


Londyn gaze snapped in the direction of the door as she sat against the windowsill.
A dry lump was beginning to form in her throat as she thought of the possibility of the voice being Bane.


Londyn scrambled toward the door. Her bare feet sliding against the wooden floor. A hand wrapped around her forearm and she widely gazed up and met the blue orbs of Barsad.

"I cannot allow you to leave"

Londyn shook against him, freeing her forearm from his tight grasp. "He needs me".

Barsad shook his head as the gloom look spread across his features. "You cannot-"
He was interrupted as he peered down and saw tears forming her green eyes.

"Please" Londyn whispered.

Barsad peered away purposely. "No"

Londyn nodded, pressing her lips together. "Okay, I understand".

Barsad sighed and glanced at her-

Londyn cocked her hand into a fist and aimed it toward Barsad nose.
The act of her actually hitting him crossed his thoughts.

So, as her tiny fist collided into his nose it caused him to stumbled, blinking feeling astounded by her action.

"I'm sorry" he had heard her scream before the door flew open and her warning Spencer to stay the hell away from her.

Londyn ran through the narrow hall widely. She rounded the corner and halted.


Londyn ran toward him and slid against the wooden floor. Her hands fidgeted against her chest.

The body of the clown laid limp inches away.

"You killed him"

Bane slowly lifted his gaze and Londyn chest began to heave.

His hand shot down to her forearm and squeeze it. Londyn squirmed for he had caused her pain by the action.
Londyn zeroed in on his face.
Half of his face exposé for her viewing.

Londyn stared dumbfounded.

"You're.." Londyn shook her head blinking.


His voice was so soft speaking her name. Londyn trembled.
She captured the image, his lips and cheekbones, his nose.
His teeth.

But his lips.
Bane lips were sculpted beautifully.

"Londyn" Repeated Bane.

"Tell me what to do? Are you hurt?"

Bane peered at her sharply.
"No" said Bane. "It is rather uncomfortable"

Londyn lips formed a shape of a 'O'. She nodded quickly. "Your mask" she reached for him.
But his arm clamped down on her shoulder.

"Wait" and it came out as a whisper from Bane's mouth.
Londyn pulled back and widen her eyes to see his smile.
Bane's actual smile.

Then it became clear to Londyn. This was a marvelous chance to make a marvelous decision.

The decision for Londyn to lean toward him. She clenched her hand into a broad fist and halted inches away.

Londyn gaze lifted traveling to stare deeply into his features. Bane peered calmly at her. Londyn heart began to race. It sped highly then dropped. Her heart rate was repetitive. Her limbs began to shake as she comprehended was she was doing-
Bane breath through his nose as he leaned against the wooden floor on his knees, taking in her sudden shaky limbs it occurred to him that she was nervous.
Bane orbs averted to stare at the small girl.

He had been hesitant. And for what exactly?
To allow the girl to catch a glimpse at him?
His gaze lowered darkly knowing it was the bond between them.

Londyn lifted herself to peer into his eyes. Bane slowly met her gaze.

"My father always told me to trust my instinct" suddenly she whispered.
And Bane could smell her, as she sat inches away from him.
Pondering over her words.

"That is wise and yet difficult" Bane said calmly.

Londyn marveled over his voice. It was smooth and held deep confidence.

"But I am difficult" Londyn stated and this was true to Bane, he nodded agreeing with her.
It caused her to smile and Bane lowered his head to watch her lips form.

"So, this will be highly difficult"

And Bane wondered if she was speaking to herself as she didn't make eye contact as she spoke.
Bane furrowed his brow.

"Please don't be angry with me"

Londyn reached for his exposed cheekbone, to grasp his face was alarming in itself. She did not processing or comprehend the meaning of his face.

Then with impeccable speed, lurching forward Londyn brushed the lower edge of her mouth to his.
A soft gesture then Londyn seemed to have manage to kiss the mercenary gently on the corner of his mouth.

Bane never closed his eyelids or ever peered away. He knees pressed harder on the floor, leaving a mark of his knee print.
He felt no anger. He felt her mouth on his.

That was all.

Londyn leaned back on her knees and he watched as she revealed her green orbs to him breathlessly.

Bane heaved to a stance causing Londyn to stumbled forward to her own stance.
Bane, quietly turned to give her his back. Londyn clasped her palms together expecting no regret of her action.

Londyn did not regret.


Londyn peered up to find Bane motioning to his mask.

"Oh" She let out as Bane lowered himself for her to do so.
Londyn shakily clasped Bane contraption together as he calmly instructed her. Moments later a low hiss filled the room of Bane breathing.
Londyn pulled away and Bane turned to face her, and Londyn saw the emptiness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry"

Bane brow furrowed. "Apologies?" He wondered sincerely.

"Your angry" Londyn frowned tearing her gaze away from him.

"I do not understand, I do not feel anger towards you" Said Bane.

Londyn wanted his voice to fill her eardrums. She lowered her head still frowning into the floor boards.

"Londyn" Bane took a step forward and placed a hard finger on her chin lifting her gaze to meet his. "I'm not angry"


"I do not know" Bane smiled behind his contraption.

"Bane" Londyn whispered. "You didn't" she paused gathering her courage. "Kiss me back" she whispered.

Bane stared as if she had gone mentally insane. Her worries, her frowns were the cause of not returning his lips on hers.
Bane expressed a hard chuckle which caused a glower from the small girl.

"I had never received such affection"

Londyn eyes narrowed, again her full lips formed an 'O'.

Then her arms wrapped around his waist, "Im so difficult" she whispered laughing.

"That what makes you a one of a kind" Bane told her, and he seem to mean it as he leaned away to rest his palm on her cheek. Bane met the green fluorescent orbs of Londyn.

"Make the best of your time, do not hold any regrets little butterfly" Bane told her as his finger began to caress her cheekbone.

"Do you go by the same moral?" She wondered.

Bane lowered his gaze to her mouth then returned to stare in her eyes. "I have many regrets"

Londyn lips lowered into what seem like a small pout. Bane wanted to smile but his chest suddenly clenched with knowing of the biggest regret. "I should have let you go"

Londyn blinked rapidly. "What?"

"You would have had a chance" Then behind his contraption a sadden smile appeared.

"No" Londyn shook her head disagreeing. And Bane felt her hand on his, "I have no regrets and I do not regret you"

Bane stared. "How can that be?".

She has gone insane He clarified to himself.

"I broke you" He stated calmly. "How can you-"

Londyn pressed her hand to his mouth piece of his contraption, Bane rose a brow at her boldness. But she smiled slightly at him.

"I do not regret you" Londyn said matching his calmness. "I want to be here--" she sighed "With you"

"And I do not intend on leaving" Londyn said.

Bane stared appreciating that strength in her. "I would not let you"

Londyn smiled. "I know" she said softly.

And for a moment the pair stared, marveling.
Bane pulled her small body towards him.
As he wrapped his hands around her torso.


And Londyn couldn't help but hold Bane as tightly as she could, her heart drummed heavily against her veins and she didn't want to ever let go.

Bane did not want to let Londyn go.

And that was the problem, the thought the swirled around him.

It caused him to think twice of the profound destiny of Gothem.

Londyn Jonas was the crystal deep sea of the ocean.
It swayed beautifully, naturally in the world.

Bane was the thunder and lightning during a storm.
But lightening intersect the waves and crackles against the tide of currents, it's beautiful to some, it's dangerous.

Of all forms of caution and persistent in Bane's life, the caution in her was most fatal.

It was beautiful.

Londyn Jonas was beautiful.