
Chapter 4

The guys drove her to a place she knew was their practice space.

“You guys are taking the pictures in your practice space?” She was surprised, she imagined something different.

“How’d you know this was the practice space?” Chislett asked.

“The old practice space looked a lot like this. I just guessed.” She said lightly.

“Because this is where the record came from, where we spilled our souls.” William said softly not looking at her.

She didn’t need to respond to that.

She understood, she nodded just to say so.

They led her through the door and it looked just as she suspected, like a big old where house.

There was another man there adjusting a camera. Preparing for the shoot.

“Crissy this is our camera guy Jack.” Mike introduced. “Jack this is Crissy an old friend and amazing hairstylist.”

“Nice to meet you.” He said and extended his free hand out to her with a smile.

“Pleasure.” She responded smiling back.

“Are you guys almost ready?” He asked just checking, not impatient.

“We have to change and have Crissy fix us up.” Sisky said.

“Where do you guys want me to set up?” She asked figuring out the faster she got this done the faster she could put Beckett back to a thing of the past.

“Over there would be fine.” Jack pointed over to the far side of the studio.

She headed right over because as much as her heart said “Stay!” her body and mind said “Run!” It was fight or flight, natural human instincts, fighting with her heart.

The guys went to get changed.

Chislett was the first one out and he was wearing a hat AND his hair looked fine under the hat.

“Did you guys just hire me to have a woman around?” She was only pretending to be joking.

“I wouldn’t put it past those guys.” He smiled back.

She always loved accents; she always liked to get them talking.

“Well would you sit in that chair and talk to me ‘til someone else figures out how to work their zipper?” She asked so she could set up a bit more, pull more stuff out of her case.

“What’s Australia like? Do you hate the Chicago weather?” She just wanted to get him talking so she could listen to him speak.

He started talking about his home and she just listened.

She was searching through her case looking for her favorite comb. She got to the bottom of the case thinking it may have gotten mixed up with the make-up. She went to make-up artistry school too.

Jack walked over and noticed the make-up.

“Sweet, you’re a make-up artist too. I was going to ask if you were because the guys’ll probably need a little bit so the lights and stuff don’t wash their faces out.” He interjected, unintentionally interrupting.

“Why aren’t the lights set up already?” This wasn’t her first photo shoot but it was the first where the shit wasn’t set up before she was there.

“We wanted to feel out the place before the crew got here. We’re even like staging the stuff ourselves; we just need the guys with the good lights. So they’re coming in about an hour.” He simply explained knowing the situation wasn’t normal.

“What? They said it was supposed to start,” She glanced at her watch, “In five minutes. That’s why I had to come with them. Michael Guy Chislett you let those douchebags lie to me!” She scowled at Chislett not really angry with, he was too sweet to really be mad at, plus it wasn’t really him that was doing it. The other guys were the ones planning this crap.

“Who’s a douchebag?” Mike walked out with wet stringy hair.

“All of you liars! The shoot isn’t for another hour! At the shop 2 hours ago you told me that it was starting in 2 hours. Why’d you need me hangin’ here for another hour? I can’t even leave without you guys because my car’s back at the shop!” She was slightly upset with Carden because he was really part of this conspiracy.

“We just made a mistake.” He excused.

“Carden my razor is going to make a mistake on your head, and I don’t mean over-layering your hair.” She sarcastically threatened back.

Part of her meant it, but not Carden. She would really want to go fix the problem with Beckett. But she could never do that either because she loved him.

“Chizzy I’ll put your make-up on after I do Mike’s hair and make-up. That way the anger I’m feeling toward Mike right now goes to Mike’s hair.” She joked... Well it was kinda a joke.

He got up without saying anything, no real debate to go first.

She grabbed the classic black comb and started brushing his hair with it.

“Mike Carden you have spilt ends!” She said it like it was the worst thing that could ever be done.

“Mike how dare you?! I thought I knew you!” The Butcher said as he came out dressed and ready. He sounded as though he really meant it.

She laughed at Butcher. “See even The Butcher thinks it’s horrible. I’ll give you a little trim. I won’t take much off.” She assured.

“Do whatever Criss. I trust you.” He said knowing she wouldn’t screw up. He had her cut his hair when she was still in beauty school.

“Why? You just pissed me off with your plotting to ‘hire’ me just to have my ass around.” She replied.

“Eh, this is what you do for a living. You wouldn’t mess up my hair out of spite.” Mike responded.

“You obviously don’t know me anymore Carden.” Regardless of the fact that it was intended to be a joke her face fell.

“It’s good to hang out with you again Criss. We’ve all really missed you.” He said noticing the change in her.

She and Mike were probably closer than her and any of the other guys way back when, aside from William.

He was her best friend at one point.

She couldn’t say something she didn’t mean to him. Lying was something she just couldn’t do to Mike Carden.

“I’ve missed you all too. More than you’d ever understand.” She didn’t want to look at him in the eyes when she said that. She just turned to grab her scissors.

“I knew you did.” He said. “You had to give up on William and let go of all your best friends all at the same time.”

Carden always understood.

She finished his hair and put a touch of make-up on him and then moved on to Chiz.

After putting make-up on him Sisky hopped in the chair hardly giving Chizzy a moment to get out and totally skipping the Butcher.

“My hair got all wind blown outside I need you to restyle it for me.” He said with a huge smile.

“That’s why you had to hop in the chair almost landing on Michael? Not just that but you skipped the Butcher.” She sometimes felt like this 19 year-old’s mother.

“The Butcher doesn’t need you like I do.”

“Eww! Adam that’s borderline statutory rape!” She responded.

“I’m 19, you’re 22 it’s not that bad.” He said rolling his eyes. “Plus older women teach you more.” He just continued with the dirty jokes.

“Especially older women with fire engine red hair.” Butcher added.

“Butcher you’re not helping.” She paused. “I’m drowning in testosterone.”