Status: I hope that you enjoy! :)


20 questions

The room was dark since the lights weren't on yet and I could hear his steady breathing until he laughed.
"Sorry.... Uhm. Wanna come in?" I smiled flicking the light switch on. I saw his smirk first before his green eyes.
"Why not." He answered taking a seat on the small couch.
"Want some water?" I asked walking over to the small mini fridge.
"Yeah sure. So, Ashley. Tell me about yourself." I bent over to grab two waters before walking over to him and handing him one.
"Well thats general." I said taking a small sip of the cool water.
"Hmmm. Where did you live and family."
"Are we going to play 20 questions." He shrugged taking a few sips from his water.
"Well, I grew up in the outside of Chicago with my Mum, Dad, and Brother." He nodded slightly studying me for a moment.
"You have a little accent. What is your br-"
"Eh! Its my turn Mr. Houston. Where did you grow up? Including family too." He smiled and thought for a minute as if he didn't remember.
"I grew up in Texas, if you didn't get Houston, with my mom, dad, and 2 older sisters." I nodded in response.
"You have an accent too you know."
"Yeah I know." He chuckled leaning back on the couch and resting his arm on the back.
"Okay ask me another."
"Hmm." He said scratching his chin while raising his left eyebrow."What is your favorite animal?" I almost burst out laughing at the random question but decided to hold it in.
"I love elephants! They are so giant but smart, unlike me." He snorted covering his mouth."Problem?" I asked glaring at him.
"Nope. Counts as your question. Okay so are you allergic to anything?"
"Uhm I don't think that counts as a question and yes. Ass holes." He laughed again almost spilling his water all over the floor. "It's true. I always start sneezing, crying, or sometimes spaz attacks."
"I'm terribly sorry for that unfortunate allergy."
"Yeah. It doesn't suck that much, now my turn! What do you lift?" He cracked a smiled before setting the empty water bottle down and resting his hands on the back of his head.
"Don't know actually. I don't keep track." He said showing off one of his arms before placing it back behind his head.
"Bull shit." I stated crossing my arms.
"Why do you like my arms?"
"They aren't the best."He gasped clutching his heart."Freak." He did it again this time holding onto the couch.
"Wow. Hurtful words."
"Get used to it big boy." I laughed taking his water and mine and tossing it into the trash."You wanna know something interesting?"
"Sure why not."
"I sing and songwrite."
"Nope. Doubt it, I don't have you pinned as that."
"And what do you have me pinned as?" I questioned crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows.
"A trouble maker that doesn't have a true hobby."
"Well I am a trouble maker but I do seriously sing."
"Yeah sorry I was terribly wrong. Wanna watch a movie?" I laughed grabbing the tv remote.
"Getting bored with 20 questions? I must really boring."
"Mhmm. You are." I gasped and slapped his arm as a scary movie popped on.
"Shit. I hate scary movies." I said sitting on the couch next to him."
"I don't know really." I stated staring at the tv.
"Well I'll protect you from the scary monsters." He joked scooting closer resting his feet on the small table infront of us.
"Yeah. Mr. Superman over here." I laughed starting to close my eyes drifting off to sleep.
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Hey guys! I am so happy I keep getting more and more readers everyday! Thanks so much for encouragement and comments. I will continue with the next chapter soon. LOVE YOU ALL -Kat :D