Status: Comments and critique are much appreciated.

How Long?

Chapter 32

The next morning Louise woke up with a noises all around. She could hear a lot of commotion coming from the other rooms. Groaning, she buried her face back in her pillow. She didn’t want this day to come. She didn’t want to go back to London. She didn’t want to face her family with all the drama that was attached to them or her friends and their million questions about her relationship with Max. When the voices didn’t fade away and the clock showed it was past nine, she dragged her sorry ass out of bed. She came out of her room to see Jack and Karen yapping on the phone. William security running around the suite while William, all dressed up sat on the table having his breakfast with newspaper in hand. On further inspection Louise noticed William luggage near the door.

“I thought we were leaving after lunch?” Louise asked starching her head in confusion.

“You are. I am heading home early” William said folding his newspaper. He motioned her to take a seat.

“Is everything okay at home? Is Kate alright?” Louise asked taking a seat beside him.

“Yes, she is fine. I suppose” William sighed, “I really don’t know what’s going on, to be honest. She
sounded distressed over the phone. Someone hacked into her phone, it’s a bloody mess”

“When is your flight?” Louise asked.

“In a couple of hours” William said checking his wrist.

“I am sure Harry and I can get ready in time. We all can go together” Louise said.

“I am afraid that’s not possible” Harry voice came from behind.

“Why is that?” Louise asked, seeing as Harry was already ready in a dress shirt and jeans.

“Because our flight is not going to London” Harry said taking a seat next to Louise.

“Not going to London? What are you talking about?” Louise asked.

“Just that. We are not going to London, not today” Harry said with a cheeky smile while pouring
himself a glass of orange juice.

Louise looked back and forth between the brothers, not understanding what they were getting at.

“Don’t over work that pretty little head of yours. I’ll be too busy once we go back home, so I planned a
two day trip before my pilot training begins” Harry said.

“I was suppose to join you lot but now I have to head home” William said putting jacket.

“Join us where?” Louise finally asked.

“Well, that” Harry said taking a bite of his toast. “Is a surprise”


The whole plan was very hush hush, obviously it had to be done in secrecy, William was suppose to join them but due to unfortunate events with Kate he had to rush back home. After William left that morning Harry, Bertie and Louise had taken a five hour private flight to Seychelles Islands. Even after her persistent questioning, Harry hadn’t told Louise about their destination. He wanted it to be a surprise. He knew he would be swamped with his pilot training once they go back home and he really needed some down time with Louise before that. This past few days in Africa had been a godsend for him. He thanked his stars for everything that led to Louise joining them for this trip, even if that made him a bad person thinking how bad things were with her family at the moment.

Once they landed they had to an hour by road to their private villa which William and Kate had rented back in 2007 when they came down here for holiday. William always spoke of this place with such fondness that when Harry asked him to suggest a destination for this impromptu holiday, this was the first place William recommended and Harry could see why. The island, blanketed by coconut groves, had only a handful of luxury villas, each with stunning views out across the warm ocean. It is everything Harry could want from his holiday destination with– beautiful beaches, tropical seas and complete privacy and most of all the Louise’s face which was awestruck as she took in the beautiful
scenery that surrounded them.

“I think this is the turn Bertie… Yes, this is it” Harry said to Bertie.

Louise bounced on her seat. As they made their last turn, Harry and Louise looked at each other. Now, as they turned down the cobblestone drive, the realization that Harry had rented a villa on the beach in seclusion had Louise silenced by the sight.

The car pulled up at the house, the tires crunching on the rounded stones. When the car stopped, Louise could hear the waves crashing against the rocky coast. They just sat there for a moment, grinning at each other, before Louise scrambled out of the car.

“This is where we’re staying?” Louise exclaimed as Harry grabbed their bags and came to stand next to her. Louise could see Bertie taking the car to a nearby outhouse, leaving them alone.

“Yes” Harry smiled and gestured Louise to walk ahead of him.

The villa was charming and magnificent at the same time. Palm trees lined the walkway from the drive. The house was a classic structure, build to weather the sea and cocoon those inside.

Harry put the bags down and took out the keys from his pocket. “Ready to see the inside” He struggled with the door for a moment before he turned to face Louise.

She didn’t even realized but she reached for his hand, threading her fingers through his, and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

“Thank you”

“For what?”

“For bringing me here. This really means a lot to me” She smiled.

Louise turned around and stopped cold. A living room, with plush white sofas and chairs, opened up to what she assumed as a kitchen. French doors at the back of the house opened to a terraced patio, which over looked the rocky beach. But what stopped her cold was the ocean. All across the back, through the giant windows, was the deep blue Indian Ocean. The light was just beginning to sparkle as twilight drifted over the beach. Louise ran to push open the doors and let the soft air spill over her and into the house.

She walked to the railing, placing her hands on the warm metal, she looked. She felt Harry walk up behind her and without a work placed his arms around her waist. He nestled into her, resting his head on her shoulder. Her brain was telling her to resist it but her heart said something else. She leaned back into his embrace.

This was one of those moments when everything was exactly the way it was meant to be. Fully conscious of it, Louise couldn’t help but giggled a little, feeling Harry’s smile stretch across his face.

“I did good, right?” He whispered.

“Very good” She answered as they watched the sunset in silence.

After watching the sunset, they explored the rest of the house. It seemed more beautiful with every room. The kitchen was massive and even though both of them were no cook, Louise wanted to cook just so she could spend some time in the kitchen. Louise didn’t even wanted to think about what was happening back at home or between her and Harry. She decided to just enjoy. And enjoy they did, running back and forth laughing like kids as they discovered rest of the house.


“Wine?” Harry asked.

“Yes, Please” Louise said extending her glass.

Harry smiled, selecting a bottle from the well stocked wine fridge. The villa came with basic groceries,
nothing fancy but enough to make the guest comfortable. It was now night and the thoughts of hitting the beach faded away as the exhaustion of the travelling took over. Instead they stayed in and plan to get a good night sleep and head to the beach in the morning. There was roasted chicken, cheese, ham and enough food to make a meal. Louise assembled the plates while Harry poured the wine and soon they were sitting on the terrace. The Indian Ocean crashed below as they had their dinner.

“I can live here” Louise said dreamily.

“Done. We do have everything we need” Harry joked.

Louise smiled shaking her head.

“So, you have anything particularly you want to do tomorrow?” Harry asked.

“Go for a swim, the water is so tempting. And I want to explore the surrounding and see where that

Harry raised his glass and nodded. “To seeing where it leads” He toasted.

Louise tilted her head and looked at him, not understanding what he was implying. She reluctantly
raised her glass to his. “To seeing where it leads?” She said more like asking a question. Their glasses clinked and their eyes locked. They were alone, all to themselves and as much as it scared her, there was no place on the planet Louise wanted to be.

They ate dinner, stealing little glances at each other and sipped their wine. It made Louise drowsy. After dinner they decided to go for a walk on the beach before they called it a night.
Harry grasped Louise hand to navigate the rocky shoreline to the beach but never let it go.

“It’s nice being here with you” Harry said. Louise didn’t reply, simply smiled. They watched the waves and when he pulled her to his chest, snuggling her to him, she breathed out slowly and let it happen.

“I don’t remember much of the time with mum but I remember when we use to go for holidays, Dad would hold her hand all the time” Louise said in his chest.

Harry nodded, placing his chin on top of her head.

“I was a kid and never thought about it but when I think about it now, it really hurts me thinking he….”
She stopped. She didn’t want to ruin the moment by thinking about her father and Lily.

Her hand which was still tucked into his hand, squeezed. They stayed silently like that for some time, feeling the night around them.

“Want to go back to the house?” He asked.

“Yes” She said. He kissed the top her head as they began to make their way back. Hands still stuck


The next day started out great. They explored the nearby caves with Louise clicking pictures while Harry strike ridicules poses. They napped for two hours in the sun on the terrace. They lost themselves in the colors of the earth. And then it rained and rained and rained, dampening their plans, quite literally. Cooed up inside both of them sulked. What makes sulking better? Alcohol! They finished three
bottles of wine even before it went dark outside.

“I checked, it isn’t even supposed to rain here this time of the year” Harry said waving his phone in front of Louise.

“We are just massively unlucky then” Louise said.

“It doesn’t matter to you, Miss California. You sun bathe all the time. I am the one who has to suffer the
London weather”

“Oh sod off. I don’t even like the sun”

“Then why the hell did ya pick a school in California?”

“I got in and it’s a brilliant school”

“Or did you wanted to run away from someone” Harry said.

Shocked by his statement, Louise looked at him, her eyes going wide.

“You think I don’t know. Even your ‘boyfriend’” Harry said the word making air quotes. “Said someone
broke your heart, I might not be good at math but I can put two and two together. It was Warren, wasn’t it?” Harry asked.

“I don’t want to talk about it, especially with you”

“What does that suppose to mean?”

“It means, drop it” Louise said firmly.

Silence followed.

“We are lucky in a way, none of the media followed us here” Louise said breaking the silence.

“We have William to thank for that. If he would have been with us, this place would’ve been crawling
with photographers by now”

“That’s not true. You might not have noticed it but you too draw a lot attention”

“Only when I fuck up” Harry said with a bitter laugh. “I love Wills, I do. He has always been a great
brother and a friend. He stuck up for me, almost every time. There had even been times when he took the blame for something I had done. He is really a good guy. It’s not his fault that he was born first. It’s not his fault that he has been perfect at everything. I wanted that, too. I just couldn’t seem to get there”

“Harry, what are you talking about?” Louise said. “Everyone loves you and anyway don’t we all feel
that way. I am the youngest of the three”

“You are the apple of your father’s eye, Lou. Don’t refute me. You have no idea how many times Uncle Simon had called me in the past few weeks just to know how you are doing.” Harry said giving her a look. “And besides, it’s not fair to compare my situation to anyone. I have always felt inadequate in all areas of my life. It’s difficult being the second born, the spare. People think that if you are the baby of the family, especially our family, then you have it made. Nothing could be further from the truth”
Louise bit back her words, she wanted to comfort him but she knew he had more to say. She knew being a royal was not as easy or fun as it appeared to be. She had seen the brother’s struggle with media and what comes with it her whole life.

“Being the baby or not, if you are a spare you will always be the spare, a second. It isn’t like dad or mum ever sat me down and said ‘Harry, you may as well get use to being second. It isn’t a gold medal or a giant trophy. You won’t be a king or anything, but we all can’t be winners” Harry stopped and took another sip of his wine.

“I think since the time I emerged from mum womb, the comparisons to William began. Even before I took my first breath, the comparison parade had started and I was always the last float. You on many occasions have asked me to be like him” Harry said with a small smile.


“Lou, I know you didn’t mean any disrespect. I don’t envy his position. He still got the wrong end of the stick, if you ask me. I just hate these constant comparisons. I just don’t know if I can live up to it”
They stayed quiet. Outside the sun was setting. It was such a different sunset from the one they experienced yesterday.

“I know it’s not fair. I know things they print in the paper sometimes are pure rubbish and outright disrespectful” Louise said meekly. “You do so much for so many people, Harry. You even went to a war for your country. If the world can’t see it, if they can’t appreciate it, then fuck them!” Harry looked up due to the ferocity of her voice. “What matters are the kids in Semongkong, they appreciate it. They appreciate you. They adore you and are so grateful for everything you are doing for them. What someone like me thinks sitting at home shouldn’t really matter…”

“I matters” He interrupted her. “What you think, matters”

She walked towards him, took his hands and sat facing him, they were inches apart. The alcohol gave her confidence and for once, she was thankful for it.

“I think you are a brilliant man” She whispered not taking her eyes off him. “Not just because of what you’ve done, what you’ve achieved in the last few years but for the person you are. For the person you’ve always been. I am so proud of all that you’ve achieved, so proud of the person you’ve become. I am honored that I get to call you my friend” She didn’t realize she was crying till the time he brushed the tears away for her cheeks. He pressed his head to hers and stayed there. She could see his blue orbs were filled with tears as well.

“You really think I am brilliant?” He asked looking in her eyes.

Looking in his eyes she couldn’t form words, so she simply nodded.

“On the scale to 1 to 10, how brilliant are we talking here?” He asked with a grin.

She slapped him on the arm “Wanker!”


They must have passed out soon after because when Louise woke it was just before dawn. The skies were clear and air was cool outside. Grabbing her hoodie, Louise went outside. The fact that an entire day was wasted because of the rain and that they were leaving in a few hours made her realize that she wanted to make the most of it, even if it meant sitting outside in cold with a massive hangover.

The air was cold and stars were still shimmering in the sky. Louise sat down on the beach looking up at the sky, thinking back the conversation she had with Harry just few hours ago. She didn’t lie when she said those things to him. She meant every word of it. She didn’t even know how long she was sitting there when Harry sat next to her. He followed her gaze out at the ocean before them. It was beautiful. The water was glass like, shimmering under the first ray of sunlight, barely ruffled by the breeze. It was all so peaceful, so perfect.

Harry turned to Louise but her gaze was still focused on the water. It was good to be here, with Louise. Harry hopped off and made his way onto the rocky shore. He turned back to Louise after a second.

“Come on” He said finally.

She stared at him like he was an idiot.

“We wanted to swim for two days, here is our chance. Come on” He said.

Her gaze shifted to her feet “Harry..”. Going swimming was exactly what was on her mind when she came out. She even wore her bikini underneath her shorts and sweats but she was nervous, quite frankly petrified to go swimming with him now. They were getting too touchy feely with each other, which was hampering her judgment. She couldn’t think straight when he was that close of her. And here of all places where there was no one for miles and miles. They were alone, on possibly the most beautiful day, ever. The whole setting was a complete perfection. She could feel herself sweating under her sweatshirt.

When she didn’t look excited, he edged closer to her, frowning. She watched him, unmoving, as he looked at her up and down as if trying to determine what her deal was. Then suddenly a light bulb seemed to go off in his head.

“Oh my god” He exclaimed. “Are you afraid to swim with me?”

Louise shook her head. “NO! Don’t be ridiculous. Why would I be?” She said.

His hands her on his hips.

“Then what’s the problem?”


“You sure” He said giving her a cheeky smile.

‘That bastard, he knew he was making her feel uncomfortable. Well buddy two can play that game.’

“Are you sure you want to swim with me?” She said getting up.

“I’m sure” He said.

“Good” Louise said. “Then, lets swim”

With that, she turned and walked over to one of the beach chair. Harry followed her, taking tentative steps because of her sudden changed behavior.

He watched as Louise shook her long hair and reached for her sweat shirt collar. Then, without a
moment’s hesitation, she pulled it upward. It took Harry a second to realize she was taking her shirt off.
His whole body froze. He was not expecting this. “What are you doing?” He asked. It was not like he had never see Louise in a bra but for some reason it felt… different.

She stopped what she was doing turned to him. “I am taking off my shirt” She said blankly. “It's what people tend to do at beaches when they go swimming”

He opened his mouth to argue, but what was he going to say. His heart has started again and his breathing became rapid. Louise looked into his eyes.

“Harry, are you scared of seeing me in my bra?” She exclaimed enjoying herself.

“No, of course not!” He said shaking his head.

“Well” She said still smiling, “sorry to disappoint you, but I am wearing bikini underneath”


“Yea, you know something clothing, females wear when they go for a swim”

“I know what a bikini is”

“Good, now can I take off my shirt so that we can swim?”

“Yeah, sure” Harry said scratching his neck.

Louise giggled.

“You’re way too amused by this” Harry said smiling. He now understood what she was doing.

She winked at him and grabbed her collar and started to pull it over her head. The fabric slid over her body, revealing a slice of her lightly tanned stomach. Harry tried to look away but for some reason, he couldn’t. His eyes won’t let him. So he watched as her sweat shirt came off. Suddenly, she was just wearing her bathing suit bra and denim shorts.

Harry had to hold his breath.

Her shorts came off next. She looked turned back to the water, not looking at Harry. Her heart was
thumping in her chest but she played it cool. She pressed her chin to her collarbone and reached for her shorts zipper.

Harry skin crawled as the zipper slid slowly down but he could not look away. He didn’t want to look away. He stared at her, the sun rising on his back, as she slid her shorts down her legs and off her body. Just like that she was in nothing but her swim suit. He stared, his eyes wide.

Louise smiled shyly, glancing at her feet blushing. He was still staring at her and not even hiding it. Harry eyes traveled up and down her body when he noticed something peeking out from under her bikini. It was really a dark smudge.

“What’s that?” He asked.

“What?” She said looking down and her blush deepened.

“That’s nothing” She said pulling her bikini bottom in place.

“It’s not nothing. Is that… is that a tattoo?” Harry asked reaching for it.

“Stop” Louise said slapping his hands away.

“When did you get a fucking tattoo?”

“Awhile ago, now will you stop” She said as he still tried to get a closer look at the tattoo.

“When is awhile ago and how the hell I don’t know about this”

“For god sake, stop!” She exclaimed. “Are you trying to take my panties off” She said in frustration.

“NO! I am just trying to have a look at it. Tell me it’s not a tramp stamp. You didn’t get someone’s name there” Harry said trying to keep his cool.

“Of course not, it’s a musical note. I got it in my first year at uni. Okay, can we move past it now?”

“Can I see it?” Harry asked.


“Why not?”

“Because it’s personal, it’s not meant to be seen by others”

“You have it for more than three years. I have a right to see it”

“No you don’t”

“Yes, I do as your best mate, I have a right to see it otherwise I will keep trying to take your panties
off” He knew that didn't come out right.

“Oh god! Why do you have to be so bullheaded all the time? Fine!” She said sliding her panties off just a fraction so that he can look at her tattoo.

Harry stared at the tattoo at first, realizing where exactly it was placed he turned beetroot.

“Okay?” She said hiding the tattoo again.

“Okay” He said swallowing.

“Now you” Louise said, glancing back at him.

“What? I don’t have any ink to show you” Harry said, snapping back into reality.

“Not that”

“What do you mean then?”

She rolled her eyes. “I mean, now it’s your turn to take off your clothes off. We are swimming. No one wear clothes when they’re swimming”

Harry raised his eyebrow “Do you mean we are…”

“No! I don’t mean skinny dipping you perv. I mean shirt, no one wear shirts when they swim”

Suddenly, Harry had second thoughts about doing this with her. He was not feeling as confident as he was feeling before.

“Maybe, we shouldn’t do this, it’s cold”

For an instant, nothing happened. Louise just stared at him blankly and Harry could not read her

Then, without warning she breaks into laughter. “It’s cold? Then why are you sweating?” Which
irritated Harry because she was right, he was sweating.

“Are you afraid of my hotness?” Louise said giggling.

The truth was not far from that.

“That will be a no. Actually, that’s probably the last possible reason. I just don’t want to do this. The
water must be cold and we have a long flight later”

“Wimp!” She said shaking her head suppressing a smile. Battling her eyelashes she said “Do you need
me to take your shirt off for you?”

Harry jaw seriously dropped for a second. He stared at her open mouth “That’s not…”

But Louise was not listening. She already stepped forward, her body inches away from his. “Here” She said reaching for his T-shirt. “I got this”

He didn’t even realize what she was doing until her fingers wrapped around the collar of his shirt and
she started to pull it upward. His whole body stiffened, he felt shocked, confused and excitement
washing over him.

Her stomach- which was warm- pressed against his and he could smell her breath, feel her warmth, the overwhelming rush of their closeness. Her fingers worked effortlessly, gliding his thin shirt over his head. For an instant their eyes locked. Harry stared at her hard and strong. She looked away immediately, trying to hide her blush while stepping away. His arm snaked around her waist locking her in place.

“Do it, take it off” He said, huskily.

After hesitating for a second, she dragged his shirt over his head. Her thighs touching his thighs, her lips hovering away millimeter away from his.

She stood there, her eyes on the ground. Her skin so hot and cold all at once. Finally, Harry placed his
hand on hers and tugged the last bit of his shirt off. His fingers brushed against her stomach for an instant and that's the moment she stepped back.

Her whole body was tingling and she knew she had over stepped this time. She knew it was wrong. She let out a breath and proceeds to gulp in fresh air.

He slammed the shirt down. “Done” He said.

She gave him a slight nod.

“Well, we still need to take care of my shorts” He said.

It took her a minute to realize what he said. She looked at him in horror. Harry face splits into a grin. “Or I can swim in my shorts”

They headed for the water a few minutes later. The sun was strong now, although the breeze has picked up again. Sunlight pour into her bare skin and she shifted uncomfortably besides Harry. She was consciously aware that both of them were half naked. They have done this before but somehow it was different now. Everything was different now. It was like they are new people with new feelings and new…

She turned back to look at him and he is in his red shorts and she in her blue bikini.

“Are you staring at me?” Harry said catching her gaze.

“Sod off, was just looking at the water”

“Okay” Harry said with a knowing smile.

“It does look cold” Louise said.

Before she even realized what was happening, Harry hands were on her stomach as he carried her deep
into the water. For an instant, there was nothing but stillness and warmth where Harry was touching her. They submerged in the ice cold water. Louise sputtered, laughing and gasping for breath.

“You” Louise said to Harry. “You are so dead”

“Oh really” He said.

She took another breath and the coolness of the water seemed to wash away everything from before.
Suddenly, it was just her and Harry, just two best friends playing in water, just like old times.

“Yes really” She said. She tackled him and pushed him down underwater. He wrapped his arms around her and they both went underwater together. Finally, they broke apart, Louise slipped out of Harry’s grip as she swim to the surface. “You asshole” She said and gave him a playful punch.

She splashed water on him, giggling hard. Soon, both are moving closer and closer in the water, splashing each other. Harry just kept laughing and attacking until gradually, they are only inches apart and she flinched. She actually flinched. Like something was paining her physically. The smile slid off her face and she backed away quickly.

“Okay, okay stop. We have to go. The sun is out and we have a flight to catch” She said getting out of the water. Grabbing her clothes where she left them earlier, she started walking towards the house without even glancing back once.

Harry stood there in the water watching her go, confused about what just happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Beach Outfit

Soundtrack - Tom Odell - Hold Me

First of all, [size=400]SORRY!!

Please don't hate me. My life is in transition mode right now and everything is haywire. There were times when I sat down to write but I was never in the right frame of mind. Thank you to all of you who stuck around. Every message/comment that you guys made really pushed to write this chapter. I tried to make this one bigger but I really have forgotten how to do this, so forgive me if there are mistakes (more than usual).

As for the story, it's getting hot in here. Let me know what you thought of the chapter. I promise i'll try to update soon.

The Wall of Awesome!











