Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

You Wouldn't Actually Do That, Would You?

After staring at my ceiling for about ten minutes, I decided that I should go downstairs and just put my conversation with Brian out of my head. I shouldn't let him affect me like that, and I was going to just try my best to have a normal friendship with him, despite our rocky start.

I left my room in a much better mood after having made that decision and started my trip down the stairs. I had decided to start skipping down them and nearly fell, but Jimmy appeared out of nowhere and caught me.

"Whoa, Nat, you should be a little more careful," he smiled down at me as he held me around my waist. I stared up into his tropical blue eyes and blushed when I realized that we were both practically naked. I was still in my boy shorts and tank top, and Jimmy was just in his boxers.

"All right, I will. Thanks for saving me, Jimmy. That would've been a hell of a fall," I said, wiggling out of Jimmys' grasp and looking down the last flight of stairs.

"Yeah, just a little," he laughed and we preceeded to walk down the stairs together. I could see Jimmy looking at me from the corner of my eye and I turned and smiled at him, causing him to grin. "So what's got you in such a good mood that you tried to fly down the steps?" he asked.

"Oh I don't know," I giggled. "I just feel good."

Jimmy looked at me suspiciously and replied, "Oh, 'cause I thought I saw Brian coming out of your room earlier..."

I realized what he was implying and I shook my head furiously. "Oh god, Jimmy no!" I shrieked, trying not to laugh. "Brian and I were just talking, absolutely nothing happened, I swear."

"Nothing?" he asked, raising his eyebrows lightly.

" Nothing," I answered.

Jimmy stared at me for a little bit before laughing and saying, "Alright, I believe you. I didn't think Brian was your type, anyways."

"Boy do you got that right," I muttered under my breath as we reached the last step.

"Yeah, he isn't your type....because Zack is!" he shouted before running away, with me staring after him.

"James Sullivan, get your skinny ass back here!" I yelled once what he had said hit me and I started running after him.

Jimmy ran into the kitchen and screeched, "Natty's got a crush! Natty's got a crush!"

I ran after him and he ran behind the island in the center of the kitchen, putting some distance between us. I glared at him while Matt, Zacky, Johnny, and Brian looked between the two of us.

"What are you two doing?" Matt asked slowly, sounding afraid of the answer.

I took a step to my right, causing Jimmy to move to his left and I replied, "Nothing, James here just wants to get his ass kicked is all."

Matt gave Jimmy an odd looked and asked, "What the fuck did you do now, Jimmy?"

Jimmy grinned and said, "Oh I didn't do anything. Nat and I were just having a simple conversation on our way downstairs about a certain two guys."

I glared and took yet another step around the island, resulting in Jimmy taking another step away from it. "Who were you two talking about?" Zacky asked, sounding interested. I looked at him, and he was wearing smirk and was staring directly at me. I then looked at Brian, who was suddenly busy cleaning his nails.

"James Owen Sullivan, I swear to god that if you say another word, I will cut your balls off while you sleep," I threatened. It was a little over the top, and obviously I would never do that, but it did the job.

Jimmy gulped visibly and nodded his head. "Okay, my trap is shut. Not another word from me," he said quickly, grabbing himself in the process.

I smiled sweetly and said, "Good. And you'll never bring it up again, right?" Jimmy nodded his head, still holding himself. "Very good. You and I will get along great, then, Jimmy."

I walked over to where Zacky and Brian were sitting and sat inbetween them, their eyes wide in disbelief. " wouldn't actually cut off someones' balls while they slept, would you?" Zacky asked nervously.

"Only if you piss me off," I said mischievously and I felt Brian stiffen beside me.

"Damn, I'm officially afraid of your cousin, dude," Johnny said to Matt and the rest of the guys laughed nervously.

"You were kidding, right Nat? You wouldn't actually do that, would you?" Matt asked, although he was a little nervous too.

I laughed and shook my head. "If I would really do that, don't you think Brian would already be missing his balls?" I asked and the kitchen erupted into laughter.

Brian shook his head and smiled weakly. "Well I'm glad it's an empty threat, then," he said. "I like my balls, thank you very much."

Everyone started laughing again and I turned to look at Brian. He gave me a smile, which I returned. Maybe being friends with him wouldn't be as hard as I thought.

(Brians' POV)

I shook my head and gave a weak smile. "Well I'm glad it's an empty threat, then," I said. "I like my balls, thank you very much."

Everyone laughed at what I had said and Nat turned to look at me. I gave her a small smile and she returned it. I decided then and there that I would do whatever it took to make her mine. Even if it was just for a night, she would be mine and I would make her realize that I'm better for her than Zacky will ever be.

Now I just have to figure out how to do it.
♠ ♠ ♠
ugh. i'm sorry i haven't updated in such a long time, i just haven't had the will power to do it. but now that the story is going to start to get more interesting, i should be updating more. i've got some great stuff planned for nat, brian, and zacky, and i can't wait for you guys to read it.
