Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Drama Free...

"Nat, wake up."

I groaned and rolled away from whoever was whispering in my ear. They could fuck off; I will get up on my own, thank you very much.

"Nat, seriously, you need to get up," the voice spoke again and this time a pair of hands started rubbing my back.

Sighing internally, I turned my body so I was facing whoever was trying to wake me up. "Why the fuck do I have to get up?" I mumbled as I felt the person lay themself next to me.

"Because if we're going to be sneaky about this, we can't get caught," the person explained and then kissed my neck gently. The cold metal against my skin instantly told me it was Zack that was trying to get me out of bed.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. "How long have I been sleeping?" I mumbled against Zack's chest.

Zack began running his hands up and down my back and I pressed myself closer to him. "About an hour or so," he replied.

"So why the rush to get me out of your bed, Mr. Baker?" I asked, looking up and smirking at him. "Matt isn't supposed to be home for another few hours."

Giving me a quick kiss, Zack answered, "Trust me, I don't want you to leave. But I think it might be kind of suspicious if you stayed up here any longer."

I sighed and decided that he was right. It probably seemed like too much of a coincidence that Zack wanted to be left alone and that I had seemingly disappeared, if any of the guys bothered to think about it.

"Where are you going?" Zack asked as I got out of bed and headed towards his bathroom.

I turned around and gave him a, 'Duh, what are you, retarded?' look. "To take a shower," I explained, "because I probably smell like sex."

Zack's eyes widened and he jumped out of bed. "Ya know, I probably smell like sex too, so I'll need a shower. And since we care so much about the environment, I think that you and I should shower together, to save water."

I laughed, knowing full well that he wasn't necessarily concerned with saving water, but let him follow me into the bathroom anyway. "Whatever you say, Zack," I told him as he closed the door behind us.

"Holy shit, she's alive!" Jimmy exclaimed as I walked into the living room a half hour later.

I sent a playful glare his way and then sat down next to Johnny on the couch. "Sorry if I like to sleep every once in a while, Jimmy," I said and propped my feet up on the coffee table.

"So why are you wet, then?" Johnny questioned.

"Because I took a shower when I woke up," I answered nonchalantly. Johnny shrugged, and Jimmy nodded his head. Damn, this is going to be really easy if none of the guys question what I say.

The three of us sat watching TV after that and I was so into it that I didn't notice Brian coming up behind me. "Boo," he whispered in my ear just as the murderer on TV stepped out from behind the curtains.

I screamed and sent poor Johnny flying off his end of the couch at the loudness. Jimmy and Brian were laughing hysterically while I calmed myself down. "What the fuck, Brian? Are you trying to make me have a fucking heart attack?" I accused as he sat down next to me.

"I'm sorry, Nat," he chuckled as his laughter started to die down. "But it was the perfect opportunity. I had to do it."

Crossing my arms over my chest, I muttered a, "Fuck you," and scooted away from Brian.

"Aww, Nat, don't be mad," he pleaded. "It was just a harmless joke. I'm sorry."

I looked over at him and saw that he was giving me puppy dog eyes. God damn him for being so cute, even if he was a jerk. "Fine, you're forgiven," I mumbled and he cheered. Brian wrapped me up in a hug and planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek. "Eww, get off me you freak," I laughed and pushed him away. I then noticed that Johnny and Jimmy were completely silent and staring at us. "What?" I asked.

Jimmy shook his head. "How... how did he just do that and not get his ass completely fucking kicked?" he asked in amazement.

"Yeah, what the fuck happened between you two?" Johnny added.

I looked at Brian and he shrugged. "Nothing happened, we're just friends now," he answered.

It was silent and then Johnny said, "Oh. Well then.... that's good. I guess."

"What's good?" Zack asked as he walked into the living room.

"The fact that Nat and I are friends now," Brian said proudly and gave me a quick hug.

Zack gave me a knowing smile and sat next to Jimmy. "That is good," he said. "I'm glad to hear it, because now we won't have to listen to you two screaming at each other any more."

We all started laughing and I allowed Brian to keep his arm lightly draped across my shoulders. He knows where we stand in the relationship status, and so does Zack, so there's nothing to worry about. There's no way that any drama could come out of this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, I'm sorry that updates for this story take so god damn long. But I've been dealing with a lot of shit lately and it's made it hard to come up with good material for an update, and you all know I only ever post my best.

Thanks for sticking by me, though, and for still reading. Hope you all liked the update.