
Chapter 3

“Come on Criss you know you’ve missed us.” The Butcher said with a gigantic smile. “Chislett will be there and we all know you love his accent.” He joked.

“Well I don’t think I could get the time off.” She was just making up excuses now.

“I could cover for you, it sounds like it would be a blast.” Irreale replied.

Crissy turned to look at her and saw William smiling.

He knew she was trying to get out of it but obviously Irreale didn’t.

“Thanks Irreale.” She said sarcastically but only William would pick up on that spite. “But I wouldn’t make money that day and I don’t think I can afford that right now.” Excuses, she had a million of them.

“We never said it wouldn’t pay.” Mike said it in the ‘DUH’ voice.

“So what’s the next excuse Criss?” William asked smile still in tact.

“I’ll do it.” She was defeated.

“Well good because we couldn’t get anyone else on this short notice.” Sisky added. “It’s in two hours.”

“What?!” Criss exclaimed.

“Yeah, but you should leave with us though.” The Butcher expanded.

“I really can’t leave you here to run the shop on your own.” She said that to Irreale hoping that she’d get the hint.

“Don’t worry Serenee will be here in a half an hour. The boss decided he didn’t want just two people here after all incase something came up. Hon, this is something.” She just shot down Crissy’s every attempt to get out of it.

So this time she really gave up. She knew no matter what every idea would fail.

“So let me cut Sisky’s hair and I’ll get ready.” She walked back to the wash chairs.

“Lean back Sisky.”

He did as she instructed.

Once she really got started on the wash he started talking about the stuff she was trying to let go of.

“We‘ve all really missed you Crissy, William like crazy. You should hear some of the songs he’s written for you.” He went on and on about it throughout the whole wash.

“Sisky I get it.” Was all she said once the wash was over and her tolerance for that conversation was gone. “Now go over to my chair for the cut.”

He shut up and did what she told him.

Crissy was one of those girls who only said things once.

He told her exactly what she was doing to his hair and she got to work.

He had lots of thick curly hair to cut off, lots of work for her to do.

That’s when he started filling her in on what the band had been doing.

“We’re still on FueledbyRamin/DacayDance this is our second full length CD on this label. We released an EP too and an acoustic CD.” His words didn’t really interest her but she couldn’t stop listening. “Yeah, Tom had to go but we don’t want to talk about why. That’s why we got Chizzy. When Chizz auditioned for us he had stitches on his first finger and was awesome without it. William has written some killer lyrics. I mean heartbreak really cured his writer’s block.” That was a continuation of the wash chair conversation.

“You should have seen what I was writing in my diary.” She said that as the sign to shut up and as a joke. One of her double sided jokes.

“You should show me, maybe there would be some lyrics we could use.” Sisky joked back.

“They’d be to abrasive for the audience I remember you guys having.” She smiled as she said that, knowing he’d understand that.

Sisky did understand, his expression softened. “That bad, eh?” His eyes held great compassion.

“No. Worse.” Her face lost some of it’s strength as she peered across the shop at the boy who couldn’t hear her over the electric clippers she was using on half of Sisky’s head.

Sisky had obviously been sent on this mission by William but he was going to let it drop.

“He did change Criss. After you left he got worse for a few months but after that he realized he needed to clean up. He‘s not like crazy sober, he still has a beer once and again but just like a normal guy.” He threw that out there as if to say, ‘It’s ok to go back to William.’

“That’s nice.” She said it trying to show a strong front, but on the inside she wanted to.

He finally let it drop.

She finished his hair.

He wanted to have a chunk of hair that hung on the left side of his face. It looked pretty cool if you’re into the whole dead ferret look.

She told him that he had such a good facial structure that he should just cut it all off to show it better.

About ten minutes before she finished Serenee showed up and freaked out. She evidently knew who the band was.

William’s hair was finished and she loved it even though he cut it short. Well, not real short, it was just above his shoulders.

She knew why she was attracted to him, he was beautiful, always had been.

He was watching her throughout Sisky’s haircut. Every move she made was perfect. Every movement her hand made was made with remarkable dexterity. He loved it, he loved watching the way she moved, the way her hair fell into her face no matter the color.

He always found her beautiful. He didn’t understand why he did her so wrong.

He thought she hated him, he probably would have said he ‘knew’ she hated him.

After she pulled the poncho off of Sisky’s shoulders she looked up, her blue eyes caught his chocolate brown ones. They locked gazes until everyone started speaking again.

“So lets go take some pictures!” Sisky hopped up with all the energy he never lost.

The other guys, of course, responded with cheers.

Crissy however just trudged back to grab her coat and purse and packed the stuff she’d need.