

Londyn took a patted blow to the face. She stumbled backwards.
She blinked against the pain.
Barsad stood before her with patted gloves.
Barsad did not have a clue that he would be sparing with Londyn. Bane specifically told him not to hold back on the girl.
As Londyn stumbled Barsad held back and with a swift of his legs colliding with hers Londyn was falling.
It was Bane who caught her fall.
Londyn leaned against Bane breathing hard.

"Again" Bane encouraged.

Londyn was pushed up and Bane stood behind her with his arms crossed.
Londyn took a steady breath.
Barsad faced her and smiled encouraging at her as well.
Londyn swung lazily at Barsad. He dodge her hit and raised his fist and met her jaw.
Londyn felt the blow and wince. Barsad raised his hand but Londyn pulled her gloved hands to protect her face.
Barsad nodded to himself approving the girls move.
Bane mouth twitched at the sight of the pair. Barsad was too fair with the girl. Bane suddenly became aggravated.
Bane stepped toward Barsad.

"You may go now"

Barsad bowed his head and ushered himself out of the room.
Londyn let out a sigh of relief when Barsad left the room.
Londyn must have been sparing with Barsad for several hours and she was exhausted.
Bane turned to face the girl and saw actual sweat on her face. Bane smiled.
Londyn began taking of her gloves.

"Leave them" he hissed.

Londyn gazed at him slightly horrified "I can't hit you"

A grin spread across Banes face. "You may try"

Londyn eyes narrowed. Londyn set her jaw tightly.
Bane gracefully removed his shirt. This distracted Londyn.
Bane cocked his head and watched Londyn become flustered.
Bane held in his laughter.

"Proceed" he nodded to the girl.

Londyn collided her hand into his stomach. Londyn let out a huff from the impact. It hurt to actually hit him she thought horrified.
Bane blinked and could not even feel the girls punch. A hiss of laughter escaped his Mask
Londyn froze. He is laughing at me she stated.
Furious she raised her fist and with all of her might collided it to his chest.
Bane felt the second hit more. But it was still weak nonetheless.

"Let your anger rise"

Londyn raised her fist but Bane caught it "But do not let your anger cloud you"

Londyn nodded at his words. "Okay"

The girl was cooperating Bane thought with a smile.

"Now it's time to defend yourself" he announced.

Before Londyn could process Bane words he was attacking her. So she did what any normal person would. She dodge him by running.
Londyn ran across the room and gazed back at him.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" She shrieked.

"Not yet Miss Jonas" he replied.

A shiver ran through Londyn. Bane stood across the room with his arms folded across his chest.

"Your first instinct is to run?" Bane asked curious.

"From you.. Of course" she almost laughed.

Bane smiled under the mask. The girl was amusing.

"Approach me with your top speed" Bane suggested.

Londyn nodded her head and pushed off from the wall and ran toward him. Bane stood his ground. He caught her at the last second and placed his arm to her back and swung her over his arm.
Londyn blinked as she landed on the ground.
Bane stood above her and shook his head disapprovingly.

"That wasn't fair" she whined.

Bane eyes narrowed and stared intently as she lifted her self up.
Bane thought of a way that was fair. He trailed away to retrieve a black box.
Bane returned to Londyn.
Curious Londyn gazed down. Bane opened the box and revealed it was throwing knives.
Bane placed a single knife into her hands.

"Now" he said stepping back "Aim and throw"

Bane watched Londyn become confused "Throw? At what?" She asked holding the knife.

Bane met her gaze steadily. "At myself"

Londyn brows knitted together. Did she want to cause harm to this man? Londyn quickly decided by throwing the knife right into his direction.
Londyn watched in amazement as Bane closed his eyes and caught the dagger between his palms.
Londyn sighed. Then her gaze fell onto the open box. With a grin she bent to picked up another.
With a flicked her wrist she aimed at Bane.
Bane had not expected that from the girl. He raised his hand and caught it. A single spill of blood caught his attention. It was his. The girl nicked him.
Banes eyes narrowed.
Londyn rushed over to Bane and was disappointed to see it was a little cut.
Bane stared at her reaction and smiled smug.
Londyn walked back over to where she stood.
A thought came to him. Bane grinned and flicked his own wrist sending the dagger into the girls direction.
Londyn saw the dagger and scrambled out of the way.

"Are you insane?" She shrieked.

Bane stared at her with calm eyes. Londyn shook with fear "I'm finished" she said and went to walk away.

Bane shook his head disapprovingly. Bane anger flared.
Londyn was caught by the waist and Bane twirled her around and pinned her against the wall.

"I will inform you when you're finished" his eyes glared into her.

Bane raised her hands above her head and heard her wince. Bane stared deviously at the broken finger.

"Shall we make it a second finger?"

Londyn set her jaw and shook her head and mumbled "No".

Bane stared down at her unmoving. Her thick hair clung past her shoulders. Bane met her eyes.
Londyn stood unflinching from his gaze. She held her breath.
Bane knitted his brows in confusion.

Bane released the girl and stepped away turning his back toward her.
Londyn thought this was her opportunity.
Londyn jumped onto Banes back.
She straddle him and held in her laughter.
Bane tensed from her touch.

"Is this your special move?"

Londyn was happy Bane was not upset with her sudden move.

"Possibly" she laughed.

Bane could feel the girl chin on his shoulder. Bane head jerked to the side missing her face as she ducked.
Londyn pulled away with narrowed eyes.
Bane reached for the girl and caught a hold of her waist.
Londyn was pulled to Bane gasping for air.
Bane grabbed her waist tighter causing another wince.

"Do not let your opponent know your in pain"

Londyn nodded telling him she heard him.
Banes touch tingled against her skin.
So, Londyn scrambled away.
Bane simply let her go watching her in amusement.

"Have you ever lost in a battle?" Londyn wondered.

Bane raised his divided brow. That simply told Londyn the obvious. No, he had not.

"Did you always want to be a mercenary?"

Bane sighed "It is not the time for conversation"

"When will it?" She smiled challenging him.

Bane growled and came toward her. The girl was fast and light so she quickly scrambled out of his way.

"Do not let your anger cloud you" she told him mocking him.

Bane had enough. Bane took a hold of her wrist and twirled her arm to face him. Londyn stumbled into his arms. The girl was clumsy he noted.
Londyn was trapped in his broad arms.
Bane smiled causing his eyes to crinkle.
Londyn frowned.
Her green eyes narrowed in thought. Bane watched as she placed her lips onto his forearm.
Londyn bit down onto Banes arm.
Bane took hold of the girls mouth.

"That was a idiotic move" he said hissing in her ear. "I now have hold of your neck" he rested his hand on her neck.

Bane released her by throwing her to the ground.

"You have much to learn"

Bane walked away with a odd emotion in his chest.
The emotion was foreign to him.
He felt this certain emotion for one other person during his existence.
He felt compassion toward the girl.
And it shook him to his core.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I fell in love with writing this chapter
Thanks for reading!