Status: Almost finished; new chapters soon

51 Days.

Chapter fifteen

"Wait!" Alex said setting up. "What?" Flyzik and I both asked at the same time. "Adrienne switch spots with me." "Alex are you serious?" "Yeah." "No." "Come on." He pouted. "Don't make me pick you up."He added. "What the fuck Alex?" I asked raising up. "You know what, forget about it. I'm going to bed." I said hurrying out of the blankets and scurried to my bunk. Who the hell does he think he is? I angrily shut my curtains and flipped over trying to get Alex to leave my mind enough to sleep. It's only been three days on tour and I'm already mad at him. I let the thoughts of the times we had at Walmart send me to a happier place, also sending me to sleep. The next morning I woke up to an empty bus. All I found was a note taped to the counter, "Went for food @12:45, be back in an hour or so." I groaned going back to my bunk picking up my phone. Only 1:10. What am I going to do for forty minutes? I guess I could clean the bus as it already looks like a tornado has went through the entire thing. One by one I picked up trash and useless objects throwing them away.
A half an hour later I had the bus completely spotless. I threw the dirty damp rag into the sink, now what was I going to do? I could make the guy's bunks. I have nothing better to do. I walked over and started straightening each one. Neatly flattening the blankets and tucking them under perfectly and smooth then placing the pillows just at the top. It actually didn't take very long, just a few minutes for each one and still the guys weren't back. I could get ready I guess? I picked out something fashionable and went into the bathroom. "Adrienne we're back!" I heard as soon as I slipped my clothes on. I quickly threw my on my heels and exited the bathroom, I figured I could go ask Austin to go on a walk. "You look good." Alex smirked. "I'm mad at your Alex." "Wo man, what did you do?" Jack asked. " I'm going on a walk with Austin." I said pushing past them both. "Wait, Austin?" Alex asked. "What are you going to throw a protective arm over me? Want to switch sides maybe?" I groaned and walked to the do. "Mess up the bus and I'll break you." I threatened. I didn't notice anyone else on the bus, where were they? "Hey!" Austin greeted me turning the corner of the bus. He pulled me into a tight hug, "Don't you look nice?" He mentioned smiling at my appearance "Do you have a while? I need some advice, so maybe we could go on a walk?" "Yeah that'd be cool. So uh, what's going on? Boyfriend trouble?" "Of course not, but it is a boy problem." "Aha, that you want to friend zone him but don't know how kinda thing." I shook my head again. "Will you just listen?" I laughed. "Alright alright." He said throwing his arms up just a little above his waist. "So you know how I'm sharing a bus with All Time Low?" He nodded. "So uh, I kind of admitted that 'nothing on tour was serious' motto to the wrong people thus Alex and I kissed a couple times." He turned to me and smiled, "A couple times?" "It was only a couple times! Anyways I went to watch a movie with him and Flyzik when Alex mentions something about guys on tour will hump anything. But when we went to lay down he put his arm around me continuously pulling me close and when we laid down he said for us to switch spots, he didn't even ask. He just didn't want me near Flyzik and I don't know why. I ended up getting mad and just went to bed." "Do you really want my advice?" He asked. "Yeah, I think I do." "I think he doesn't want you getting too close to anyone to ruin whatever you guys have." "But we have nothing. Nothing." "Then maybe he knows something about Flyzik." "Even if that was it, Alex is one of the biggest manwhores out there." "Are you sure of that?" "I mean, that's what everyone else says." "Yeah, but why would we share a couple kisses and he was such a smooth talker, obviously he's had practice." He shrugged, "Do you want something to happen?" "No! No, he's Alex." I said making a face, sure he was really good looking but I could tell he was bad a relationships and then what's the point? "Then why do you keep kissing him." "I don't know, kind of the moment I guess." "I think you should talk to him." "I think I may, thanks." I said giving him a side hug. "No problem, I'm always open to talk." "It feels so good to hear you say that, I have a feeling I'm going to need you." We walked for another half hour talking about several random things before we arrived back at my tour bus. I leaned in giving him another hug, "Thanks for everything." I said as we pulled away. "I'll see you later." He added as I opened the bus door. "See ya!" I waved before walking on the bus. Only one body was accounted for, Jack.