Does a Break Happen?

New Friends

About three months had passed when things looked like they did before, they were just at Jade’s house hanging out relaxing. Jade:” What about the tour?” Kendall:” What about it? They just postponed it a few months.” Jade:” Hmm, wonder if they’ll ask us to do Figure It Out. I’d love to, I’ve always wanted to get slimed since I was like 10.” That gave the guys an idea, and they asked the next time they went onto the set. Kendall:” I’ve good news….You’re going to be on Figure It Out!” Jade jumped up and down and gave him a hug, she was beyond excited. She ended up wearing the purple coverall and sat on the end in the last seat. She was next To Kendall, then Carlos and Logan was in the first seat. They showed the host Jeff and asked him his pick, Jeff:” That’s tough, I pick both Kendall and Jade. I feel like they’re going to feed off each other the most, although Jade will feed off of everyone much like Ciara does.” When Jade finally got slimed she was screaming with excitement and asking for more. Jeff:” You wouldn’t think that Jade, Max or Matt liked being slimed at all!” Jade:” Hey, I’ve always wanted to get slimed ok, since I was younger and the first show was on TV”
Big Time Tour….EPIC:
The guys and Jade were getting ready for their tour, it was two weeks away so they were hanging out with friends before they had to leave. Jade got up and found her phone, Jade:” Hey Ciara, what’re you up to?” Ciara:” I’m just hanging out with my friend Britney and her older sister Brooke.” Jade:” Why don’t you girls come over here? The guys just left to do a few interviews and letting the fans know about our tour!” Ciara asked the girls and then told Jade they’ll be there soon. Jade told them to bring swim suits in case they wanted to go swimming.
Jade had already made sure that she had some snacks set up as well as drinks and just waited. Ciara text her and told Jade that they’re coming down the street. Jade opened the door waiting for the to let them in. Once they got there, Jade showed them out to the pool, she commented on their outfits as well ( and all hung out poolside listening to music. Ciara:” Jade, can I ask you a question. (Jade nodded) how come you never feel for Carlos? You two get along great and are alike in so many ways. It’s almost as if sometimes you and Carlos have your own way of communicating and he cares for you at least a little.” Jade looked at her curiously, smirking but was also trying to read her. Jade:” Um, where’s this coming from Ciara?” Ciara looked over at Britney, then she looked away. Jade caught on and nodded with a smirk. Jade:” Before I answer your question, answer mine first. How do you know Carlos cares for me even a little?” Ciara:” When Kendall thought you loved Avan and that whole misunderstanding. Victoria called Carlos since she knows aside from Kendall he’s the closest one to you. Victoria told me how Carlos consoled you, how he rubbed your back a few times to make you feel better. How after you told him what had happened and how you felt he asked you to sing the song to him, he told you that he loved it and before you left, he had you jump on his back. But Victoria noticed the way he consoled you, how he held you in his arms and the look on his face.” Jade looked at her and saw the look on Britney’s face, she was upset but it passed. Jade:” Never thought of that, I never even notice anything like that. To be honest I actually came out and told them all up front that Kendall was the one I liked the most. We all hung out and no one really tried to ask me out or ask me why it was Kendall I liked the most, nothing. Carlos and I just found out we have a passion for making those around us laugh, and playing funny jokes on everyone. We just like having a blast together that’s all. We are super close and don’t see each other that way or at least I don’t think he sees me like that, I know I don’t. Don’t get me wrong they’re all cute, but my eyes are on Kendall. (looks at Brooke & Britney) Who’s your favorite from the band?” Brooke & Britney:” Definitely CARLOS!” Jade:” How old are the two of you?” Brooke:” I’m 23 and my sister will be 21 in a few months.” Ciara saw Jade smirk and nod slightly. Ciara(whispered):” What’re you planning?” Jade:” Hmm, I’ll let you know but right now…no.” Jade asked more questions to get to know the girls more, she hung out with them a while until the guys finally came back. Carlos was the first one to run over and give Jade a hug, then Kendall bent down and kissed her. Logan:” Oh hey Ciara, who’re your friends?” Ciara introduced everyone to the girls and the girls to everyone. Kendall:” So how have you been while I was away?” Jade:” Bored, can’t wait to spend the next few months with my hubby and my brothers on tour! OH and I got to know the girls better after I invited them over.” Kendall kissed her hand since he was holding it, Brooke was watching them closely. Brooke:” You two make an adorable couple by the way!” Kendall thanked her, Kendall:” We’ve been dating for a year, four months and few days now.” Jade smiled at him, Jade(whispered):” Excuse me babe, I need to talk to Carlos for a minute.” Kendall nodded giving her a kiss, she went over to Carlos and told him to follow her.
Carlos got up and followed her into the house and down to the basement, Carlos:” Hey what’s up, Jade?” Jade:” Ciara just asked me how come I never fell for you. She said that with the way we act and how Victoria saw you looking at me, or how she saw the way you carefully consoled me, she said everyone thinks we’d be perfect together just as much as Kendall and I are perfect together. It made me think…(she went to say something but stopped herself)…I simply told her how from the first time I met you all I laid it out front that I liked Kendall the most…She says she knows you care at least a little about me and she means more then friends. Even if there were feelings that might develop between us, it’s be risky since we’re all such good friends and I am dating your best friend.” Carlos looked away, Carlos:” She’s not wrong Jade, I am starting to like you. The more we hang out and I learn about you and learn even the littlest of things about you I am falling for you. I know it’s risky since you’re dating my best friend and we’re all close friends here, but I just needed a way of telling you that. That’s why everyone sees it, for how we act, how in every pictures since meeting you that the paparazzi have taken you’re always near me in them. Yes they’ve gotten you kissing Kendall some of them, but in all of them you’re in between both Kendall and myself but you’re always leaning more towards me. Yes we enjoy playing pranks and just getting those around us to laugh but everyone sees it. Everyone sees it but us…” Jade looked at him shocked, but she wasn’t as shocked as he thought she’d be, he knew it because he knew she felt the same way at least to a point. Jade:” At least Britney didn’t hear that..” Carlos:” What, what’re you talking about?” Jade:” Britney, Ciara’s friend, she has the hugest thing for you. I’m working on something, ok don’t worry.” Carlos knows her too well and asked what it is she’s trying to do, but she simply kissed him on the cheek and shook her head. Jade:” Just because we’ve told each other how we might or do feel about one another, nothing will happen for one simple reason and that’s that fact that we both admire Kendall and don’t want to see him hurt either. Even though we’ve said how we feel it’s not going to change how close we are, I’ve a feeling we’ll be closer then ever. Now lets go jump in the pool.” He hugged her and just before they went outside she jumped on Carlos’ back.
While they were on tour she got to know the girls even more, but before tour, she jumped into the pool. After she got out, she went over to Ciara, Jade:” Ok now I will tell you what I’ve been thinking and planning in my head.” She brought Ciara into the kitchen peaking out to make sure none of the guys are heading there. Jade:” Ok now I will tell you. I know Carlos really well, maybe better then the guys and they’ve known him longer then I have. I know his type and also who’d be perfect for him. I think Britney would be great and I want her to act like herself, like she normally acts just in front of him that way he sees her and not some sort of act or anything. Carlos will notice her if not right away after a while. They’ll be great.” Ciara:” Oh I don’t know. I didn’t think of that, but she would be good for Carlos. You’d be good for Carlos too. Too bad there’s not two of you, that way no one gets hurt and you get both guys! What about Brooke?” Jade:” Oh I know the perfect guy for her too, but please Ciara, one girl at a time.” Ciara started laughing then asked if she could help in anyway. Jade:” We have to make sure Carlos notices her soon.”
It’s time for their tour. Jade made sure to take Britney’s email, and cell number. Their first night Jade looked at them and told them good luck, James:” Oh no you’re coming too!” Jade:” How can I come too?” Logan:” We want you to dance and have fun with the flips!” Jade looked at them nodded, she agreed and went out with them. In the middle of one of the songs, Carlos and Jade began doing some flips. Jade knew what song was next and smirks while looking at Kendall. Kendall:” Oh No, I know when Jade gets that smirk. Jade, what’re you thinking babe?” Jade smirked, went over to Kendall whispering something in his ear. He looked out among the crowd, Kendall:” Hmm, Jade here thinks we should pick a fan from the crowd to come on stage. What do you think?” When the crowd cheered Kendall looked over at Jade. Kendall:” Go ahead and chose.” Jade smiled, she stood on the edge of the stage, when she noticed a shy girl in a bright pink shirt. Jade:” Um the girl in the bright pink shirt with the hazel eyes. Yes you!” Once the girl made her way to the stage, Jade leaned down to help her up. She walked her over to the guys, Logan:” And what’s your name?” Girl:” Vanessa.” James:” Vanessa, please take a seat and enjoy. Sing along if you know it.” Kendall sat at the end while Vanessa was in between both James and Logan. Jade stood in the back holding Kendall’s guitar and began playing “Cover Girl“. Kendall looked as she stood near him and she knew he was surprised. After that song came “Worldwide,” Jade disappeared for the moment and when it was time for Vanessa to leave she grabbed her . The security guard eyed them, and Jade told him all she was doing was asking Vanessa how she feels now after having Big Time Rush sing to her. The guard nodded, and Jade turned the camera on and showed Vanessa. Jade:” Day 1 on our Big Time Rocken Tour, and we’re in Toronto Canada. Vanessa here was pulled on stage where she had the guys sing to her. So tell me what’s going through your mind right about now?” Vanessa:” I was shocked when you; Kendall’s girlfriend; picked me to come on stage. When they were singing to me my heart was going a mile a minute but I was singing along as well. James touched my hand and was the first one to give me a hug. Carlos hugged me as well, but as he was singing with one arm from behind. Logan even kissed me on the cheek, Kendall gave me a hug too, I can’t believe this. Thank you, this is the best day ever!” Jade helped her down and off the stage, the security guard helped her over the gate. Jade turned the camera on her after turning it back on, Jade:” Awesome night so far for our first day on tour. I’m having fun, and my guys (turns the camera to show them dancing) are having the time of their lives as well!” Carlos went to get Jade, Carlos:” Film some of it!” He pulled her out and she got lots of angles of them dancing, Carlos took the camera and carefully put it off to the side. Carlos:” Ready to act wild & crazy!?” Jade got a smirk on her face that Carlos loves oh so much.”
Both Carlos and Jade began doing some more crazy moves they’ve been practicing but not all of them. James grabbed the camera and filmed the two crazy ones. Jade added it to their twitter and also to Big Time Rush’s you tube. When the show was done and she uploaded all of that, she went over to Carlos’ bunk. Jade wrote: Britney’s email & number, maybe you could IM her or something if you get bored. and wrote down the email and number. She left the sticky note by the light in hopes that he’ll see it. Jade went onto you tube to watch videos and wait for comments on the video. She left a message for Britney letting her know what she did. Jade changed ( and sat back down at the computer. Carlos:” What’s this Jade?” She saw him holding the sticky note, she smirked. Jade:” Oh, Britney thought if you were bored or wanted to talk you’d talk to her. I don’t know, simply relaying what she told me.” Carlos:” Hmm ok.” Jade saw something in his eyes that she never saw before. She jumped up and went over to him, Jade:” What’s up?” Carlos:” Nothing, why?” Jade:” Oh come on, Carlos I know you better then anyone. I saw that look in your eyes even if it was a slight moment. What is it?” Carlos smirked shaking his head, Carlos:” I know, and I know you almost as much as Erin. Nothing, I just don’t know about Britney. What do you think?” Jade smirked and looked at him with that sweet smile she does. Jade:” Thought you’d never ask! Carlos if you’re asking if I like her, I do. I think you and her should get to know each other so you can decide. But she’s a great girl if that’s what you’re wondering.” Carlos pulled her in for a hug, Carlos(whispered):” You’re too good a friend to me!”
Jade joined Kendall on the couch putting her legs over him. Logan:” So what’s with the camera Jade?” She went to her twitter, went to the video and showed them. Logan:” Awe, we have the best fans I swear!” Kendall agreed, and gave Jade a kiss on the cheek. James came over and saw the video, James:” Whoa, Jade’s always thinking of things like that. Wait, did you get you and Carlos all crazy?!” Jade told him to watch and he saw it, he smiled and then asked something. James:” Why are there rumors or a question going around or being asked in whispers?” Logan:” You heard people talking too I see!” Kendall & Jade:” What question, what’re people talking about?” Logan:” everyone’s asking why Jade’s with you and not Carlos?” Jade:” Ugh, I’m getting really tired of that dam question.” Kendall looked at her curiously, Jade:” Ciara asked me the same thing not too long ago, I’ve been getting fans on twitter asking me as well. ‘Oh you and Carlos are so funny, crazy and just perfect’ or ‘Carlos knows you better then anyone, sorry Kendall’….Ugh and no matter how many times I say: Carlos and I are close but we’re just friends. Logan, James and Carlos are my guys but I’m not in love with them like I am with Kendall. They see to not care and it’s getting annoying.”