
Harms Way

Londyn dreamt of a life. A life without Bane. A life filled with light and happiness. A life away from the sewers and tunnels.
The dream was only a illusion. A fantasy.
Londyn stood facing a stream of water. The sun light beaming on her face. Her green eyes glowing against the sun.


Londyn turned her body to the sound of her name. Her dress swayed with the wind.
Londyn smiled instantly hearing the voice. Such a lovely voice she thought.
Strong protective hands wrapped around her waist. Her hand raised and she rested it on his cheek and she smiled leaning into him.
The man rested his chin on her shoulder causing Londyn to laugh scrambling against him. The man laughter filled her ear.
Londyn heart was warm from his touch.

"I will always protect you"

Londyn smiled deeply from his words. Londyn turned her body to face him. She could not comprehend his perfection. She peered up at him and simply thought he was flawless.

"I'm not going any where" Londyn spoke gently. It was as if her voice didn't belong to her.

A smile spread across his full lips. Londyn heart soared at the sight.
Londyn wrapped her arms around the mans neck. The man was much larger than her, Londyn felt like a small girl next to him.
Londyn lifted herself up and finally met the mans eyes.
Londyn gasped and stumbled away.
Abnormal blue and green eyes gazed down at Londyn.
Londyn began to analyze him intently. As he crossed his arms and his raised his left divided brow. The mans built gave it away.
Londyn felt a small smile play on her lips.


Londyn awoke uttering a gasp and lifting herself forward.
Londyn pulled her knees to her chest and rested her head. She sighed and began climbing out of Banes bed.
Londyn began making the bed when a small knock was heard against the door.
Londyn turned her head.

"Hi Tuck" she said walking over to him.

Tuck wore a tux and gazed down at her intently smiling.

"You look nice" she commented sharply.

Tuck handed her a bag. Londyn looked down and saw it was a dress "What is this?" She wondered.

"We're taking a field trip" Tuck raised his lips into a smile. Londyn laughed nervously.

"Where would that be?"

"A party" he grinned.

"But why -" Londyn began but Tuck interrupted

"Bane wants you there. Be quick and look nice" Tuck said closing the door.

Londyn sighed rubbing her hands together. She slowly stared pulling out the dress gasping. The dress was utterly flawless.
Londyn eyes narrowed in thought. It was a white long dress with actual diamonds embedded on the dress. Londyn stared down at it in awe.
Londyn saw heels and a clutch also in the bag.
Be quick Londyn reminded herself.
She ran to the open bathroom. Londyn kept up with her daily shower so there wasn't anything to do beside brush her hair and teeth. Londyn stared down at the dress lovingly before putting it on.
The dress clung to her. Londyn stared down at it with wide eyes. Surely this is a rental she reasoned.
Slipping into the pale heels Londyn took the black clutch in her hands and saw there was actually jewelry in the clutch.
A black diamond bracelet.
With a note.
The note read:

Be my eyes and ears.

The note was from Bane. Londyn crumbled the note in her hands and threw it in the corner.
Londyn walked to the door and flung it opened.
Tuck waited leaning on the wall.
A small choking sound escaped Tucks lips. My god he thought.

"Do I look alright?" Londyn asked anxious.

Tuck only nodded and couldn't form a compliment to her. Any compliment would just seem low. Londyn looked beautiful.

"Just give me a second" Londyn muttered "Please" she glanced back at Tuck. Tuck mearely nodded with his mouth open.

Tuck couldn't wait for Bane to see Londyn.
She couldn't wait to see Bane either but not to show herself off. To demand what's going on.
The click of her heels sounded the tunnels. Londyn walked through the sparring room with a knock.

"Bane?" She asked.

Bane stood with his back to her. Bane already knew she was coming to him. He hoped for it.
Bane turned to face her.
Bane mouth slightly opened at the sight of the girl. A person would of never thought she was down underground with him and that's what he wanted.

"Yes, Miss Jonas?".

"What is going on?" Londyn whispered.

Bane stared at the girl with a steady gaze. "You are accompanying Tuck to a ball"

Londyn face scrunched up "A ball. As in a party?"

Bane nodded "But why?" She frowned "Are you coming with me?"

Bane smiled at this, the girl was clinging to him. This is what he wanted. "You are going to be a distraction"

It was almost a compliment to the girl. Almost.

Londyn let out a nervous laugh.

Bane stepped forward and noticed she was wearing the bracelet. Excellent he thought.
Bane hand traveled to her wrist and Londyn surprisingly did not flinch from his touch he noticed. Bane grinned under the mask.

"That" he said raising her wrist "Bracelet holds a tracking device. If you escape I will just find you" he said almost smug.

Londyn snatched her wrist from his grasp. Bane watched her soft face turn into a glare in amusement.

"Go now" Bane turned.

"Wait" Londyn said stepping toward him almost colliding into him when he turned.

"Will I be safe?" Londyn eyes avoided his and instead lingered on his black boots.

Bane words surprised Londyn.
Bane told her sternly:

"I would never put you in harms way"

Gothem's most powerful citizens all formed in one room.
The ball was held by one of Wayne's Enterprise executives from what Tuck informed Londyn.
Londyn was anxious from the large group. Tuck was always at Londyn side until one moment she turned to find Tuck not by her.
So, Londyn began to walk around smiling whenever curious eyes landed on hers.
Londyn murmured hello's to every powerful figure. Until she stepped into the most powerful one.

"I am so sorry" She stiffened at the sight of the man.

"Mr. Wayne" she nodded politely.

Bruce Wayne gripped a cane and stared down at the attractive girl. Bruce could of sworn he saw the women before.

"No worries .. Miss..?" He probed.

Londyn lips curved up in the corner "Miss Jonas" she fished.

"Pleasure in bumping into you Miss Jonas" Bruce smiled.

Londyn watched Bruce Wayne limp away shuffling his weight on the cane.
Her gaze fell back in front of her. Londyn began aimlessly walking. Londyn trailed up a spiral stair case.
She walked to the railing and peered down her eyes searching for Tuck.
A small tap on Londyn shoulder had the women turning.
A women faced Londyn smiling.
Londyn instantly thought the women was magnificent, Beautiful.
Londyn eyes shifted to the glass of champagne the women was now handing her.

"Please to meet you" Londyn tried to pin down the women's accent but couldn't.

"I'm Miranda Tate"
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