Save My Heart


The sun was slowly dying away, allowing the slight chill of fall to set in in the sun's absence. The small city of Abernathy, Texas, a mere smudge, or blemish on the face of the significant state, began to glow ever so slightly as the daylight faded and the bright Friday night lights of the city shops, bars, and clubs flickered to life.

Though with light, it did not make the streets seem any more warm or friendly. Drunks swore and argued across the street at one another, and no doubt pedophiles that must have came in the sizes of large, extra large, and extra, extra large lumbered by surveying with hungry eyes.

I shivered because of the cold, or all the creepy things I happened to be over thinking about, I'll never know.

Pulling my hoodie closer to my small frame, I forced myself to keep my eyes glued to the ground in front of me and focus on the steady slapping of the camera, held by a strap around my neck, against my chest. At last, I came to the old barn house at the end of the road. Gripping my camera tightly in both hands, I walked up to the grouchy looking Senior that guarded the door and nervously mumbled my name. He moved aside and allowed me to enter the not so normal barn house.

What seemed an old broken down barn house on the outside, was a fully souped-up concert house on the inside. The main stage stood to the far back wall, a drink bar lining the entire right wall, a small staircase leading up to the control room on the left side, and the rest was used as the main floor for the crowd. A mass of people took up the main floor, dancing and screaming for the live band to come out and play.

I gulped. All you have to do is get to the staircase, I thought to myself. Just push through the insane mob of people... They won't talk to you, they don't bite. Or do they? I don't really know after seeing some of the freaky shit some people do at concerts and, boy, do some of these people fit the bill of freaky... Taking a deep breath, I plunged into the mass of people.

"E-excuse me... Oh, sorry! I'm so sor-excuse me. Oh dear.. Sorry," I babbled, my heart beating against my chest unfathomably fast. Slipping between people was easy enough though, considering the fact that I was 5'5 and 120 pounds soaking wet. They were all twice that!

The lights dimmed just as I hurried out of the crowd and onto the empty staircase along the left wall. The crowd erupted with screams, whoops, and some nasty comments that are best not to be repeated. I found myself grinning, raising my camera in anticipation as five guys took the stage. They took their positions, the drummer at the back, next to the drummer was the keyboard, off to the far right and left front stage were the Bassist and the Guitarist, and in the front middle was singer and guitarist, Colton Nash. He was easily 6'2, and lanky. Half of his head was shaven, and the remaining hair was bleached blond. His lower lip was pierced causing him to have a rather intimating look to him. And yeah... if you didn't know him personally you'd be scared shitless if he even came down your side of the street, but weirdly enough with me being scared of everything, HE didn't scare me.

Bright lights flooded the stage, the show was about to start! I lifted the camera to my eye and focused the lens just right. Snap. Lowering my camera, I admired the shot. The scene was perfect. The calm before the storm... I watched through the lens as Colton's eyes wandered over the multitude of people, I bit back a smile knowing that it was me he was looking for. He took a deep breath, and released it.

"I hate this town..." He sung, leaning against the microphone stand, the bass soon following his voice in a steady string of notes. "It's so washed up and all my friends don't give a fuck! So tell me that it's just bad luck... when will I find where I fit in?" The stage roared to life, the sounds of all the instruments colliding in one brutal force.

Colton ripped the microphone from its stand and walked to the edge of the stage, looking out over my half of the audience. His eyes locked on me, a crooked grin growing on his face.

"Remember when I tried? I never strayed too far from you. Forever by your side, no matter what I was going through... But now I never know the things to say to you, to help me prove that I'm still on your side. I never show just what you do to me cause I'm what's always wrong!" Colton sang, flashing me a small wink before running to the other side of the stage. I blushed slightly, readying my camera for my next shot.

* * * * *

I smiled, clicking through the photos that I had shot during the show as I waited for my lazy friend. Not that I minded waiting, anything was better than being surrounded by all those people inside


Colton's body slammed into mine, knocking me onto the grassy lawn in front of the barn house. I groaned and closed my eyes, feeling as if I had just been hit by a truck. When I opened my eyes the first thing that I saw was a grinning Colton leaning over me, his hand outstretched to help me to my feet. He chuckled softly, with a small shrug of his shoulders. "Sorry 'bout that, kiddo..." I took his hand and struggled to my feet with a dazed smile.

"It's okay. I'm good..." I murmured, unsure if I was speaking the truth, but I'd get over it.

"So?!" He exclaimed.

"So..? what?" I asked still not caught up to speed on what was actually happening right now.

"What did you think? How'd we do?" My friend asked like a hyperactive child, bouncing lightly from foot to foot.

"Oh!" I giggled. "You guys did great. They obviously love you," I reassured him,giving him a small shove to the arm. He smiled, remaining quiet. His smile wavered slightly, looking towards the ground and back at me. Colton bit down on the piercing in his lower lip before asking quietly.

"You love us, right?"

I laughed at his question. Why would he even ask that? "Would I always come, if I didn't?" I replied, cocking an eyebrow at him. He nodded, his charm and hyper nature returning to him.

"Yeah, you're right. Anyway, if you didn't I'd just have to whoop your butt, wouldn't I?" The tall boy smirked down at me. I gasped, taking both hands and giving him a shove to the chest.

"You wish!" I giggled, darting off down the road, knowing he was soon to follow.The pounding of feet sounded after me, along with a bunch of vulgar curse words from Colton. Running isn't exactly his strong point.. We had made it halfway to my house before my weak body couldn't take another step. I made a strangling noise and fell into the grass beside the side walk. Raising one of my hands, I waved.

"Okay... Okay.. I surrender!" I gasped, my breath coming and going in short bursts.

Colton dropped into the spot next to me, laughing breathlessly. "Ditto.." I closed my eyes, wanting to pass out.

"Go on without me.." I sighed dramatically.

Colton's warm breath filled my ear, tickling my neck causing my cheeks to tint a light pink. He chuckled, lifting me off the ground and flipping me over his shoulder. "Not without you, Tinker Bell. Let's get you home.." He mumbled quietly. I bit back a giggle and accepted the free ride home on the Colton Express.

Colton opened the front door to my house and paraded through the living room with me still over his shoulder, passing Mom and Opal, my little sister who sat on the couch. Mom's jaw tightened at the sight of my friend. It was because my Dad was never fond of him, she felt she had to be that way too. Shitty way to be, in my opinion. Opal face lit up at the sight. It was cute how much she adored having him around.

"Colton!" She sang jumping up from the couch, running to hug his legs, and proceeding to laugh at me being upside down. However it's not so cute to have a six year old laugh at you...

He chuckled, patting her head, "Hey, munchkin. Why don't you go give your mommy a hug? Looks like she could use it with that sour expression..." My mouth dropped. He never ceased to surprise me.. Opal nodded, beaming and ran over to Mom, wrapping her in a hug. It's safe to say that a hug was not the cure because, if anything, her expression was more sour than ever.

My friend carried me off down the hallway and into my bedroom, setting me down on my bed. I crossed my arms, pouting. He rolled his eyes, "What? You saw her! She started it..." He huffed, throwing his hands in the air. I refused to respond, keeping my composure. He glared at me, I could tell it was getting to him. "Stop it. Don't- don't look at me like that. Bennett, stop.."

Ha, like that was going to happen!

"Will you just- Ugh. I'm going to bite you, if you don't stop," He grumbled, narrowing his eyes on me. I gave a small shake of my head. "One." I gulped. "Two.." My eyes widened as he brought his face closer. "Two and a half." His mouth perched an inch away from my neck, but I refused to give in. That would be what he wants me to do.


He lunged at me, pushed me flat on the bed and sat on top of me. He hadn't been joking, his teeth bit at my neck, not painfully, terribly ticklish though. I giggled loudly, squealing that I took it all back. Colton chuckled, ignoring my pleas, obviously enjoying my torture. The bedroom door flew open, my mother standing there with her hands on her hips and her face in utter bewilderment.

"WHAT is going on in here?!" She demanded, her nostrils flaring. And I thought my face had been warm before, now it was on fire.... Colton sat up, making no motion to get off of me.

"I'm just raping your son, but it's alright! He didn't say NO," He smirked. I covered my face with my hands to hide my red cheeks and from my mother's wrath.

"Colton Nash, I want you out of my house. You need to go home," She growled. I dropped my hands, frowning. This wasn't fair! It's not like I have any other friends. Why does she have to send away the one person that makes me happy?!

He shrugged, climbing off of me and fixing his jacket. "As you wish, Ice Queen," He bowed sloppily walking past her into the hallway. I jumped off of my bed, passing my mom with a glare. Hope she got that... I hurried after my friend, catching him at the front door. He enveloped me in a hug, leaning down so I didn't have to stand on the tips of my toes.

"See you soon, kay?" He whispered into my ear as he pulled out of the hug. I nodded, frowning. He glanced back, casting one last glare to my Mom. Colton turned back towards me, leaned down and pressed a small kiss to my forehead. "Goodnight, Mrs. Hayes," he spat, slamming the door behind him.

I stood glued to where I stood my eyes wide. What was that..?

"Bennett Hayes, go to your room," My mother snapped, walking over to the front door and locking it.

Heavyhearted, I sighed and made my way down the hallway to my bedroom. Opal's head poked out slightly from her doorway, her eyes wide. "Is Colton going to come back...?" She sniffled. I gave her a small smile and nodded.

"Of course, he is. He always does. Now, go on to bed, you little monster." She beamed up at me and ran over to her bed, dive bombing into it. I slipped into my bedroom, stripping off my t-shirt and kicking off my pants. Sighing, I fell back into my bed, closing my eyes.


I frowned. Damn birds...

Tap, tap.

tap, tap, tap.

"Ughhh," I groaned, picking up a pillow and tossing it at my window.

"The fuck?! Open your window!"

I nearly screamed, jumping so hard that I took a tumble off of my bed. Crawling on all fours over to my window, I pushed back the curtain to see a grinning Colton perched at in amongst my mother's petunias. Unlocking it, I pushed it open, allowing him to climb inside. "What are you doing here...? I thought you went home," I whispered, afraid my mother would bust in any moment.

He shrugged. "I wanted to hang out with you. Sue me. And...I have something for you.." He reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out a DVD case, but not any ordinary DVD case. It was Aladdin!

I gasped, snatching it from his hands, and hugging it to my chest. Okay, so I love Disney movies... Don't judge me. He smiled ,"I thought you'd like it.." Looking up from the movie, I beamed at him. Throwing the movie aside onto the bed, I tackled him with a hug. Chuckling, Colton hugged me back. "Let's not just sit here then, pop that bad boy in!" He said, letting me go and pulling his jeans from his body and kicking them to the side.

Grabbing the movie, I put it in my playstation 3 and started it up. Clicking off the lights, I dove into bed, pulling the covers around me. Not a moment later, Colton rolled into bed beside me stealing half of the covers. The last thing I remember is falling asleep, my head rested on Colton's chest, listening to his soft humming of So Much More, and the strangest feeling that the all the drama was only at its beginning...
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't really know how to feel about this D:
Maybe it's good, maybe not.
Leave me a comment and let me know if I should continue c: