Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Something I Can't Explain

Matt looked at me through the rear-view mirror, and then his eyes flickered to Brian in the passenger seat next to him. "Are you two fighting again?" he asked, turning down the volume on the radio.

I arched my eyebrows. "No. Why? What makes you think that?"

Matt shrugged. "I don't know. You two have been really quiet since I picked you up, and Brian looks really pissed off," he answered.

I waited for Brian to say something in our defense, and when he didn't, I sighed. "We're not fighting; Brian's just pissed because we didn't get anything done once you guys left."

"I coulda guessed that. You guys reek of alcohol," Matt replied with a chuckle.

Thank God Brian and I didn't go any further than we did, or alcohol wouldn't be the only thing we reek of, I thought to myself and then shook my head, trying to get rid of those thoughts.

Oh come on, you know you enjoyed it, even if it was only a tiny little bit.

WHAT THE FUCK?! No I did not! It's Brian for God's sakes!

Exactly. You know you loved the way his hands felt on your body, and the chills you got when he kissed your skin.

No. I. Did. Not.

"Nat? You okay back there?" Matt asked, pulling me away from my thoughts. "You look a little flustered."

Brian turned around then and made eye contact with me for the first time since we had left the studio. The smirk pulling at the corner of his lips and the glint in his eye told me that he knew exactly what I was thinking about, and that he knew I couldn't get what had happened between us out of my mind.

I shook my head again and tore my eyes from Brian's. "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine. I just need to go home and sleep off this alcohol," I replied, clearing my throat a little bit.

Matt nodded his head and turned his attention back to the road, while Brian and I locked eyes once again. We stared at each other for a little bit before Brian gave me a smirk and turned back to face the front. I groaned inwardly and sunk a little bit lower in my seat, trying to just disappear. Maybe I wouldn't be sleeping this alcohol off, after all. I could really use some more so I could forget about what happened today.

(Brian's POV)

One time is all it takes. Watch.
♠ ♠ ♠
'Tis very short, this update. But I like to think that it was pretty good; some juicy stuff going on in Nat's mind right about now haha.

Anywhoo, I really am sorry for the shortness of this chapter. But since I'm not going to be able to write for this story this weekend, I figured you guys deserved an update. Hope you all liked it!

Oh, and you all have fun this weekend! I know I will; I'm going to see Avenged Sevenfold, bitches!