Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

The Morning After

Gentle lips being pressed into the curve of my neck woke me the next morning. I sleepily opened my eyes and grinned, rolling over to face Brian.

"Good morning, beautiful," he murmured and slowly placed his lips on mine. I kissed back and then pulled away, staring at him with wonder in my eyes. "What?" he chuckled. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

I shook my head with a smile still on my face. "I just didn't expect you to be that guy who cuddles the morning after a night of hard-core sex," I admitted as I traced a finger along his jawline.

Brian's chest rumbled with his quiet laughter and a smirk was pulling at the corners of his mouth. I couldn't resist and softly kissed the corner closest to me. "You never gave me a chance to show you that I am that guy, remember?" he reminded me once I had pulled away.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Okay, so I was a bitch when I first got here. But you have to admit, you kinda deserved it," I said pointedly.

Setting himself up on his elbow and draping an arm across my waist, Brian looked down at me. "Maybe a little bit."

"Maybe a lot," I giggled and Brian feigned shock. "Don't look at me like that Brian, you know it's true."

Brian grinned and fell down onto his stomach so he was now looking up at me. "You're right," he admitted, "but that's in the past. We're over that now."

"Right," I agreed.

We sat in silence after that, both of us caught up in our own thoughts. I was absent-mindedly running my fingers through his hair while Brian placed soft kisses on my hipbones. Our silence was broken when he drew in a deep breath.

"What's up?" I asked, closing my eyes and letting my fingers tangle themselves in Brian's hair.

"Does Zack do this with you?" he asked after a moment.

My eyes blinked open and I looked down at Brian's head. "What?" I asked, not sure if he had really meant to ask that. "Does Zack cuddle with me?"

Brian nodded his head against my leg. "Yeah," he repiled.

I thought about it and bit my lip. Every time Zack and I had had sex, we had fallen asleep right afterwards, or one of us had to leave so we wouldn't get caught. "No, he doesn't," I answered after a little bit. "Why?"

"I was just curious," Brian said in reply as he sat up. He then leaned over the bed to grab his boxers while giving me the rest of the blankets to cover up with. When he had his bottoms on, he turned to face me. "So are you hungry at all?" he asked.

I laughed and grinned. "After last night? How could I not be hungry?" I joked.

Brian laughed as well and nodded his head. "Same here. Last night was pretty long, huh?"

"Definitely," I answered, and then added, "but I'm not complaining."

"Good," he laughed, "because neither am I. I could definitely do it again. But since we're both hungry, I suggest we go downstairs and get some breakfast. Sound good to you?" I nodded my head and Brian helped me gather my things so I could go to my room and get cleaned up. Before I left, though, he stopped me and gave me a quick kiss. When I gave him a questioning look, he just smirked. "I couldn't help myself," he explained.

"Of course you couldn't," I replied with a roll of my eyes.

"Hey, it's hardly my fault that you are so attractive that I can barely keep my hands to myself," Brian defended as we walked to my door.

I laughed and let myself into my room. "Whatever, Brian, just go make breakfast," I told him.

Brian gave me a sly smile. "Are you sure you don't want me to join you in the shower?" he asked, resting a hand on my hip.

I pushed his hand off and slowly started closing my door. "Sleeping with me certainly hasn't changed how cocky you are, has it?"

"You know you like it," he challenged as I closed my door to him.

I smiled to myself as I walked across my room to my closet and picked out some clothes to wear before entering the bathroom to shower. I quickly washed my hair and scrubbed my body and dried myself after I stepped out of the bathtub. I pulled on a new pair of panties along with a bra and then slipped on my skirt for the day, followed by a VU t-shirt. I used a blow dryer to dry my hair and let it fall softly around my shoulders. Once I was done with that I applied a few coats of mascara and a thin line of eyeliner. Satisfied with my work, I wandered out into my bedroom and from there into the hallway. On my way downstairs, I crossed paths with a very hung-over Zack.

"Hey Zack," I greeted, minding the pounding headache I knew he would have. "Rough night?"

Zack groaned and feebly wrapped his arms around my waist. "I don't even remember what happened last night," he mumbled and rested his head against my shoulder.

I raised an eyebrow. "You don't remember anything?" I queried. Zack shook his head and I chuckled. "Well, you definitely had a fun night, I can tell you that." When Zack gave me a confused look, I continued. "You got completely wasted, as you can obviously feel right about now, and then found some.... friends to hang out with," I explained as lightly as I could.

Zack's forehead creased in remembrance. "These friends were female, weren't they?" he asked, looking somewhat embarassed. I nodded my head and he sighed. "I'm sorry, Nat. I didn't know what I was doing."

"Hey don't worry, it's fine," I assured him. "It's not like we're 'officially' together, so we're both free to do what we want."

A frown came to Zack's face. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I haven't exactly asked you to be my girlfriend, have I?"

"No, and that's okay. I'm fine with what we have right now if you are," I answered and looked to him for a decision.

Zack watched me for a moment and then nodded his head. "You're right; what we're doing right now is just fine. No need to rush it or complicate things," he agreed.

I smiled and gave Zack a tight hug. "Well now that that's settled, are you hungry? Brian is downstairs making breakfast right now," I informed him.

"How do you know that?" he asked, giving me an odd look. "Didn't you just get out of the shower?"

I thought quickly and answered, "Yeah, but before I got in Brian stopped by my room to ask if I wanted breakfast." It wasn't a total lie; Brian did ask if I wanted breakfast.

"Oh," Zack replied simply. "Well in that case, let's get down there. I'm fucking starved!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Creative chapter title, huh? Yeah, I thought so too : )
But it is a very good song by the band RATT. You should check it out.

Anways, enough shameless band promotion. How are you all? Good? That's good. I'm.... well.... I'm living, and that's good. Okay. So I hope you all enjoyed the update. I'll stop rambling and leave you alone now lol.