‹ Prequel: Death
Status: Oneshot/Finished/Completed


Friendship and Love


My only mission was to make everyone smile but Love was the only wall on my road that I had to break…yet I wasn’t able to. Long ago we were friends but that changed when I realized the difference between us, and she became my enemy with her own free will.

I remembered the days and nights we spent together, helping people find their other half or their friends who they could trust and count on and I missed those days. We were sitting side by side as our hair was playing with each other’s along with the company of the wind. Using our little bows and our invisible arrows we made people fall in love and make new friends.

It seemed kind of silly to the other angels how Love always wore red clothes and I always wore pink just to match our names and personalities but we liked the thought of love’s color and friendship’s color being beside each other.

She was my friend and I wanted her back even though I knew we wouldn’t be able to be like we used to be ever again. Her thoughts and purpose in life were different than mine and she wasn’t able to accept mine like I wasn’t able to accept hers. I guessed that selfness had made its way to our hearts and minds.

There was one day though that I wasn’t able to forget and it played on my mind again and again like a movie trailer. It was the first time Love cried and asked me to forgive her.

I hadn’t seen her in more than just one year but she still looked the same…nothing had changed. She was watching a young girl crying with a sad look on her face and then I decided to help that girl by feeling what that young girl felt. Soon enough, her emotions made me want to cry. She was really sad because her boyfriend broke up with her and she had no friends to talk to because she had casted her friends aside for her boyfriend.

I looked around the girl for a good friend that would be able to help her and then I spotted another girl who just watched the crying girl silently. I grabbed my bow and with one arrow, the girl was already talking to the girl whose face was filled with tears.

‘’What did you do, you foolish girl?’’ Love’s screaming voice yelled from almost behind me.

I turned around and saw her angry face before replying, ‘’I’m giving her back the smile you took away.’’

Upon hearing my words, tears spilled from her kind eyes as she looked deeply into mine and with a sad smile she turned to fly away but not before I heard her sad voice whispering, ‘’I’m sorry.’’