Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Crazy Old Cat Lady

I walked into the living room and was really quite suprised by what I saw. The place was absolutely spotless; completely clean. No beer cans and pizzas lying around, no dirty clothes hanging off the lamp shades, no broken furniture. It was really quite odd, because I had always pictured Matt as a...well, a pig.

Matt must've sensed my amazement because he came up behind me and said, "Not what you were expecting, huh?"

I laughed and shook my head. "Not all," I answered. "I was expecting this place to be a fucking disaster."

"Yeah, well the only reason it isn't is because I'm the only person who lives in this house that actually cleans. I don't think the guys know what that term means," he laughed.

I walked over to the couch and sat down, Matt joining me. "So the guys live here, too?" I asked, propping my feet up on the table in front of me.

Matt turned on the TV and put it on FUSE. I turned my head to see what was on, but grunted in disgust when I saw that it was just some rap. "Yeah, so don't be too suprised if you see a half-naked Johnny Christ or Zacky Vengeance wondering down the halls in a few minutes," he answered.

I laughed again and got up from the couch to go get something to eat from the kitchen. As I walked in, there was someone else in there and I just ignored them. That is until they basically karate chopped me.

"Oww, what the fuck?" I yelled, rubbing my shoulder. As I took a look, I realized the person who had gone all ninja on me was The Rev.

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in this house?" he asked, wielding a kitchen knife now.

I backed up slowly as he came towards me with the knife. "I-I'm Matts' cousin Natalie. I just got- whoa!" I said as I was cut off by Rev slashing the knife at me.

"Liar! How do I know you're not lying? How do I know you're not just some crazy old cat lady here to steal my beer?" he said as he advanced on me.

Just as I was backed against a refrigerator, Matt walked in. "Hey Nat you finding- Jimmy, what the fuck are you doing?! Put that damn thing down before you fucking hurt someone!" he yelled and Rev dropped the knife.

"Sorry Matt, she just kinda snuck up on me," Rev explained. "I was in here getting a beer-"

"This early in the morning?" Matt interupted.

"Yes, now as I was saying, she snuck up on me and I thought she was a crazy old cat lady trying to steal my beer," he finished.

Matt shook his head and laughed. "Okay, but next time, please don't try to shank my cousin," he said as he opened the fridge and handed Jimmy a beer.

"All right, will do. I'm Jimmy, by the way," he said as he opened the can and then hugged me.

I laughed and said, "Nice to meet you, despite the fact you just tried to kill me. And I'm Natalie, you can just call me Nat."

Matt started grabbing things out of the cupboard and he said, "I'm gonna make pancakes, why don't you go wake the guys up Nat?"

I looked at him like he was on crack. "Are you serious? I was almost killed by someone who was fully awake! How do you think the guys will react when they see some random girl waking them up saying, 'Hey, you want some pancakes?'" I rambled.

"Nat," Matt said, turning around to stare at me, "you're a girl. They are guys. They'll be more than happy to wake up to you."

I huffed and made my way to the staircase, Matt and Jimmy laughing as I went. When I made it up to the landing of the stairs, I realized I had no clue where anyone slept.

God damn it, what do I do now? Ehh, just start opening random doors I guess. As long as no one is naked and I don't go into a bathroom with someone in it, I'm good.
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idk if you've noticed, but this story is kind of written differently than my other two. the dialogue is more like the things i would say in real life, and things you would hear me say...if you could hear me talk lol. hope you like it so far.
