

Twenty seven hours later Londyn awoke.
Londyn's eyesight was blurred and her mouth was dried from all the sleeping.
Londyn felt groggy, she raised her hands over her head and yawned softly.
She rolled over and froze. Londyn memory flowed to her.
She closed her eyes. Londyn remembered being attacked, her head slamming onto the pavement. Then everything was blurred.
Londyn sat up in Banes bed. She clutched the thin sheet around herself.
Londyn was not alone in the room.
A man figured to be a doctor stood in the middle of the room with his bag ready.
Bane sat at his desk avoiding the now awake girl.

"Miss Londyn" the doctor smiled gently "I am so happy to see you're awake"

The Doctor had a Italian accent. He walked swiftly to her pushing aside a fallen black hair.

"I am Lorenzo Salvatore " He introduced himself to the women.

Londyn smiled politely causing her to wince touching her face.

"You have minor bruising on your face"

Londyn frowned gazing down.

"How is your head feeling?" Doctor Salvatore asked

"I feel fine" she said truthfully.

"Maybe it's the anesthetics" The doctor mumbled flashing a light into her eyes.

Londyn frowned a glance down at the needles.

"And your chest?" He asked.

Londyn rubbed it out of instinct. "It feels bruised" she admitted.

Lorenzo rubbed his jaw. "Lift up your shirt"

Londyn's gaze fell on Bane. He seemed unaware of her and the doctors exchanges . Londyn took a deep breathe and lifted her shirt. Bane kept his gaze down.
Londyn cocked her head down and gasped.
Londyn's chest was now black from the bruising. Rage flared her. That scum did this to me Londyn thought.

"It seems to be healing" Lorenzo murmured and touched her side that was tapped. "The cracked rib too"

"What happened to me?" She asked softly.

Lorenzo met her eyes in wonder "I have no idea my dear" he frowned at this.

Lorenzo was simply escorted to the young girls room that night. Bane threatened every being that night, which sent them all in a frenzy of fear.
Doctor Salvatore did minor checking of Londyn. She seemed perfectly fine except from the bruising.
As the Doctor exit the room he noticed Bane following him. The doctor tensed.
Once in the hallway Bane cornered Lorenzo.

"How is the girl?" Bane asked the hiss of the mask filled the hallway.

Lorenzo Salvatore looked Bane right in the eye and what he saw haunted him. The doctor saw compassion.

"Londyn is well" Lorenzo pressed his hands together and fumbled with his next words. "It would to believed that a massive hit" the doctor glanced down at Banes hand and completely knew his print was on the girls chest "Saved the girls life" he murmured.

Bane raised a single brow challenging the Doctor to move forward on to his theory.

"You saved her" Lorenzo stated but he wanted Bane to confirm it.

Bane chest heaved in and out. The doctor tired to stay his ground. Bane raised his hand and put his index finger onto the mans chest.

"You may leave now Doctor"

Lorenzo Salvatore politely smiled and turned away. Bane watched him leave with a glare.
Londyn still was laying on the bed as Bane walked in. Bane stood in the door way with crossed arms.


Bane gazed at Londyn and noticed the rumble in his chest as she spoke his name.

"Yes Miss Jonas" he walked into the room.

Londyn held herself closely "What happened to me?" She whispered.

Sympathy flowed to Bane the girl was weak and delicate. The world and it's crime would break her. Bane was now glad she was protected by him.

"My men found you in the clearing" Bane chose his words carefully.

Londyn nodded and was grateful she was found and of course alive.

"And the man who tried.." She couldn't finish her sentence.

"The man is dead" Bane informed her.

Londyn first feeling was sadness but as quickly as she thought of her almost incident she felt glad the man was no longer breathing.

Londyn swallowed and was suddenly nervous "I am not to be harmed?" She asked. Londyn was no aware of Tucks words to her.

Bane stared at her steadily. "You are now my guest".

Londyn eyes narrowed "I don't know if you know this but guests are allowed to leave anytime" she instantly regretted her chose of words.

Bane came inches away from her face. "Do not test me,Miss Jonas".

Londyn shoved her head in her hands. She let out a sigh. Bane watched amused by her. The girl was simply a girl, childish.
Londyn raised her head and Bane saw the tear in her eyes.

"There is no time for tears" he stared at her.

"May I go to my room now?" She asked holding her tongue.

"You may not" Bane told her.

Londyn eyes narrowed in bewilderment "Where will I sleep?" She asked.

"You may reside in here" he told her. Bane believed this would be a kind gesture.

Londyn thought differently. She swayed her head from side to side. "I don't think I want to" she stammered.

Bane glared at Londyn his eyes turning dark. Bane took two steps and he was crouching down to her level.
Bane stared down at her. Bane fingers twined his with hers. Londyn jump from his touch and gasped.

"It would be wise if you held your tongue" he told her. Bane met her green eyes.

With that he flicked his wrist and heard a snap. Londyn scream echoed the room and left a smile on Banes face.
Londyn index finger was broken or hopefully to her benefit was sprained.
Londyn gazed down at her finger and was aware that it was in a awkward position.

"I will send in the doctor" Bane stood and glanced down.

"You are a monster" she glared.

Bane walked to the doorway. Londyn saw his abnormal eyes crinkle at the sides. Bane was smiling she stated to herself in horror.

"Some think I'm a god"