouted at the thought.


Harleen screamed from the window at the sight of the colorful man. He swayed, completely dancing in the middle of the dead silent street.
Harleen marveled placing a hand below her beating heart.
She waited in anticipation for the arrival of
the clown.

It was her fascination that drawn her to the psychopath. In her days interning at the asylum where she first laid eyes on the man.
Now, Harleen Quinzel devoted her life to the joker.

The wide doors opening caused the women to leap into the Jokers arms.
Instantly she was pushed away.

"Whatcha doing boss?" Harleen asked with a twirl of her hair obliviously.

"Change of plans"

Harleen would follow the man through madness. He was her madness.

Brown orbs met Harley's own and his red glistening lips turned upward.

"We gonna see that fella Bane"

"I can't keep up. Go on without me"

Londyn limped leaning on a cobble stone wall.

"And it's freezing" Londyn's chin chattered.

A mechanic sigh graced her ears causing her gaze to be lifted to the lurking figure above her.
Bane stared sharply shaking his head in disapproval.
Londyn wheezed and coughed as the mercenary barked orders for the girl to run through the city.
In the middle of a snow storm.
But luckily she was dressed properly to the sudden "Occasion" as Bane describe.

"We must build your calf muscle. It's rather slim" Bane said calmly.

"Let's invest in a treadmill" Londyn grumbled.

Bane pondered almost agreeing with the girl. The cold brought out the weakness in beings. This weather caused illness to spread.

"Possibly" Bane nodded causing Londyn to almost stroke out.

"Wha-" She began frazzled but winced then lowered her head into a nod.

"This was awful" Londyn sighed. "Never again"

"Ah" Bane smile behind his contraption. "Do not test me"

Londyn huffed but nodded forcing the tight smile to form her lips.

"When can I work with guns?" Londyn wondered.

Bane body suddenly tensed at such a question. "I would not recommend it"

Londyn squinted her eyes stilling leaning on the stone. "Why?"

"You are clumsy" Bane replied dryly.

Then received a glare his way. Bane cracked a smirk looking away into the flurries of the night.

"Come" Bane motioned "You need rest"

"I need more than that" Londyn muttered limping toward Bane

In return Bane took ahold of Londyn's forearm giving it a tight squeeze. His eyes glaring into hers.
Londyn clenched her jaw but allowed Bane to lead her into the snowy nightfall.

"How about this" Londyn began leaning her body into the man. "I will drive the tanks"

"Certainly not"

Londyn grimaced but still continued on. "Drive any vehicle?"

"No" Bane replied forcefully.

"Handle a weapon of your liking?"

"We will see"

Londyn beamed as the pair walked though the quite city streets.
It brought goosebumps to her covered arms.

"Bane?" Londyn whispered.


"Do you see people?" Londyn stammered. "I mean the citizens" she corrected herself.

"Why of course" Bane replied almost gleeful. "They are mice cowardly lurking around the city. But there under a mouse trap"

Londyn pursed her lips. "And you feel..?" She pressed.

"I feel accomplished" Bane eyes narrowed. "Now, I only have time"

Londyn's heart seemed to drop at the word "Time".
Even a year could not satisfy her. Londyn did not look forward in dying and leaving the man. All at once. In a horribly blaze.
Londyn winced slightly as her thoughts got the best of her.

Londyn seeked eternity.

Bane noticed the sudden terrified expression cross her features.
Bane fingers absently caressed her layered forearm. His lowered to see green orbs lock with his.

"Nothing to fear" His mask voiced in almost a whisper.

A sad smile spread across her beautiful features.

"I know" Londyn replied whispering "I have you"


Bane crossed his arms over his broad chest and leaned his body into the wall of the elevator. His gaze lifting to see Londyn almost mimicking his action.

A smug smile spread across his lips.

The man replayed the softness of the girls voice as she spoke of no fear. Bane forced it to his memory. He would keep it there until his eternity.

The light ding caused Bane to glance up form his jumble of thoughts.

"After you" Bane offered with a open hand.

Bane took the smile from the girl with a smile of his own and watched the girl leapt out of the elevator, skipping to there room.

Londyn smiled quickly hushering herself to the door of the complex.The sound of Bane's footsteps echoing behind.
As her gaze lowered her smiled disappeared as a body laid limp on the ground.

"Spencer" Londyn cried bending down-

But Bane voiced shot through her body as he urgently called for her. "Londyn watch-"

A high kicked to the jaw cause Londyn to stumble backwards.
Londyn shook her head dazed.
Reflexively Londyn hand shot out instantly to grip a expose narrow neck. Londyn turned her own body slamming the figure into the wall glaring.

Londyn locked eyes with a women. A unfamiliar face. The women graced her features with black makeup covering her eye lids. Her brown glowing orbs sparkled meeting Londyn perplex gaze.
Londyn lowered her gaze to stare at the women's latex black and red costume.



Londyn froze as she felt a sharp blade inched toward her jugular.

Londyn turned her gaze and locked eyes with Bane's abnormal hard orbs.

Londyn felt another figure press it's body into her.
From the bold movement she learnt it was a man.

"You grace your prescence in this city once more?" Bane boomed through the hall. "To me?"

"Every one deserves a second chance eh?" The voiced crackled with a hysteria.

"Release the girl" Bane barked.

"Tell ya' girl to release mine" The man leaned into Londyn's ear shrieking a giggle. Londyn flinched and noticed the women eyes sparkled at such a neurotic sound.

"I am going to kill you" Bane spoke slowly.

And if Londyn could she would shot a smug look toward the man who held a knife to her throat.

"Not if he kills you first" The women spoke.

Londyn furrowed her brows comprehending her words. They were meant for her. The women voice was held a thick city accent.

Londyn hand tighten around the women's throat. She was pleased to witness the women's eyes bulge.

The blade pricked her skin.

"You got fire in ya" The man spoke. "I like it" He shrieked.

Bane stared almost prideful at his little protégé.

Her actions brought the sense of another accomplishment toward Bane. Londyn could take care of herself.

"This is quite boring" The man said.

The blade released from Londyn throat. Londyn released the grip on the women's neck but lifted her leg immediately to collide her leg into the women's abdomen to push herself away.

Bane wrenched Londyn to his side.
Londyn caught a glimpse of a colorful face and attire.
Puzzled she averted her gaze to meet the face of a ... Clown?

Then her memory flashed to several years ago, a semester before she moved to Gothem.
Such horror was brought to the city. Gothem seemed to have absolutely no luck Londyn winced.

The joker.

Londyn widen her eyes. Another looney?

Londyn jumped from Bane's sudden movement.

His arm stretched out effortlessly to collide into the jokers sidekick and announced "girlfriend".
The slamming of her body echoed through the halls.

Then it was the clowns turn.

"You are a failure" Bane taunted.

Bane quickly connected his fist to the jokers jaw. But still gripped the mans suite colliding his fist.

Londyn counted the impact that echoed through her ears.
One. Two. Three.

And as once Bane forced his fist to the clowns face. The joker released a shriek of laughter.

Furious, the sound of the impact became a booming noise.
Almost as if it was lightening crackling the dark sky.

Londyn fidgeted and stepped toward the limp body of Spencer.
A sigh of relief escaped her lips to see his chest inhaling and exhaling.

Then her eyesight was blocked. For a barrel of a gun blocked her view. The sound of the weapon cocking back caused everything to flow to a silent halt.

Bane swinging fist came a halt.
Everything came to a complete halt.

Harleen smiled as her black latex glove griped the gun. She shifted her gaze to witness the mercenary narrowed eyes that averted into a hard glare.

"Let go of him" Her Brooklyn accent flowing thick. "Or I'll shoot her right between the eyes"

Londyn couldn't resist the urge to tightly close her eyelids as her heart came to a halt in her chest.

But the only thought that lingered was:

Fuck , not again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ello' lovelies. Sorry for the wait.
But I suppose it was worth it. Wink .

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did.

I really hope and pray you enjoy the joker and Harley..
Is it your expectation? Tell me ☺

Leave your love.

Oh & I wrote a little Tom Hardy/Oc fic just for fun. It's called animal rescue. ☺❤

Thanks for reading. I love you guys !!! ☺✌