Waiting for You


I wake up the next day with memories of the date last night, flashing in my thoughts. I smile to myself. My room is cluttered mess as I sit up and look around. This isn't a new thing for me. I'm not the neatest person around.

I climb out of bed and go to the kitchen. As I cook myself breakfast, I hear the front door open. I turn to see James walking into my living room.

"How did the date go?" he asks.

"It was amazing," I reply.

I don't want to sound like I'm overexcited. It was only one date. She did say that she would like to do it again, and I know that I would love to go on another date with her. I just can't believe how she is so easygoing and beautiful.

"That's great, man," James comments. "Kassie asked me about you last night."

That shocks me. Last I heard, she was still mad at me for whatever reason it was. I can't even remember what it is that we fight about anymore. She isn't happy with anything I do when it's not something that she wants to do or likes. She is so on and off with me, and honestly, I don't want to start with that drama anymore.

"Really?" I ask, pushing for more information. Just because I was done with the relationship doesn't mean that I don't want to hear the 'gossip'.

"Yeah, we went out to Charlie's last night to party. She was there. She kept on asking me where you were, and why you weren't there. I told her that you were out with a friend. I didn't tell her who it was, and that it was a date. I don't think she believed it, but she didn't ask again," he informs me.

James is a smart person. Kassie would cause all kinds of hell to Veronica if she knew who that was. She doesn't like to share even if it's not hers to share with in the beginning.
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Well, sorry for the wait I do hope that you like it.