Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

I'm Losing The Fight

(Nat's POV)

I sat unmoving on Zack's bed, the blankets kicked into a ball at my feet. Brian's words were still spinning around in my mind and I couldn't shake them. I was trying to convince myself that what he had been saying was complete bullshit, but every argument I came up with was knocked down.

He was right about everything, and you know it. You and Zack technically aren't dating; you're just fuck buddies, really. So who's to say that you can't fuck Brian as well?

"Why in the hell would I want to do that? He's been nothing but an arrogant asshole since I got here," I argued with myself.

Okay, that's not completely true. Once you two decided to be friends, he was really sweet. Doesn't that make up for the way he acted when you first got here? And you can't really blame him for the way he acted; he thinks you're hot, and that's just how he responded to it.

"Zack thinks I'm hot, and he didn't act like a jerk," I replied.

Yeah, but maybe that was all part of an act. You remember what Val, Matt, and Brian told you. I know you think Brian and Matt were telling you that Zack is a player for their own reasons, but what about Val? Val would never lie to you about something like that.

I couldn't come up with a response for that, and I sat there in silence. "Why are you fighting so hard for me to get with Brian?" I finally answered.

Why are you fighting so hard against it? Again, no response, just silence. You know you're attracted to him. You have been since you first got here, you've just been afraid to admit it. I'm not going to degrade you for that, because I know why you wouldn't let yourself realize it. But it's time to get over that, and let yourself get a taste of happiness.

"Who says that fucking Brian will make me happy?" I asked.

I'm not saying it will, but you can't live in the past, Nat. You need to just live your life and do what you want.

"There's no winning, is there?" I whispered and shook my head. I threw my head back and stared at the ceiling, my final decision being made.

Try as I might, there was no denying what my mind had told me. I was attracted to Brian, and I couldn't fight that any longer. And as much as I wanted to feel bad about it, I couldn't. Zack hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend; we really were just fuck buddies. And seeing that we had no commitment to each other, we were both free to see other people.