Is Anything Meant to Be?

The Truth of what really Hapened....

Lexi:” Well, to be honest I have no idea. For years after I was attacked by my neighbor, I’ve had nightmares about the whole thing and I still do most of the time. About a year ago when I head a nightmare, it changed all of a sudden. After I was attacked I kept seeing someone save me and before whoever it was that saved me had brought me to the hospital where I passed out again, I saw this huge wolf come and help save me. It was the wolf and the one who saved me fighting my neighbor, the wolf went after my neighbor and destroyed him. Since that first dream I had with the wolf, he’s been appearing in them now, but it’s not just the one, there’s two. I knew Jeremy had been acting weird and strange but of course I had no idea he was a vampire. We had been hanging out in the backyard listening to music when the next thing I know I feel like I’m on fire.” As Lexi was explaining all of it and what had happened, Bella reached over and grabbed her hand, but she ends up seeing it before her own eyes. “Oh my god, that’s almost like what I went through with James, only different. You know, she’d be good for Jasper or maybe even Jake. If that other wolf is in fact Jake’s friend Embry, maybe she’d be good for him. Just don’t know how he fits in just yet,” Bella. Lexi stopped and looked right at Bella, she grabbed Edward’s hand and brought him to the kitchen. Edward:” What is it?” Lexi:” I, I don’t know. You saw when Bella grabbed my hand, we both know she saw the whole thing as I was explaining what happened. Before she let go of my hand, I swear I heard what she was thinking.” Lexi looked up at Edward confused, Edward:” Really, that’s amazing.” Edward grabbed my hand and brought me back to the others, Edward:” Bella my love, I want to see something. Will you think of something, anything and then hold onto Lexi’s hand please?” Bella looked as confused as everyone else did at the moment, but of course she agreed. Bella waited for a moment, thought of something and grabbed Lexi’s had, “I don’t get it by there’s a lot I still don’t. I know I love Edward thought!,” Bella, Lexi smirked and looked at Edward. Bella let go of her hand, Edward thanked her, then he looked at Lexi. Lexi:” She said: I don’t get it but there’s a lot I still don’t know. I know I love Edward though!.” Edward looked at Bella who had snapped her head in Lexi’s direction as she listened to what she had just thought. Carlisle:” So the only way Lexi can hear Bella’s thoughts is my touch, but it doesn’t work for you. Maybe it’s for the simple fact that Lexi’s still human, but I haven’t the faintest idea.” Edward turned to Jasper, “I can feel what she felt, how she felt, when she told us what happened to her. Part of me just wants to hug her and comfort her while the other part of me wants her blood.” Edward(whispered):” Then calm her down, or get her to stop feeling like that.” Jasper tried, even with Lexi’s mind unblocked, he couldn’t do it. Carlisle noticed, Carlisle:” Lexi, are you blocking your mind at all?” Lexi:” No sir, I know how to a little but not much. Why do you ask?” Carlisle:” Well Jasper doesn’t seem to be able to calm you down or manipulate your feelings at all.” Bella:” Dam, Lucky!” Jasper’s eyes shot over to her and he simply got up and went outside.
Jasper was sitting out in the grass, Lexi felt brave and safe enough to began to get up and follow him. Edward:” I wouldn’t do that, it’s not a good idea.” Lexi:” But I was only going to check on him.” Carlisle:” Even though we have renounced from drinking human blood, we still might be drawn to certain human’s blood, sometimes one in particular but there has been occasions for a vampire to have more then one. That person or people’s blood just speaks to us or calls to us, much like Bella’s to Edward. He however, he’s the only one who has the strength and courage to control himself with her and when he’s near her. He can’t live without her and the reason this concerns you, if you’re wondering is the simple fact that you are Jasper’s La Tua Cantante: “BLOOD” SINGER! If you go out there by yourself, he’s still liable to attack.” Bella:” Ya, he went after me when I cut my finger during a birthday party Alice had thrown for me.” Lexi:” What if Edward comes with me?” Emmett jumped up and grabbed Lexi throwing her over his shoulder. Lexi thought fast, moved a certain way twice, and fell out of his grip, jumped up and leaned against the doorway. Emmett was amazed, Emmet:” Whoa, how is that possible? NO one ever gets out of my hold.” Rosalie was at her side, and gave her a hug. Lexi shivered a little, still not used to their cold touch, but didn’t let go. Both Emmett and Rose went outside with her, and the moment she stepped outside, Jasper turned his head and inhaled her scent. He got up and stood a few yards away from her, while she sat where he just was. Lexi:” Are you ok? I know it’s weird and rather strange for me to even want to come out here and ask that. Actually, I wanted to come alone, but I hear it’s not a good idea.” Jasper:” Yes, it’s not the best idea. It’s a little weird for you to be coming out here asking the big bad vampire if he’s ok. Why aren’t you scared or freaking out?” Lexi:” I know what you all are, I know what you’re capable of. I’ve always been interested in the vampire movies anyways, and watch them all. Anything out of the normal, I’m interested in and I’m a fan of.” That made Jasper, Emmett and Rose all laugh, and Lexi went a little closer to him. Jasper:” Stop please, don’t come any closer.” Lexi:” So how come Edward can control himself but you can’t?” Emmett mumbled something he thought only Rose and Jasper heard, but to everyone’s surprise, Lexi heard it too. Lexi:” Emmett I wasn’t talking to you. Please keep all comments to yourself.” Emmett looked at her, as did both Jasper and Rose. Lexi turned and looked at Emmett, Lexi:” I know you love Rose here, and quite frankly who wouldn’t. However, you’re jealous of what Edward can do as well. I get that from all of you, I can feel that from you all. That Edward being able to somehow control all those urges to attack her, his heroine. You all want that, but you’re happy with how things are right now…that is, except you. (Turned to face Jasper) You’re happy right now, but you’d be happier if I never came here. Me being your Blood Singer, you don’t know if you should leave things be, or if you should try and become more like Edward to see if you could have me, so to speak.” They all looked at her and were surprised, Rosalie:” How do you know that?” Lexi:” I’m good at reading people but I guess one of the other abilities I’ve is that I can read how people feel.” “Edward, can you please come out here. I’d like your help, but not with Rose out here,” Jasper. Edward came out and glanced at Rose, who got up and walked away. “I want to get closer to her, and need a little help just in case,” Jasper. Edward(whispered):” Don’t breath at first. If you do your throat will just burn. If it works for you as it did for me, over eat so you won’t be thirsty for her.” Lexi looked away smiling, but she turned her head back and didn’t show signs that she knew. Jasper smirked at her, he didn’t breath and slowly got closer to her. He got as close as a few feet away, and Edward saw something. Edward:” I think that’s enough for today.” Lexi smiled, Lexi:” Thanks Jasper, for wanting to try.” She had an innocent yet sweet smile before she turned and walked back into the house. Before both Edward and Jasper walked in, Jasper informed Edward of the new ability he found out that she has. Edward looked back and smiled, Edward:” That must be why your ability wouldn’t work on her. It’s strange, it’s like she has my power, and your power. Maybe even more and we just don’t know yet.”
Bella got up and gave everyone a hug, and headed back to her truck. Lexi:” Dam it’s late, I should call Angela.” Bella:” My dad won’t mind if you crashed at the house, if you want that is. I could run you home in the morning before we go spend the day at La Push.” Lexi agreed and let Angela know, then she got in the truck and waited for Bella. Jasper walked out, but turned back around. Alice:” Jazz, you do end up like Edward! You can give her a hug and be near her without wanting to attack her.” she saw his face light up as if it could. Bella got in her truck and drove home, when both of them walked in, she looked at her dad. Bella:” Is it ok if Lexi spends the night? I’ll bring her home in the morning so she can grab some thing and then we’ll head to Mike’s parents store to go to La Push.” Charlie agreed, and Lexi thanked him before going upstairs. Bella:” We can share the bed, unless that bothers you?” Lexi:” NO it doesn’t bother me at all, but I’d much rather sleep on the floor. I haven’t been sleeping good, and I seem to sleep better on the floor for some reason.” Bella didn’t want to argue with her, so she let it go giving her a pillow or two, and some blankets. Lexi saw the drawing of her and Edward she did hanging up on the wall. Bella:” Do you have anymore drawings that you’re working on?” Lexi grabbed her bag she had for school that she took earlier before going to the Cullen house, pulled out her sketch book and handed it to her. As Bella was looking through it, she asked if she takes the sketch book everywhere. Lexi told her yes, in case she gets an idea, it’s there to sketch it out. Bella nodded, and went through them, Bella:” Wow, you focus on every aspect and detail. It’s like you can get their spirits on paper as well.” Lexi:” Really, you get that from them?” Bella:” Yes, I mean the way you captured both Carlisle and Esme. It’s like you can see their love just coming off of the paper. Even Emmett and Rose, they look like they’re so in love the way you captured them. I can almost see Alice bouncing or dancing around and I’m just looking at a picture of her!” Lexi looked down with her eyes closed, she knew she was getting to the ones of Jasper. Bella:” You should totally show the Cullens these pictures, they would absolutely love them. They might keep the ones they like for themselves, the rest they might want to put in a collage or something.” Lexi:” I don’t know. I’ll think about it.” Bella got to the first Jasper one, and noticed it looked like Lexi went over it a few dozen times. That was one, she had turned the page over and saw one of Alice and Jasper together. The rough sketch that she was currently working on looked like Rose, Alice and Esme but she wasn’t sure. Bella:” What’s this new one you’re working on?” Lexi:” It’s going to be a family portrait, but I’m taking my time on it right now so it’ll come out perfect and to add both you and myself to it eventually.” She mumbled that last part of course.
They went to bed, Bella hanging out with Edward. When he got there, Lexi was already asleep while Bella was still examining her artwork. Lexi smelled Edward’s scent since she stirred in her sleep and mumbled his name. Bella(whispered):” Do you think she has a gift with her drawings?” Edward:” I think she’s very unique and gifted in more ways then we think. I do think they’re remarkable and my family would love them if they get the chance to see them.” They both looked over at her, she was on the verge of another nightmare.
I was walking in the woods with Jasper on my right holding my hand. We were hanging out when it got dark all of a sudden and too fast. Jasper gripped my hand, but realized it was mine and wrapped his arm around my waste instead. Me:” Jasper, what’s wrong?” Jasper:” We’re being followed.” Me:” Is it another vampire?” Jasper began walking with his arm still around me focusing on everything around us. I touched his hand since he wouldn’t answer anything I asked him, “I need to get her to my house or close enough for the others to protect her. I don’t know who it is, but I think they’re after her,” Jasper. I stayed quiet until I suggested him running. Jasper:” If I run, you’ve to get on my back?” Me:” I have no problem with that, mostly since I’m a little freaked out at how worried you sound.” Jasper made sure I was holding on tight, before he ran. Jasper:” Of course. Just like you to be freaked out but not at the fact that you know vampires exist as do werewolves, or the fact that I am one….but the fact that I sound worried.” He chuckled, but I held on tighter to him, not because I was frightened but because aside from Jasper hugging me or holding my hand, this was the closest I’ve gotten to him and I didn’t want it to end. We made it to his house, it was a few yards away, and Carlisle came out. He had been watching and knew something was wrong, he went right over to us, Jasper filled him in. Carlisle went to grab me from Jasper but I wouldn’t let him go. Jasper put me down and grabbed my hands holding them to his chest, “Don’t worry, I will be ok and I will come back for you. What I’ve been through…this is nothing compared to that. Please stop worrying. I will walk back over to you, pick you up and swing you in my arms when this is done,” Jasper. I nodded at him, letting him know I understand, but I still didn’t want to let him go. Carlisle called Emmett over to carry me into the house where I stayed with Bella. Bella:” Don’t worry, nothing bad ever really happens to them, and if it’s in fact another vampire, they’ll have help from Jake and the rest of the wolves.” The moment she said that it hit me. I walked away and sat on the stairs waiting. I tilted my head where my ears began twitching, reminds me of why I’m called radar. I could pick up a little bit, I focused more and concentrated until I picked up what was happening. No one was really talking, they were more like waiting. I focused on tapping into Edward’s mind to find out. “What’s going on, I can’t really hear anything?,” Lexi. “Don’t worry, we’re waiting. He caught your scent and it’s all around the woods near the house, but he picked up a few of our scents. The wolves are trapping him so he has to come at us and knowing my father who doesn’t fight unless he has to. So he’ll ask him what’s on his mind. Carlisle believes it’s Jeremy, which it can be since he didn’t burn the pieces after tearing him apart,” Edward. “But how did he find me, here and why does he want me?,” Lexi, “Well when he gets closer, see if you can tap into his mind. But he could’ve picked up your scent and followed you, why does he want you…he could think of you as unfinished business, but of course we don’t know,” Edward. “Ok Edward thanks. Sorry for tapping into your mind. I swear if I ever want to or need to I’ll ask first,” Lexi. “Don’t be sorry. Unlike me, you can control it or at least have some control over it where as I don’t. I just block it out when I can. Wait….I believe he’s getting closer,” Edward. I listened again while waiting. I decided to sit on the floor and crossed my legs, tilting my head again listening carefully. Carlisle:” What do you want?” Jeremy tried to turn around when he saw how many vampires were in front of him, but he saw the wolves and looked utterly scared. Carlisle:” Jeremy, what do you want and why are you here?” Jeremy:” How do you know my name?” Carlisle told him it wasn’t important and asked him again. Jeremy:” I’m here looking for an old friend, we grew up together, she used to be my neighbor, the sweetest little girl next door. Have you seen her?” Carlisle:” And why are you looking for her?” Jeremy:” No reason, we just have some unfinished business.” “I’m pissed that she managed to get away from me. She was so perfect, I thought she’d make a perfect vampire wife for myself. I know she’s here somewhere, and she will be mine. Oh, I smell that she’s right straight ahead and she has another friend with her. If I can get past these vampires, I could get to them. I doubt the wolves are working with them,” Jeremy. “Edward, he smells both Bella and myself. He’s doubting the wolves are working with you, so he’s trying to find a way around you all. He’s here because he’s pissed I got away, he thought I was perfect and would’ve made a perfect vampire wife for him,” Lexi. Edward smirked, he thanked me and then I heard him speak. Edward:” You’re wrong, those wolves behind you, they’re working with us and the people you smell you won’t be lucky enough to get to them. Why did you think Lexi would’ve made a perfect vampire wife?” Jeremy:” How do you know all that?” Carlisle:” Some vampires have more than typical abilities. My son here can read minds.” Jeremy was surprised, Jeremy:” Well, to answer your question…I thought she was perfect, she was already beautiful and becoming one of us would’ve improved it only slightly. I was admiring her from afar for years, watching her mature into what she is. I never did tell her how I felt, I just attacked and now I want her back.” Edward heard a growl, and glanced over at Jasper while Alice smirked herself. Carlisle:” She’s lucky I found her in time before you got her. Because of you though, you’ve given her abilities, that have kicked in and now have risen. You’re right, she’s remarkable and amazing, but my son’s right. You won’t be getting to her or my other daughter. We ask that you leave, travel far and don’t return or you’ve not only us to deal with, but you’ve to deal with them as well.” Jeremy:” And if I don’t leave, and stick around here?” Jasper:” You will be watched like a hawk, if you go near her for any reason, you’ll be in trouble. And you can’t attack any human’s or you deal with them. (Sam growled) They don’t like innocent humans being slaughtered for no reason, or slaughtered at all. “ Jeremy turned to face the wolves who stepped closer, and he turned back to face the Cullens. I wanted him to think that he was going to die, so I kept repeating it in my head focusing hard to let him hear it and tap in. When he heard it, he panicked and lunged for Esme, but Carlisle and the Cullens attacked. Emmett grabbed one of his arms, Rosalie grabbed the other and they ripped them clean off. They proceeded to rip him from limb to limb and lit a fire throwing all the pieces of him into it. “It’s done, you’ve nothing to worry about,” Edward. The moment I heard that, I ran outside and over to Jasper.
He held me ever so gently in his arms, and I saw the wolves. I was so relieved no having to deal with Jeremy that I stood in front of them all. I remembered Edward saying something about Jake being the only one who reads minds and communicates back and forth. I looked them all in the eyes and smiled, I bowed down as my way of saying thank you. Me:” I’d hug you all but not sure if you’d like or allow it. So thanks,” I bowed again. I turned and went to follow the Cullens back to the house, when I heard a whimper behind me. I turned and saw the rusty colored wolf stepping forward, I smiled and tilted my head. I looked into his eyes, Me:” Awe, I get the feeling you want a hug?” The wolf shook his head which made me laugh, Me:” Ok, but are you sure about that?” When he shook his head again, I walked over to him, I wrapped my arms around his big fury neck and also gave him a kiss on his neck as well. He bowed, then turned and walked away as I stood there watching them all disappear, well all except one. The gray with black spots wolf just stood there as if staring at me, the rusty colored one came back and nudged him. I couldn’t help but chuckle as I ran into the house. Jasper grabbed me and kissed me, I looked at him in pure surprise. Alice told me about Jasper growling when Jeremy wanted to tell me that he wanted to tell me how he felt, before saying that he wanted me back. I looked over at Jasper and he smirked. (END OF NIGHTMARE/DREAM)
When Lexi was worried about Jasper, she began freaking out. Bella looked at Edward, He was watching the whole thing, and telling Bella. Bella smirked when she pictured Lexi with Jasper. Bella(whispered):” Do you think it’ll ever happen?” Edward:” Yes it will, it’ll just take time of course, but Alice saw Jasper becoming close to her. She saw him being able to hold her hand, give her a hug, staying near her without attacking her. I’m gonna keep working with him, I know he really wants to and he really likes her.” She smiled and began picturing it all in place. Edward:” There might be one thing she’s going to mention to you to see if it’s right, but it’s not your place to say.” Bella looked at him and waited for him to continue. Edward:” Her neighbor came back which is why she was worried about jasper. The wolves her in it of course and even though she didn’t catch onto it, she knows Jake’s a wolf and that he is the one who communicates back and forth with us and the pack, but she might not remember or pick up on it.” Bella nodded, she knew if Lexi thought clearly, being smart and just being Lexi she’ll pick up on it eventually and ask. Bella was excited for Lexi meeting Jake though, she knew they’d like each other and get along, but she’s not exactly sure.
La Push Day:
Both girls woke up and Bella threw on her outfit, she grabbed her keys and looked at Lexi. Lexi was up, grabbed her bag and followed Bella downstairs. Charlie was already up and gone, he left Bella a note. She nodded and had Lexi go out the door first, then she closed and locked the door behind her. As they were walking to her truck, Edward was in the front of it leaning against it. Bella smiled and gave him a hug, Lexi smiled and said hi. Edward:” You’re gonna be hanging out with Bella and my family, so you can get a hug too. That is if you want?” “Did Alice see something?,” Lexi. “Alice sees a lot of things, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Edward. “Did Alice see Bella and I becoming close friends, and did she see me becoming closer to your family?,” Lexi. “You’ll have to just wait and see. She doesn’t want me saying or giving anything away,” Edward. Bella:” Well, I’ll see you later Edward. I’m bringing Lexi home to change before we meet the rest of our friends at Mike’s parents hardware store.” Edward:” Have fun at La Push. Don’t worry, I’m sure Jake and his friends will like Lexi. Relax Lexi, you’ll be fine.” Bella nodded and began to relax, Lexi couldn’t just yet. She sat there telling herself in her mind to relax herself, in about two minutes she was fine. They were already close to her house and she got her key out. Lexi:” You can come in, I’m just gonna jump in the shower for a minute.” Bella nodded and they went in, she followed Lexi up to her room. Lexi came back down to lock the door for a minute even though she’s home. Lexi grabbed her outfit, told Bella to make herself comfortable and she went to the bathroom to take her shower, and change ( Bella looked around her room and saw different drawings, mostly abstract and a few of her family. Bella saw a few pictures that Lexi took of Jasper, that had Alice in most of them as well. She managed to get just one picture that looks like Jasper’s looking in her direction, it was a cute one. Bella:” Now I know where she gets her picture taken skills. She’s good, like Angela!” Lexi was changed, did her hair a little and came out putting her shoes on, and grabbing a rain coat just in case. Lexi:” Ready!” Bella was still looking at the pictures of Jasper, Lexi:” Oops, forgot to hide those,” she began laughing a little. Bella:” How’d you manage to get this one?” Lexi looked at it, and looked away. Lexi:” It was my second day at school and I found myself staring over at him, I couldn’t help it. I was paying with my camera, I thought the battery was about to die, he happened to glance over either at me or looking at someone else. My heart began to race, or beat super fast, I began to panic and clicked the button before looking away. Please don’t tell him or anyone else about the pictures I took.” Bella told her she won’t tell anyone, and they went back down and out to her truck. Lexi grabbed her bag and made sure she had enough of everything in there with her sketch pad as well as her key and phone. She locked the door back up behind her and got into Bella’s truck. Bella drove to the Newton Camping store where all their friends were waiting. When they got out, Mike gave them both a hug, while Lexi gave her cousin one as well.
They piled into the van, and headed to La Push. Lexi taking all the sights in, when they got there, Lexi grabbed her camera out of her bag and took pictures. Lexi:” It’s just beautiful here.” Bella was sitting in the van watching Mike, Jessica and Tyler put their wet suits on to go surfing. Angela was in the front seat but turned so her back was facing the windshield. Lexi brought the camera over to Angela to show her the pictures she just too. Bella saw Jake and two of his friends Quil and Embry. Jake came over and Bella got up and gave him a hug. Bella:” I want you to meet someone. Lexi can you come over here for a minute.” Lexi walked over and looked down shyly. Bella:” Lexi this is Jake, Jake this is Lexi!” She stuck out her hand to shake his and when she did she unlocked her mind a bit. “Um, I need to find a way to thank him properly for finding me in the woods the other day,” Lexi. She smiled at him and told him that it was nice to finally meet him. The look in his eyes made her think that he heard what she just thought, which was what she wanted. Lexi:” Um Jake, I wanted to thank you myself for finding me in the woods my first time here. Well to Forks that is!” Jake:” Oh, you’re welcome. I’m always in the woods hiking.” Bella:” Jake, can we walk and talk?” He nodded and they walked away onto the beach to talk. Bella:” So Lexi’s not normal, or the typical human.” Jake:” Ok what does that mean?” Bella:” She was bitten by a vampire like I was, only she has abilities much like a typical vampire. She can hear when the Cullens whisper, she can read minds, as well as both block and unblock hers. She can even read my mind if she touches my skin with hers. She can get people to see what she has seen or what she wants them to see as well. That happens with or without her touching them. She can also smell some of the Cullen’s scents sortof. She also hates the smell of blood like me! She can mentally calm herself down if she tells herself a few times to calm down. The only time Edward can read her mind right now is because she hasn’t blocked it, but also he mostly can hear what she repeats over and over. But when she was bit, even now she has been having nightmares about it. In the recent nightmare she says two wolves come and save her from her neighbor.” Jake looked at Bella curiously, but let her finish. Bella:” She hasn’t been in Forks long, and hasn’t seen you in wolf form except for once but she thinks it was just a dream sequence. But subconsciously she knows you’re a wolf. None of the Cullens or I have told her, you know we wouldn’t since it’s not our place to anyways. But we haven’t told her that you or the guys are, but she drew these.” Bella pulled out the two pictures of the wolves Lexi drew, Jake took them and looked at them closely. Jake:” This is me, and that one is Embry.” Bella:” I know, even Carlisle can’t explain why she sees you two and not the others or you two at all.” Jake looked at them and at Bella. Jake:” Are you keeping these or can I?” Bella:” She has a bunch, I can get more.” Jake smiled and put them in his pocket.