Status: I hope that you enjoy! :)



I woke to the sound of two people talking their voices were normal but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I looked into the small kitchen-like area to see Houston and Emily talking and Emily giggling a few times. I laid my head back down on the couch arm trying to groan frustrated. Emily was nice and everything but she did have a history of taking the guys I liked, meaning normally fucking them or just flirting none stop. Honestly to say the least I wasn't a fan of her or her tactics. Thankfully I didn't even cry and I have a feeling i'll probably lose him but I guess there are a load of guys here, right? I was taken away from my internal rant when I felt the train slowing down and that is when I make my appearance.
"Hey she's up!" Houston said smiling at me causing Emily to frown, since she wasn't the center of attention any longer. I smiled a little too trying to make it seem like I had just gotten up.
"Mornin." He chuckled again running his hand through his hair. He had changed since I saw him last night, now wearing some shorts and a white tshirt that showed his nice pectorals, while I on the other hand was wearing his tshirt still and my smelly bikini and plus my hair probably looked like ass. I stretched and responded to his good morning.
"I guess we are here guys!" Emily smiled seeing that the shut windows had been opened. I looked out squinting to see just blue skies and a bunch of bright green trees and then a large building off to the distance. We all stared gaping at what we were looking at.
"Attention ladies and gentlemen. We have arrived at sector 4 and we would like you to all please gather belongings and wait patiently to be dismissed. Please go to your original cabins to be escorted out of the train. More direction will be given later. Thank you." The announcer said before repeating it again.
"I better be goin'." Houston said heading over to the door.
"Yeah that would be best." Emily said smiling flirtatiously. I smiled as well and were all stunned when Naomi entered the room, her hair was a rats nest, her eyes had bags underneath them, and she had half her clothes on. I looked with her with worry and quickly went up to her to help her to her bed.
"Yeah I'm goin to head out see ya!" Houston said trying not to sound too awkward before shutting the door. I took a look at him one last time and captured his face, voice, and body in my mind before looking back at Naomi. Crap. I forgot to give him his tshirt back. We would see each other again right? I decided to shake that thought off though and focus on what Naomi was going through.
"What did you do last night hun?" I asked wiping her dark mascara off with a wash cloth off of her cheeks.
"The usual. Drink.Drunk.Sex." She replied smirking while I nodded my head. Emily just headed over to the closet packing up all of her belongings not even bothering to help with Naomi. I rolled my eyes in disgust, this is why Naomi always came to me for things. Once Naomi got herself together she began gathering her things too and I did the same, but it was more like just shoving everything into my suitcase. Emily was the first one done and didn't bother to help us yet again, and just stood by the door picking her red nails.
By the time we were done packing the train had stopped and we were now just waiting to be escorted off. There was a silence and I was wanting to make small talk but I had nothing to say and neither did the others.
"Uhm, what rooms are you in?" I asked slowly looking at the two of them.
"102." Emily answered looking between Naomi and I now. Thank god she was no where near me!
"722." Naomi looked up from her feet and shook her head at Emily."Sorry no where near you girl." Deep down I knew though she was happy to get away from her.
"724!" I smiled at Naomi and happy that we were near each other, I was just disappointed to be rooming with strangers. Naomi smiled back at me and gave me a quick hug before everything got quiet and awkward again. After what seemed like forever our door finally opened and we all shuffled out with most likely the whole hall. The three of us stayed close together as we went through the sea of people and made our way to the exit. The door to go into the center was gigantic and the sea of people was now getting split up.
"ROOMS 001-300 TO YOUR LEFT! 301-600 TO THE CENTER! AND 601-900 TO YOUR RIGHT!" A man on a podium was yelling while security was directing people to their rooms. I looked toward to where Emily was standing but she was no longer there, she had left without saying goodbye? I looked at Naomi who had noticed too but just nodded toward the right not even looking hurt. We made our way to the line and waited for about 10 minutes before our cards were scanned and we were sent on our way and sent to a large auditorium with a sign above the projector that said: WELCOME.
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Hey guys! So sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I have been so busy and trying to figure out some ideas. Thanks so much for reading I have so much more in store!:) -Kat :)