Status: My frist story.

Save Me With a Song


Whenever people learn that I don't talk they always look at me two ways. One: They think I am mentally disabled, meaning I get pitiful looks from these people. Two: they think I'm weird or snobby, from these people I get either suspicious or disgusted looks. Which is why I chose not to really give any attention to the kids in my future classes. I really couldn't give a damn about them.

"Wasn't that great?! The school looks like a wonderful place don't you think dear?" My mother looked at me in the mirror trying to catch my eye as we rode home.

Chalk up another attempt. I turned away and looked out the window shrugging. Stupid perverted principal, old building, a thousand horrible smells filling the air, and future tormentors. Yeah it seemed like such a wonderful place to go to school. I heard her sigh as she continued to look at the rode.

Why couldn't she understand that I just didn't have anything to say? In my house there are my brothers, who are always yelling about something. My dad is a big guy who has a loud voice that seems to ring through the house. Even my mom has a some what loud voice when she puts her mind to it. Then there's me.

I haven't said a single word since I've grown up. I hardly even know what my own voice sounds like. Is it low? Is it high? I have no idea. I have plenty to say don't get me wrong. I just don't feel the need to waste useless words when I could just keep silent and say the same thing.

"Jake this is a new start for the whole family. Maybe you should give it a chance before you start thinking there's no point." My mom said as we pulled onto our new street.

I just shook my head and let out a sigh of my own. Sure this was a new start for her and everyone else. But for me this was just another place where I would be judged because of who I was. What was the point of even speaking or even getting my hopes up when I knew for sure there would be nothing and no one here who could understand me.