Status: I hope that you enjoy! :)


Saying Hello to Freedom

I scanned the crowd for Will and mum. The sea of people was completely overwhelming and I could barely see through the fogged up train window. I eventually spotted Will who was planted on mum's slim hip. I frantically waved trying to get their attention. Will spotted me and started bouncing up and down waving back, mum just smiled and waved slightly. This was odd since she had been really nice and cheery before I had left and now was back to herself. My hand began to get tired so I just smiled at them, my stomach clenched already even though I told myself not to get homesick. I wanted to hold Will one more time before I left, but it was too late now. I held back tears and waved again until they disappeared into the blur of people and the concrete was that now flew past us.
"Hey Ash, snap out of it. We are finally free bitches!" Naomi said smirking her 'up to something' face on. Emily laughed and stood up from her bench. The small cabin was actually fairly cozy and plus we were only on for one night before getting to the center. The light tan wall was freshly painted and there were three small beds as well as a television and a small restroom.
"Okay well Ash, Em and I are going to the hot tub. Care to join?" Naomi questioned grabbing a skimpy bikini that I knew her mum would never let her wear.
"Sure why not." I sighed standing up and searched through my bag looking for my, one piece, swim suit. I pulled it out and headed for the restroom before Naomi grabbed my shoulder.
"No honey. You need to show off! Your mum's not going to nag you here, take this one." She said getting out yet another skimpy bikini. I knew not to argue with her, she had good reasons for everything. I groaned a little making her snort.
Naomi had been my best friend since 1st grade and she pretty much forced me to be but she was actually fairly nice. She has dark brown hair, almost black, with a purple streak on the side of her bangs. She was taller than me, has olive skin, and narrower brown eyes. She also has double piercings, nose ring(small diamond), belly ring, and a tattoo that went down the side of her belly. Her appearance did match her personality too. She was stubborn, slightly rude, outgoing, rebel, and very nosy.
After changing into the extremely small bikini I got laced shorts and a tank on and headed out the door. I was lucky enough to get my best friend and I was happy to be with Emily too.
Emily had been my friend since freshman year, she was new and had no friends and for some reason Naomi liked her. She has auburn dyed hair, that was naturally wavy. She was also taller than me, with lighter toned skin like mine, and dark green eyes. She also has a nose ring(diamond), ears pierced, and the word love tattooed on her wrist. She was also outgoing, stubborn, a rebel, but nicer than Naomi. She was more friends with her but I got along with her.
We turned down another hall and continued talking about how happy we were about the free clothing shop they have at the center.
"Well at least we don't have to pay for anything! My mum is already tempted to kill me at home for what I spend at the normal shop." Naomi smiled and opened the door into a crowded rec area. A lot of guys stared as we walked why, but Naomi and Emily weren't paying attention to them. Obviously looking at the two infront of me, I was smaller and pretty much always stood behind the two and listened talking ever so often if we were walking. They were really different and stood out compared to most girls. Finally we entered into a steamy smaller room that had a giant hot tub in the center. Surprisingly there weren't a ton of people in there. There was a small blond and a fake blond that were in but once they saw Naomi and Emily they slowly got out and hurried out. I chuckled a little causing the two to look at me.
"What?" Naomi asked smirking.
"You guys must be really scary." I laughed.
"Yep we are!" Emily said setting her stuff down and stripping down into a cute flowered bikini. The rest of us also stripped down and walked to the hot tub. I wrapped my arms around my stomach very uncomfortable about what I was wearing. I flipped my head upside down to put my hair up in a messy bun forgetting there was a window behind me and bending over. Naomi and Emily snickered causing me to look up at them.
"What?"I asked resting a hand on my hip.
"You have lovers hun." Naomi laughed nodded for me to look behind me. I turned my head to see a few guys smirking and one whistling behind the glass. My face grew hotter and I knew it was beat red. I quickly ran over to the hot tub and slipped in.
"Eh, they aren't that cute don't get your panties in a twist."Emily said snickering.
"True." Naomi said sliding over to me."I bet there are better guys that will whistle at you." I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah sure." I rolled my eyes and laid back deeper into the hot tub so the water was up to my neck.
"I needed this." Emily said yawning and closing her eyes.
"Yep I did too, desperately." Naomi whispered before sticking her whole head underwater, her black hair floating out before collecting to her body as she came up. We sat there a few minutes more just relaxing until the door slowly opened behind me. I lifted my head higher and looked to my right. 5 very attractive guys walked over to a table laughing and messing with each other. I turned to Emily and Naomi who were already 'prepping' as they call it. I snorted quietly before fixing my bikini and tugging my legs to my chest. This would be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.

Hey guys! I am soo obber excited to have readers! I am also sorry for a longish chapter. I hope it wasn't a bother. Anyways happy Thursday!
-Kat :D