Status: New story

Addicted to You

Hold On

Though he wanted nothing more than to break down the door right then and there, a clearer head prevailed and instead he first dialed 911. He informed them of a possible heroin over dose, gave them her address, his name, his relation to her, etc.

"Are you with her now?" The dispatcher asked.
"No. She is inside. The door is locked. I came to check on her and saw her through the window." His voice was panicked.

"Calm down, sir. Panicking won't help. Now, is there any way you can get to her?" She asked.
"Yes, but I need to break a window."
"Okay. That's okay. Do what you have to do to get to her and make sure the paramedics can get a stretcher to her."
"Yes, yes. Hold on."

Tom placed his phone in his pocket, careful not to accidentally hang up on the dispatcher, and stepped over to the front window. He pulled his shirt over his head and wrapped it around his hand before using all of his force to punch the top window panel, causing it to shatter, and though the shirt protected his hand from the initial break, a shard of glass still on the frame sliced his forearm as it followed his fist through the glass, but Tom didn't even feel it. He quickly unwrapped the shirt from his hand and reached back through the broken panel to unlock the window before sliding it open. It was just big enough for him to get through, but he had to practically dive in to do so. He landed on the floor in front of the window, the blood that was gushing from his arm getting everywhere. He pushed himself off the floor and ran over to Louie, dropping on his knees next to her. She was on her side, her right arm stretched above her head and left thrown behind her. Her legs her straight out under her and her face was buried in the carpet, as if she had just collapsed while walking out of the room.

Please, please be breathing. Please my darling.
Tom grabbed her and carefully rolled her onto her back. White foam surrounded her mouth and her eyes were slightly open, showing a little bit of white. Tom whimpered at the sight of it and immediately put his ear down to her nose. He let out a breath of relief when he felt warm air hit his ear, though it was hardly a whisper of breath. He quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket and put it up to his ear.

"She's breathing," he spoke frantically.
"Good, good. Is she breathing normally?"
"No, no. It's faint."
"Do you know how to check pulses?"
"Check her pulse."

Tom quickly grabbed Louie's wrist in his fingers and held his breath to focus completely on her pulse. It was slow and faint. Tom let out a sob before relaying the information to the dispatcher.

"Okay, Thomas. You're doing great. The ambulance is almost there. Did you make sure they have a way to get to her?"
"Not yet."
"Okay. Go do that, but stay on the phone with me."

Tom sprung up from the floor and ran to the front door. He noticed that she had just recently added extra bolt locks, but didn't stop to question why. Instead he quickly unlocked each of them, including two chain locks and the door handle, before swinging it open. He could hear the ambulance's sirens getting closer, but he wasn't going to stand and wait for them. Instead, he ran back over to Louie and got back down on the floor beside her.

He stroked her hair and her face, now crying openly. Why would she do this? What caused her to relapse?
He pushed her hair out of her face and gasped when he spotted a large, angry bruise right on her temple. As he continued to exam her, he also noticed bruises on her neck. Four on each side and one large one right on her throat. He shook angrily with realization. Someone had strangled her. He choked on a sob.

"Oh, my darling. Who did this to you?" He asked through his tears. Whoever it was, he vowed to find out. And to kill them.
Through all this he didn't even notice the sirens now outside of the apartment and would not have even known they were until a paramedic ran into the house and dropped down to the floor beside him.

"Is she still alive?" The paramedic asked. Tom looked up to him with empty eyes and nodded his head. The man opened the bag he was carrying with him and began to pull out multiple tools as his partner joined them. The woman leaned down beside Tom and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Sir, we need room," she stated in an urgent but sympathetic voice. Tom didn't want to leave her side, but he knew he had to. For her own good. He reached down and picked up her hand before placing a kiss on her palm and squeezing it.

"Hold on, darling. Hold on for me," he whispered to her before standing up and allowing the woman paramedic to take his place. He took a few steps back and placed his phone back to his ear to tell the dispatcher the paramedics were there, but she had already hung up.
He watched as the paramedics took her vitals and shined a flashlight in her eyes, but hia brain was too scrambled to process what they were saying to each other. All he could do was stand, watch, and pray as eventually they got her onto a stretcher and wheeled her out to the ambulance. He followed them out and stopped the man before he shut the doors.

"I am riding with her," he stated, his voice raspy but passionate. The man stopped and looked as if he were going to protest, but when he saw the pleading in Tom's eyes his own eyes softened and he gave a nod of his head. Tom quickly climbed into the ambulance and sat beside Louie, opposite of the woman paramedic who was busy inserting an IV into Louie's hand and eyeing the vitals vigilantly. Tom grabbed Louie's hand and held it in his the entire ride to the hospital.

He had stayed with her all of that dreadful night. What possessed her to relapse was beyond him. She was doing so well. Of course, Tom knew better than anyone the dark hold that drugs can have on one. But it's one thing when it happens to you. But when it's happening to someone you care about. Someone one you love... Well, that's just painful.
He stroked her hair and listened to the steady beeping of the machines behind him. It was a cold comfort. It's sound letting him know she was still here with him. He hung his head low and grasped her hand gently, minding the IV that was taped to her skin.
"Come back to me, darling. We'll work this out. You can't give up now. I can't make it without you," he whispered before taking in a shakey breath. "I need you to wake up so I can tell you. I need you here so you can know how much I," he paused to let a small sob escape his throat. "I love you."
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