Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You


(Nat's POV)

As soon as we were home, I ran up the stairs to Zack's room, leaving Matt and Brian at the front door.

"Hey hun," Zack murmured as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "What's wrong?"

I nuzzled my face into the side of his neck and breathed in, trying to calm myself. Not pulling my face away, I mumbled, "Nothing. Just missed you is all."

Zack hugged me tightly around the waist. "Aww, I missed you too, doll," he replied sweetly.

"Can we lie down, Zack?" I asked. "I'm really tired."

Zack nodded his head and led me over to his bed, letting me lie down first before joining me. I rolled over on my side and scooted over next to him so I was facing his chest. Zack put his arm over my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"How was the studio after we left?" he asked once we were settled.

I took in a deep breath and inched even closer to Zack, hoping he wouldn't notice the involuntary shudder that went through my body when he asked. "Brian and I didn't get a lot done," I finally answered. "We drank instead."

Zack gave a soft sound of acknowledgement and began to rub my back gently. His movements were soft and slow, and I was slowly starting to drift off to sleep. I had almost slipped into unconsciousness when Zack spoke again. "Did you two get into a fight, or something?" he asked quietly. I shook my head no. "Oh," he replied.

"Why?" I asked against his chest.

Kissing the top of my head, Zack replied, "No reason. I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"I am," I mumbled.

"Okay," he answered. "Did you want to get changed then and go to bed?" I nodded my head and Zack laughed quietly. "Are you going to get up, or am I going to have to undress you and put your pajamas on for you?"

Smiling, I pulled away from him and asked, "Would you?"

Zack laughed again and kissed my lips softly. "Sure, doll. I'll be right back."

Zack got off the bed and walked over to his dresser, pulling out some of the boy shorts and tank tops I had stored there. After undressing himself, Zack came back over to the bed and told me to sit up. He pulled off my shirt and replaced it with a teal tank top; my jeans came off next and in their place were a pair of black underwear.

Once we both were in our sleepwear, Zack crawled back into bed and pulled the covers over us. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he pulled me against flush against his chest. "Goodnight, Nat," he whispered, giving me a kiss.

"'Night, Zack," I smiled, letting my eyes fall shut.

(Brian's POV)

I wanted to try and talk to Nat about what happened at the studio, but as soon as we made it into the house, she ran up the stairs.

Matt gave me an odd look. "Are you sure nothing happened between you two?" he asked yet again. "Nat has been acting differently ever since I picked you two up."

"Nothing happened, Matt," I answered. "I don't know what's up with her."

Matt stared at me for a few seconds and then shook his head, mumbling something about how he doesn't understand his cousin as he walked away.

HE doesn't understand his cousin?! Matt's not the one who was kissing her and then all of a sudden she freaked out and pushed him away, I thought to myself.

"I wonder what her deal is," I muttered as I walked slowly up the stairs. "Nat was fine, and I know she was enjoying herself; she wouldn't have reacted to me the way she did if she wasn't."

As I continued to think about what happened with Nat, I stopped at Zack's door, wanting to talk for a bit before I went to bed. I decided against knocking and opened his door quietly, just in case he was already asleep.

"What the fuck?" I whispered as I took in the sight before me. Nat and Zack were in bed together, with Nat facing me and Zack behind her with his arm around her waist. My mouth formed a straight line and my jawed tightened as I slowly closed the door, leaving the room and walking to mine.

A million thoughts were racing through my head as I undressed and left myself in just boxers. "Why was she in his room?" I asked aloud. It was then that everything hit me: the way they both have seemingly disappeared at the same times the last few weeks, the insane amounts of time they have been spending together.... why Nat pushed me away.

"They're together, and hiding it from all of us," I whispered. I sat down on the edge of my bed and stared at the wall, putting all the pieces together. Finally, my jaw tightened yet again and I clenched my fists. "We'll see how long their little secret relationship lasts once I confront them about it," I growled as I moved back on my bed and closed my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel like I'm lying to you all. I tell you I am going to update more often for this story, and then life starts kicking my ass and I don't get to update like I said I would. I don't like that, and I feel bad about it. I have so many good ideas for upcoming chapters, but I don't get to write them. So instead of promising more updates, I will just tell you that I will update whenever I get the time, and I will make sure those updates don't suck like this one did.

Thanks for sticking with me, even through my lying and shitty updates like this.