Reality Ruined My Life

The Shock

Chapter 2

Niall’s POV:

“She needs me damn it!” I said rushing past the cops who were holding me back, and running into her house. I didn’t realize that Lizzy was walking behind me afraid of what was going on.

“Lizzy can you stay out here with this friendly officer? I’ll be right back ok?” she looked at me a little afraid but did as I said not asking any questions. I rushed inside to see Jade on the floor, curled up in a ball, and crying her eyes out. I looked up from her into the kitchen to see what had upset her so much. Her mom was laid out on the floor, blood all over her and her clothes, dead. Jade’s mother was dead and there was nothing we could do about it. I ran up to her reaching down to her level and held her close as she buried her face into my chest and cried. A few tears slipped my eyes but I knew that I had to stay strong for her.

“NO!!! You can’t she’s just sleeping! She’ll be awake any minute now!! Mom! Wake up!!!! Tell them this is all just a prank! Remember you used to pull pranks on me all the time when I was little? Tell them this is the same thing so they will go away!” She jumped up and started shaking her mother as people appeared with a stretcher ready to take her away. I ran up to her and pulled her back trying to keep her calm.

“Jade! Stop! This isn’t going to help bring her back! You need to stay strong, maybe not for yourself but for Lizzy.” I said as I shook her and forced her to look out the door where Lizzy was standing. She lunged forward wrapping her arms around me and cried into my shoulder once again before pulling away.

“Pumpkin, mom isn’t here anymore, and we need to leave. So go upstairs and start packing everything and anything you need.” She said kneeling down in front of her and looking at her with teary eyes.

“Ok…” she said not asking any questions once again and ran up the stairs.

“Why do you have to leave? Where’s your father?” I asked her confused.

“I don’t have a father.” She said simply walking past me and up to her room. I looked at her confused as she walked up the stairs. I swear I thought she had a father.

Jade’s POV:

I walked upstairs to see Lizzy on the bed crying.

“What’s wrong with mamma?” her innocent blue eyes were looking at me with a pleading answer.

“Mamma is in a better place now. You know how dad always used to hurt her? He won’t be able to touch her anymore. Mom is in heaven and she’s safe from any danger out there. God is going to protect her.” I pulled her close to me wanting to believe my own words. I knew that was true but getting over someone’s death wasn’t so easy, especially if that person is you own mother.

“Are we ever going to see her again?” she whispered into my shoulder as I held her tighter.

“Someday pumpkin…” we both cried together before I finally pulled myself together and got off the bed. I walked into my closet and pulled out two suitcases stuffing them with everything I could. My closet was empty in a matter of seconds and so was Lizzy’s. I walked over to my dressing table grabbing all of my cosmetics when I saw a piece of paper stuck on the mirror. I slowly opened it and immediately recognized the handwriting.

Dear Jade,
I know you’re probably really mad at me and really upset that I have left you guys. I couldn’t take it anymore. Your dad had just got done beating me and I had no energy left in me. He left me bleeding all over and left me crying on the floor drunk. That’s when I decided I couldn’t do it anymore. It was just too much for me to take. I’m gonna spare you the details and get straight to the point. I love you, I love you and Lizzy so much; and if I could go back in time than I would. This is not how I imagined my happy ending to go, not how I imagined for my children to live. I just want you to know that I have done everything in my power for my angels. I knew this day was going to come sooner or later, and I know I should have left your father the first time he laid hands on me but I always had the slight hope that maybe just maybe he would change back to how he was when we first met. I love your father but hate him for touching my girls. I would take all the pain in the world for the two of you. Please don’t let Lizzy forget me? I beg you. I want my daughter to remember me as the woman who loved her with all her heart because I do. I’m not gone baby, I’ll always be in your heart and I’ll always be looking down at you from heaven. Just promise me you will stand up for yourself and for your sister, because that man isn’t going to change. As soon as you turn eighteen in a few months I want you out of there with Lizzy. I have been saving up all my earnings for the two of you. The bank account is under your name and I have enough money in there for you guys to start fresh and get away from this place. I love you Jade and I always will.
Love mom.

The piece of paper crumpled in my hands as I fell back down onto the floor crying clutching it to my chest.

“I love you mom” I whispered to myself. Lizzy came up beside me and just sat there staring at me with teary eyes. I had to be strong for Lizzy; she’s all that I have. I gave her a weak smile and stood back up packing whatever was left in our room. I started dragging the luggage out just as two strong arms took it from me.

“I got it” Niall said as he picked up our luggage and walked down the stairs giving me a weak smile.

“Niall I’m really sorry I-” I got cut off by Niall coming closer to me and pulling me into a hug.

“I’m always gonna be here for you. We’re friends remember? Don’t ever apologize for something like this again silly.” He said holding me tight. I let a few tears fall down my face as I cried into his shoulder once again.

“Where do you think you’re going bitch?!” I heard someone say as the front door flew open. My eyes flew open wide knowing who it was from just the voice.

“I’m leaving, and you can’t stop me!” I said getting off of Niall and swinging myself around.

“You’re not going anywhere! Go back to your room! Margaret! God damnit! Where’s your mother at?!” He said looking around the house for my mom. Anger struck within me as I tried holding my tears back.

“She’s dead! And it’s your entire fault! Be proud of what you did ‘dad’ she’s gone forever! And you’re the only one that is to blame for it!” I said putting quotations around ‘dad’ and moving a step towards him.

“W-what are you talking about!? Margaret!” he said as pain struck him and he starting walking around the house looking in every room.

“Stop Hunter! Just stop! I’m leaving and Lizzy and I never EVER want to see your filthy face again!” I said stomping out the door before he grabbed my arm and jerked me back.

“I’m your legal guardian angel, you can’t go anywhere” he said holding my arm a little too tight.

“Don’t. Touch. Me. I can call the cops and easily get you arrested for child abuse. So. Just. Let. Me. go!” I said yanking my arm back from him.

“Sweetheart face reality; you have absolutely nowhere to stay. Eleanor’s mom would never allow you and Lizzy to stay over there because she’s afraid of me” he said giving me a creepy smile that send shivers throughout my body. But then I realized that he was right; I had nowhere to stay, but there was no way I was going to continue living here. I was going to find somewhere to go, even if that means I have to live on the streets. Anywhere but here.

“Jade and Lizzy are going to live with me” I suddenly remembered that Niall was still in the room as I turned around looking at him shocked. He walked up to me and moved me protectively behind him.

“And just who do you think you are?” he growled at Niall anger flashing through his eyes.

“I-I’m..her boyfriend, and you need to stay away from these two or I will call the cops and turn you in. According to Jade your wife died because of you. You didn’t love her so she ended her life. Stay. Away. From. Them.” he finally finished as his face turned red. He turned around and grabbed my luggage as I walked over to Lizzy and picked her up.

“Baby, are you gonna leave daddy too?” he looked at Lizzy and she just hid her face in my shoulder giving him her answer. Pain flashed through his face as he realized he was now all alone and had no one to push around. Good. This is what he deserves. The three of us walked outside and started walking towards Niall’s house.

“Thanks for lying for me back there.” I stopped looking up at his gorgeous blue eyes. He stopped walking and looked back at me with a frown on his face.

“I didn’t lie. Well yea I lied about the boyfriend part, but you’re seriously gonna come live with me. I’m not letting you live on the streets when you have a place to go” he turned back around with my luggage and continued walking. I just stood there for a minute trying to process what just happened.

“I-I can’t…what about your parents?” He turned around with a huge grin on his face.

“My parents are never home. My dad works night shift and my mom travels a lot. I technically live by myself and I’m sure they wouldn’t mind; they’re very understanding” he came up to me and grabbed my arm urging me to hurry up before it started raining again.

“THIS is your house? I asked surprised at the house that I was looking at. It was five times the size of my old home.

“This is so pretty!” Lizzy ran towards the house with a huge grin on her face. I smiled at myself before following Niall inside. We walked inside and I was shocked. I had no idea that Niall was this rich; I thought he was a normal boy. There were two staircases going up from both sides and the living room was indescribably big. He had a 60” T.V hung up on the wall and leather couches. The kitchen was made of pure marble and I have never seen someone so rich in my life before.

“Uhm…my dad’s an anesthesiologist and my mom is a business lady?” he scratched the back of his neck looking at his feet. That made sense to why he had so much money. I smiled at him and just stood there a little awkwardly looking at Lizzy running around the house so amused.

“Oh yea right. I’ll show you to your rooms.” He picked up our luggage and walked up the stairs with Lizzy and I following shortly behind him.

“Lizzy this is your room” he said looking at her as we entered a room big enough for Lizzy to stay in. It had a bed in the middle and a fancy dressing table against one of the walls. The room was painted a light green. I walked farther into the room to see she even had her own bathroom and a walk in closet.

“This is MY room? That means I don’t have to share it with Jade?” Lizzy asked looking at Niall with wide eyes and a huge grin on her face.

“Yes it’s your room and you can do whatever you want to it.” Niall kneeled down so he could be Lizzy’s height and she gave him a huge hug and kissed him on the cheek before jumping on the bed and taking her dolls out. I smiled at the both of them and followed Niall out of the room leaving Lizzy to herself.

We entered a room which was right next to Lizzy’s except it was three times the size of hers. I walked in the room to see a king sized bed in the middle of the room and a huge dressing table. I looked across the room to see a full body sized mirror attached to the wall. The walls had light purple wallpaper on them and the carpet was a dark purple. At the far end of the room there were couches with a T.V hung up against the wall. Dear god. This room was as big as my bottom floor. I opened up a door to walk into a huge bathroom which had two sinks and two walk in closets along with a bath and a separate shower.

“Uhm Niall…are you sure this isn’t the master bedroom?” I asked looking at him in utter shock.

“Nope, the master bedroom is twice as big as this. My room’s about the same size as this one. Well I’m gonna let you settle down. My room’s right across from yours if you need anything.” He walked out leaving me dumbfounded staring at the empty air. I was still shocked from realizing that this guy I had met just a few days ago was so rich he basically owned a mansion. I sat down on my bed smiling until I realized the real reason I was here. A tear trailed down my face as I pulled out that note from my pocket. Mom was really gone.
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I now this was a little shorter than the first one but most of it was kind of a filler. Theres a lot more coming for you guys!:)