The end of days


The morning was very loud I heard screaming, at first I thought it was my television maybe I left it on. But it was my sister screaming "MOM LET IT HIM GO! MOM STOP! DAD! NO". I listened a bit more maybe it was fight but I heard my dad screaming horror I jumped out of bed and ran too the sound. My sister had her hands over her eyes and I looked down my mom was eating my dad's intestines she was eating it the sight was unbelievable. I grabbed my mother by her waist and threw her off my father he was going to die anyway, my mother screeched at me she sprinted at me. Soon I was on the ground trying to push her off but it was no use my Mother is fat lady. "Mom please! DON"T! I'M YOUR DAUGHTER, YOUR CATHY!" I cried loudly. She didn't stop "CATHERINE! DON'T HER BITE YOU, SHE'S A ZOMBIE FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" My sister screeched. "WHAT!" I screamed. My mother collapsed on top of my body she was dead now I looked up my sister had a baseball bat in her hands with a bloody top she was crying.
"ANNIE! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! WHY....HOW...MY GOD...MOM....DAD" I cried. Tears came streaming down my cheeks I couldn't believe my mom and my dad were dead. "Cathy, mom was a zombie!" She cried. I got up and punched Annie so hard in the face she fell down with the punch "Catherine you *&@#$!" She yelled. She pushed me to the ground I hit my head on the corner of the coffee table. "I'm sorry! Let me show you." She said lifting me up. Annie brought me outside I saw chaos everywhere people running and people eating people it was a horrible sight to witness. "What?What?How? Why?" I collapsed to the floor. When I woke Annie was looking at me "You passed out, Catherine what are we going to do?" Annie asked. "We wait." I said rubbing the back of my throbbing head. "What!?" She said. "The military will come and save us." I said smiling. " I thought you way smarter than that? The military don't give a flipping $%^& about us or the rest of the people, they won't come!" Annie protested. "What do you have in mind miss smartie?" I asked, I was game for anything. "We survive come on they're be coming for us soon, it's nighttime. We take the four door and go to grandma's house."
Grandma was a retired doctor and Grandpa was a perfect hunter "Let's try the phone then Annie." I said pulling out my cellphone.
It rang
It rang
It rang
"Sweetie? Is that you?"
"Yes, sweetie?"
"Oh my god it's me, what is going on?"
"Are regular zombie outbreak it's on the news. Where's your mom?"
"Grandma she's dead she died by the zombie v-virus...she has eaten dad...I'm sorry"
"What!? O-oh relax shhhh don't cry. Your a mile away calm down and relax come over it's safe here."
"I will I love you."

The drive to Grandma's was horrible everything was like a regular zombie outbreak blood everywhere people were dying and getting eaten alive. I was so uncertain what would happen next but the hug from Grandma relaxed me."Sweetie,you got blood on you. Come on we're making dinner get in the shower they are some of y-your....m-mom old clothes in her room....I love you."Grandma said as she rubbed the blood off my face. I took the shower and ate dinner but I couldn't stop thinking about what's going on outside. What would happen for the days to come? Would we be safe? Would we die?