Status: if ya want a small part in a chapter just tell me and i can get done

We Only Come out at Night


me -tall dyed white hair
Dress with white stripes legging and the dress has a poofy bottom. And oxfordss
Van - black hair with purple highlights and skinny jeans with naruto shirt.
Andy-bvb (I know he's not miw but you'll see later)

Chris was perfect I was daydreaming agaiwhile I was listening to london in terror.nice,ack! I ran into some one as I was walking into hot topic . "Sorry."then the short long haired figure turned around...! Ricky! "Are all thosse fan girls gone?" He asked with his innocent eyes."I think so..." I looked around. "Good, damn they were crowding me and chris.Chris!oh,no where is he!?"he looked around rapidly. I went in a little panic. "Easy me and josh hid under the checkout counter." Chris and Josh walked up and they were laughing. Awwwwwww how adorable they are.Van walked in and gasped and ran towards Josh and yelled "LPD!" She did a impression of miw cops episode where they act like cops.Chris and I looked at each other;I hugged him and the others and van hopped in and we took a millon pictures together."uh oh!Girls!Fan girls!" Josh yelled! Then they ran."holy shiz you saw that right?!" Van freaked out and told what just happened even though I was there.