Status: Uhh, It's a cute little one-shot. So enjoy

Bulletproof Love

Camping <3

Kellin's P.O.V
It was about 9 AM on a Saturday? Why the hell am I up? Oh yeah, Vic and I are taking our girlfriends camping. It was a long drive, Vic had to drive me, I hate not having my license. It was a pretty silent drive. I just kind of stared at Vic the whole way there. Not that he'd notice, he had to keep his eyes o the road. I smiled when he spoke "Well fuck, we're finally here." He said sighing in relief. It was really cute, just him. But I had a girlfriend and so did he, so I had to pretend like I wasn't interested. Stepping out of the car I pulled out my phone and called Amber "Hey, where are you guys now?" I said, loud noises playing in the back round. Where was she? "Uh, oh....Well, we can't make it..." She said before hanging up. She didn't answer our calls after that. 'Well, shit. I don't want to drive all the way back." Vic looked at the sky thinking. "Bro camp?" I said with a smile creeping up onto my face. Just. Me. And. Vic. "Bro camp!" He said smiling before pulling out all the shit we brought and making our tent. I wasn't much help. I couldn't build a tent for my life.
It was starting to get dark so we stuck with a game of football in an open field, but first, a snack! I was over joyed, and damn hungry. I ran to Vic when I saw he had a basket of food.
Vic's P.O.V
Kellin ran over to me almost tripping with every step, for the food I assumed. He looked fucking hot running at me though. We sat there and aimlessly talked and ate our sandwiches. I couldn't help but notice our talking turned into flirting. We finished up ad started playing football. He took off his shirt for the game, and the sun on his pale skin was just sexy. We started playing and I usually beat his ass. But this time, his tiny ass kept making it past me and scoring goals. We put the ball in the middle and called go. I had it in my hand and I was running for his goal as fast as I could, I turned around to see where he was, and he jumped on top of me, pinning me to the ground. "Did you think you could win?" He said in a confident tone, covered in sweat. He looks so fucking good. "Are you honestly still holding me on the ground?" I said with a chuckle, but he looked like there was something else in his mind. he started leaning closer and closer to my face. Now only centimeters away He smashed his lips against mine and I quickly responded by putting my hands on his hips. He smiled into the kiss and started grinding against me, hard. Oh god it felt great. I let a gasp escape my lips and I started bucking my hips. He grabbed the collar of my shirt, giving it a light tug, I took the hint, and threw my shirt off before crashing our lips back together. I tugged his hair and he gasped, I took this chance and slipped my tongue into his mouth, we fought for dominance for a while, before I finally won, he began palming me through my jeans and i moaned so loud, anyone out here would have heard me from a mile. He smiled and I picked him up and threw him down, getting on top of him, and removing his jeans.
I slide my length into Kellin and he moaned extra loud. I started swaying back and forth in and out of him. Kellin pushed me over and got onto me and started moving on top of me, doing all kinds of things that felt great. he started to move on me in a circle motion "Uhh, fuck Kellin I-I'm gonna" Before I could finish he started slammig me into him hard and I grabbed his length and stroked him "V-Vic! Uhh FUCK" We came together. He collapsed on top of me and he nuzzled his head into my chest. "Touch down."
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So. Sorry if the sex scene sucked. I thought it was awkward :p haa