Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

This Is Where It Begins

"What the fuck, Brian? That's not how it goes!" I yelled drunkenly.

Brian laughed and took a drink from his beer. "Yes, it is. It says so right here. Look."

It was about a month after Brian and I become friends and Zack and I had secretly gotten together, and we had gone in to the studio to do some recording. Brian and I were the only ones still there since everyone else had left, and we had decided to get drunk and try to continue recording. Brilliant idea, right? Yeah, not so much.

I looked at the lyrics Brian was pointing to and scoffed. "You changed those," I accused.

"No I didn't," he smirked. "That's how it was written."

" 'I want Brian to fuck me hard and fast'. For some reason, I highly doubt that Jimmy wrote that," I countered. Brian's face showed confusion for a split-second, and I took the chance and called him on it. "Ha! I knew you changed it! I might be drunk, Haner, but I'm not stupid!"

Brian was silent, and then he shrugged. "Whatever, Nat. Those are the only lyrics we have to this song, and Matt said you had to sing what he left here. So you have to sing it," he told me.

"Fuck that! I'm not singing it!"

"You have to."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"Make me, fucker."

"I will."

"Oh yeah? And how are you going to do that without these?" I yelled and snatched the paper with the song on it out of his hand. I took off running and shoved the paper into my back pocket, thinking in my drunken state that Brian wouldn't be able to get it there.

"Nat, get back here!" Brian called as he started to run after me.

"Not unless I don't have to sing this song," I bargained.

I heard Brian start to pick up speed and I followed suit. "No deal, Nat."

"Then you'll have to catch me!" I screamed as I rounded a corner and saw that Brian was quickly gaining on me.

Not wanting to get caught, I forced myself to run faster. It wasn't too smart of an idea, though, seeing as how I was starting to lose my balance because I was drunk. Skidding around a corner, I saw a way back into the main recording room and quickly ran through the door. Brian saw what I did and followed half a second later. Just when I thought I was safe, I tripped over my own god damn feet and fell forward, throwing my arms out in front of me so that I landed on my stomach. Brian wasted no time in climbing on top of me and pulling the paper out of my back pocket.

"I win!" he yelled and threw his hands up in to the air.

I groaned and rolled over underneath him so I was on my back. "You suck," I mumbled.

Brian smirked down at me. "I suck? You're the one who lost, Nat."

"You cheated," I answered.

"It's not my fault your tripped over your own feet," he laughed, which made me start laughing. I stopped, though, when I noticed Brian looking down at me. I could see how his eyes were just barely starting to turn red from all the alcohol we'd consumed, and how his neck and face were flushed from chasing me around the studio. It was then that I noticed how compromising of a situation we were in: he was straddling my hips, and I was holding on to his forearms.

Brian slowly lowered his face down to my level and just barely touched his lips to mine. Normally, he wouldn't have gotten anywhere near being able to do that. But in my inebriated state of mind, I didn't think twice about threading my fingers through his short, spiky hair and pushing my lips to his. Brian let out a low groan when he finally reacted and slipped his tongue past my lips. I moaned in response and pushed my hips up against him, causing friction between us.

Never losing contact with my skin, Brian eagerly trailed his lips down to my neck and linked our hands together above my head. Goosebumps formed on my skin from the feeling of Brian's lip moving across my collarbone and he smirked when I started gripping his hands tighter. When he had finally found his way back to the side of my neck, I nudged Brian's face with my own in order to get him to bring his lips back to mine.

I was quickly brought back to reality when he bit softly on my bottom lip. That was something Zack always did when he kissed me goodnight, and remembering that made me realize what I was doing.

"What the fuck?" Brian asked when I ripped my mouth away from his and pushed him away from me.

I got Brian to get off me and then I stood up. "I can't believe I just fucking did that," I moaned. "What the fuck was I thinking?"

"What are you talking about?" Brian questioned as he adjusted his jeans. "I thought you were enjoying yourself."

I turned and glared at him. "You and I are just friends, and I fucking made out with you. Do you really think I was enjoying it?"

Brian shrugged. "From the way you were moaning and pushing your body in to mine, I'd say yes," he smirked.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. What the fuck was I going to do? I couldn't tell Zack; even if we weren't officically 'dating' I still didn't want him to know I had just let his best friend grope me. "Just forget this ever happened, okay?" I finally spoke.

"Why?" Brian asked.

"It didn't mean anything, so there's no reason to bring it up, or remember it."

"But - "

"We're drunk, Brian," I reasoned.

"So what happens the next time we get drunk together? Does this happen again, and we just forget it?" he asked. "What happens if it goes further than what we did today?"

I took a deep breath and then let it out. "That's not going to happen. There won't be a 'next time' so we don't have to worry."

Brian shook his head and took out his cell phone. "Whatever," he mumbled and dialed Matt's number so he could come pick us up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dark Passion Play : "Syngirl's baaaack, bitches!"

Fucking right I am! I've finally sorted everything out in my life (most of it, anways), and I'm going to be writing and updating for this story a hell of a lot more. Enjoy.

Oh, and I hope you all had a great Halloween... I know I did.