Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

A Proposition

I woke up the next morning and the first thought that crossed my mind was one that made my blood boil.

She's in his room.

I hadn't forgotten about what I found the night before; in fact, it had haunted my dreams. I had tossed and turned with the images that filled my head, but they didn't leave me throughout the night. It goes without saying that images of Natalie and Zack weren't exactly my choice of dreaming material.

Groaning inwardly, I got out of bed and tossed my boxers on the floor as I made my way into the bathroom for a shower. After I was done with that, I put on clean clothes and walked down towards Zack's room. I had a plan, and I was going to make it work one way or another.

Being the sneaky person I am, I waited for Zack to come out of his room. My hope was that he would come out alone, and I grinned when he did. I waited until he disappeared down the stairs before coming out from behind my hiding place and walking to his door. I looked over my shoulder and around the hallway before I put my ear to the door. I couldn't hear movement inside, and I didn't hear the shower running, so I took the chance and assumed Nat was still sleeping. I slowly turned the doorknob and let myself in to Zack's room, making sure to close the door as quietly as possible.

I smiled as I looked at Nat lying on the bed. She was wearing a tank top and very short boy shorts, her hair was splayed out around her head on the bed, and her chest rose and fell softly with the pattern of her breathing. It was a welcome sight to a man who hadn't had sex in about a month.

I tore my eyes from Nat's body and carefully made my way to the bed. When I gently sat down on the edge, Nat mumbled something in her sleep but didn't wake. I let out a quite sigh of relief and finished lifting myself onto the edge of the bed so that I was sitting cross-legged. Now all I had to do was wait.

It was about a half hour later, and Nat still hadn't woken up. I was surprised I was still there; I had expected Zack to come back upstairs and catch me before I could do anything. But no. Nat was still sleeping, and Zack hadn't come to bust me. I was just about to give up and try another time when Nat stirred.

Her hazel eyes blinked open, and she gave me a confused look before pulling the blankets closer around her body. A lot of good it did her; I had already seen everything she was covering. "What are you doing in here, Brian?" she asked, her voice quiet from lack of use.

"I need to talk to you," I said quietly, but an edge of steel present in my voice. I was going to get what I wanted, and she was going to give it to me.

"What do you want to talk about at.... 9:30 in the morning?" Nat groaned and sat up so she could face me properly. Her eyes were still a little red from the alcohol she drank the night before.

I stared straight into her eyes, no emotion on my face whatsoever. "I know," I stated simply.

Confusion flashed across Nat's face, followed by realization. "What.... what are you talking about?" Her voice was quiet and strong, but I could sense her apprehension.

"I know that you and Zack are together, and that you are hiding it from us all."

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about," she snapped. "We're just friends."

I laughed and shook my head. "You and Zack are having sex. If that's what 'just friends' means, I want my fucking turn," I answered.

Nat stared at me in shock. "I can't fucking believe you, Haner," she said. "I thought you were over that whole wanting to fuck me thing."

"You're fucking hot as hell, Nat! Do you really think any guy would get over wanting to fuck you?" I asked incredulously.

"Well if he became my friend, like you have, I would assume so!"

I scoffed. "Well I'm sorry I've disappointed you, but I can't help that I'm attracted to you," I said in return.

Nat sighed. "You just need to get out, Brian. You don't know what you're talking about."

"Why are you keeping it a secret from everybody?" I asked, finally getting to my point. "You told Matt off, so why keep who you're fucking a secret?"

It was Nat's turn to scoff. She gave me a hard stare before saying, "If you must know, it just so happens that we're both into the having to sneak around thing."

"So you like keeping secrets?" I asked curiously. Maybe I wouldn't have to follow my original plan after all.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," Nat sighed. "Now can you just - "

"Why don't I add another secret for you to keep?" I interrupted. Nat stared at me with a bewildered look. But I could see that I'd caught her attention. "You're keeping your little fling with Zack a secret, right?" Natalie nodded her head, eyeing me carefully. "Well, why don't you and I get together and keep it a secret from everyone, including Zack? It's not like you two are dating or anything, so it's not like you can't see other people."

Nat shook her head vehemently. "Absolutely not," she stated. "No fucking way."

"Come on Nat," I prodded. "After last night, there's no way you can deny that there's some sort of chemistry between us."

"I was drunk," she defended.

The corners of my mouth lifted into a smirk. "You keep telling yourself that. But you know what I am saying is true. You're attracted to me just as much as I am to you, and you know it."

Natalie stared at me silently, and I could see conflict in her beautiful hazel eyes. I was forcing the truth on her, and she didn't like it. "Just get out Brian, please," she finally answered. "Just please leave me alone."

Even I could see that I had gotten my point across. "Okay," I said softly, getting off the bed and walking towards the door. I looked back at her and she was staring down at the bed as if in a trance, her hair framing her face. "Just think about what I said," I said as a reminder as I left the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here ya go.
Not out as soon as I thought it was going to be, but once again, that's something I can't help.
So I'm sorry.
Hope you liked it.