Status: I hope that you enjoy! :)



The auditorium was full of teenagers that were chatting away. We had put our luggage on some conveyor belt that took it to our floors and we would get it later. Naomi and I sat next to each other in dark red movie theater like seats.
"Well this will be fun won't it?" Naomi smiled laying back into the chair.
"Yeah sure." I scoffed crossing my arms.
"It's better then staying at home with our stuck up and tight ass parents." She laughed making me chuckle a little too. I was going to send a smart ass remark back but someone appeared on the previous electronic Welcome sign.
"Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to sector four. I am the head officer here and I want you all to know the rules here and what to expect. First of all everything in the grocery store is free however there is a 10 item limit each day and there are cameras and employees. Next the 5 clothing stores have a 10 item limit each day as well and once again it is monitored. Now you all know why you are here, and that is to find a spouse that you will live with for the rest of your life. Eventually you will find a match and you will have to pass the exam which will cover many things that you will need to know about your person and a working together portion that will remained closed information. IPhones will be given to you in your rooms that will only allow you to talk and text with people in sector 4 and in the 601-900 rooms. Numbers will also be given to you and you will also be able to make a S4C which is Sector 4 Connection which acts like a twitter, facebook, and instagram. No drugs are available in sector four so if you do see any please contact an officer right away. Alcohol is provided and parties will happen. If you cause trouble there will be consequences and you may possibly be taken to another sector. Every women in here will be taking a birth control pill that is mandatory and there will be someone monitoring that as well. This is to ensure there are no accidents here in sector four."This got a few giggles and murmurs from the crowd."Anyways there will be meals provided for breakfeast, lunch, and dinner at the following times. 7-9,11-12, and 5-7. There is a cafeteria as well as 3 restaurants that open and close for each of these meal times. There is a pizza place, sub shop, and a fancy Italian restaurant. Thank you for listening and please wait to be dismissed by an officer by rows." Then the projection went off and the crowd started chatting up again, while some of the officers started ordering rows to go to their rooms.
"Well that was fun!" Naomi laughed sitting up now from her lazy position.
"Yeah tell me about it." I laughed with her.
"We will get together to shop for free clothes after we get unpacked right? I need a new sexy dress to get some man whores." She laughed punching my arm.
"Yeah sure. Then you can find me a dress too." She wiggled her eyebrows and nodded making us both laugh again. It was nice to have my best friend to myself for once. But we were interrupted by an officer dimissing us to go.
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Hey! SO SORRY for not writing sooner!!!! I was having major writers block along with writing my other story-The Sleeping Truth. -Kat