Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

We Get To Be Sneaky

(Nat's POV)

"Come in," Zack called as I knocked on his door. I let myself in and he smiled at me. "Hey Nat."

"Hello, Zack," I said with a smile as I crossed the room and sat on his bed. "What are you up to?"

Zack closed the notebook he had been writing in and stood up from his desk. "Nothing, I was just doing a little songwriting, but I'm done for the day," he replied as he walked over to his bed and sat next to me. "What about you? How did the whole thing with Brian go?"

I laid back on Zack's bed and stared at the ceiling. "It went pretty well," I answered. "I apologized and so did he, so we're friends now."

"Just like that, huh?" he asked and I felt the weight on the bed shift as Zack turned so he was facing my body.

I sighed and moved my head so I could see him. "I guess so," I mumbled. Zack took one of my hands and started toying with my fingers. "We'll see, though," I added. "My relationship with Brian changes so quickly sometimes; who knows how long this will last?"

Zack continued to silently busy himself with my fingers, and then he suddenly stopped and linked our hands together. "This isn't going to change things between us, is it?" he asked and I gave him a confused look. "Now that you and Brian are getting along, I mean. You're not going to all of a sudden drop me for him, are you?"

I shook my head and sat up straight. "I wouldn't do that to you, Zack," I told him. "Why would you even think that?"

Zack mumbled something under his breath and I asked him to repeat it. "It's happened before," he answered, his head down.

Sighing, I held Zack's hand tightly and lifted his face up so he was looking at me. I gave him a quick kiss and then smiled lightly. "That's not going to happen with me," I assured him. "I may be friends with Brian now, but I still don't want to be with him."

"Are you sure?" Zack asked seriously. "If there's even the slightest bit of uncertainty in your head, I don't want you to - "

I silenced him by pressing my lips to his. "I'm positive, Zack," I smiled against his mouth.

Zack grinned and connected our lips once again, lightly running his tongue along my bottom lip a few moments later. I let him in and he leaned over my body, making me fall back onto the bed once again. I moved myself further up the bed and Zack followed me, crawling on top of my hips while keeping our kiss intact. When I was rested at the head of the bed, I wrapped my arms around Zack's neck and brought his body closer to mine.

"Are you okay with this?" he asked as he dragged his lips across my jaw and down to my neck. I moaned and bucked my hips when he bit down lightly, telling him I was more than okay with what we were doing. "Do you know if Matt is home?" he asked, letting me pull his shirt off and over his head.

I started undoing his belt and shook my head. "He and Val went out to dinner," I told him as I pulled the belt through the loops. "They won't be home until later tonight."

Zack smirked and quickly started pulling my clothing off. "Good," he mumbled. "That gives us plenty of time."

I was just removing Zack's boxers and he was taking my bra off when I stopped. Zack gave me a panicked look and I asked, "None of the guys will walk in on us, will they?"

Smiling, Zack brought our lips together in another kiss. "No one will walk in on us, doll," he answered. "I told all the guys that I just wanted to be left alone the rest of the night, so they shouldn't be coming up any time soon to bother me."

"Okay," I said softly and let Zack start things again. It wasn't long before we were both naked and he had entered me. "Fuck," I groaned, gripping his back tightly.

"You're tight as hell," Zack commented, not ceasing his actions.

"It's been a while," I moaned when he started going deeper.

Zack grinned against my skin and increased his speed. "Even better," he mumbled. I just smiled and closed my eyes.

Within moments, Zack was going faster than I expected he would and I was enjoying every second of it. Wanting more, I begged him to go faster and harder. He complied and I dug my nails into his back and bit down on his shoulder, earning a growl from him.

"A biter, hmm?" Zack asked, breathing heavily.

I moaned and arched my back against the bed as he hit a different spot inside of me. "Mhmm," I managed to reply.

Zack leaned down and bit my neck, sucking harshly afterwards. "I can do biting," he smirked when he pulled away.

I was going to reply, but was cut off when Zack finally found the magic spot inside me. "Fuck," I moaned, Zack cutting it off by pressing his lips to mine.

"We don't want to be too loud," he told me with a grin. "You never know who might hear us and tell Matt."

I held in another moan and bucked my hips up into his. "So we get to be sneaky, huh?" I asked when I had regained my composure.

"You up for that?" Zack asked mischievously.

"Definitely," I replied and bit down on my lip to stop myself from screaming when a wave of pleasure coursed through my body. "Hurry, Zack," I pleaded, trying to tell him that I was close to my climax.

Zack nodded and proceeded to speed up yet again. When he noticed that I had started biting my lip again, Zack kissed me and muffled my screams and moans as I came closer and closer to my peak. When I finally reached my climax, I gave Zack a fiercely passionate kiss, which he happily returned while he climaxed as well.

Zack slowly pulled out of me after planting a soft kiss on my lips and I curled up next to him. As he rubbed my back, Zack asked, "What does this mean?"

I smiled sleepily at him and asked back, "What do you want it to mean?"

Zack gave me another kiss and said, "We're together now."

"I am totally happy with that," I replied and rested my head against his chest as I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's some Zacky action for all you wonderful people who have stuck by me and read this story, even though I don't update all that often. And don't worry. Drama starts soon.