Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Let's Call It Official

When we returned home, Matt stopped me before I could walk into the kitchen. He gave me a tight hug and then pulled away. "Are you going to be all right?" he asked, the over-protective side coming out in him.

I nodded my head. "I'll be okay," I assured him. "Don't worry."

Matt smiled and ruffled my hair a bit. "Good. Just know that if you ever need to talk, I'm here."

"Matt, you fucked my hair up!" I whined playfully and straightened my hair. We both laughed and when we were done, I gave him a hug. "Thanks, Matt. I'll keep that in mind," I told him as he released me.

He nodded his head and walked off in the direction of the living room while I skipped my way into the kitchen. I had just reached into the fridge to grab a bottle of Fiji Water (the best water there is) when someone walked by and slapped my ass. My head shot up and I hit it against the top of the fridge before I pulled myself out to look at who had tapped me.

"Brian, what the fuck?" I whined, rubbing my head. "You made me hit my head, you asshole."

Brian laughed and leaned back against the counter, arms crossed over his chest. "I'm sorry Nat, but it was the perfect opportunity. You were bent over and everything; I couldn't resist."

I glared and started walking away. "Whatever, Brian. See if you get laid tonight," I said, smiling to myself. I had barely reached the doorway to the stairs before Brian ran up behind me and threw me over his shoulder, one of his hands covering my mouth.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna head upstairs to work on some riffs. Don't bother coming up for a while," he shouted to the guys as he ran up the stairs with me still on his shoulder.

I heard Johnny laugh and say, "Yeah right. He's probably going to jack off since he hasn't had any in over a fucking month."

"Fuck you, Christ!" Brian shouted and then whispered to me, "What we're going to do is way better than jacking off."

I giggled and Brian set me on my feet, practically pushing me through his bedroom door before following me and locking the door behind him. A smirk on his lips and a glint in his eye, Brian advanced on me. " 'See if you get laid tonight', huh?" he asked as I backed away from him.

"That's what I said," I replied with a smirk of my own taking its place on my lips.

I had backed myself against a wall and Brian was only a few steps away from me. Easily closing that distance, he stepped up to me and placed his hands on either side of my head. "And just what makes you think you'd be able to resist me long enough to hold out on me?" he demanded lowly, making my breath hitch in my throat. My hands had instinctively reached out to his belt buckle and pulled him against me, making him laugh. Looking me in the eyes, Brian whispered, "That's what I thought."

Brian grabbed me roughly by the waist and slammed my hips against his, both of us groaning at the contact. I could feel Brian's growing 'excitement' against me, and I quickly pushed our lips together in a kiss. Deciding that I needed to be closer to him, Brian forced one of my legs around his waist and helped support me while I jumped up and wrapped the other one around him as well.

Our lips moving against and with each other, I reached a hand down and lifted the hem of Brian's shirt so that I could take it off. We broke our kiss for an instant so I could do so, and then our lips were reattached.

"The bed," I demanded when I pulled away from him. "And I want to be on top." Brian grinned and walked us over to the bed, sitting himself down on the edge so I was straddling his lap. Resting my hands on his chest, I brushed my lips against his own. "How bad do you want it?" I asked, making Brian groan. Not happy with that, I grinded down on him. "How bad do you want me, Brian?" I asked again, my arms wrapped around his neck so I could pull away to look at him.

Eyes dark with lust, Brian whispered, "Very badly. I want you so badly it hurts."

"Then let's do something about it," I answered and slid my hands down to his waist. I hastily undid his jeans and he kicked them off. Leaving him in just his boxers, I got off Brian's lap and stood up in front of him.

"Natalie, what are you - " he started to ask, but I motioned for him to be quiet. He did as I asked and I started to slowly peel my shirt from my body. "Oohh," Brian moaned when he realized what I was doing. Letting my hand fall down to the top of my skirt, I popped open the top button and pulled the zipper down. I then turned around so I was no longer facing Brian, gaining a groan in protest. He inhaled a sharp breath when I gave a slight tug to the bottom of the skirt and bent over to help it slide down from my hips.

Stepping away from the pile of clothing at my feet, I returned to my position on Brian's lap. His dick greeted me as I settled myself and I could feel myself getting ready for him. "You should really learn to let me do what I will when we are together like this," I whispered in his ear. Brian shuddered and I gripped his shoulders tightly. "Now come on and be a gentleman. Help me finish getting undressed."

By this point Brian was eager and ready to go. One of his hands snaked around back to unclip my bra and throw it across the room while the other pulled my panties off my body. He gasped in surprise when I pushed him onto his back and crawled on top of him, making sure to take his boxers off beforehand.

"Fuck yes," he groaned when I finally let him have what he wanted.

I slowly moved myself up and down his cock, throwing my head back in pleasure. Knowing that Brian wouldn't let me keep this pace for long, I dug my nails into his chest and enjoyed the feeling for as long as I could. A few minutes later, just like I predicted, Brian flipped us over and started driving himself into me. I wasn't going to complain, though; I loved being with Brian either way.

Arching my back in pleasure as Brian struck my spot, I let out a lustful moan. Brian seemed to like this, because he returned there again and again. "Say my name, baby," he panted as he held my hips down on the bed.

"Brian..... oh god," I whimpered as I felt my walls tighten around him.

Brian increased his speed and soon I felt him start to throb inside me. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," he chanted as I came around him and coated his dick. He soon followed suit and let himself go inside of me. As soon as we were both done, Brian slipped out of me and took me in his arms. I kissed him gently and he smiled. "That was amazing," he whispered.

"It was," I replied and then yawned.

Brian smiled yet again and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Go to sleep beautiful. I'll make sure we're okay," he promised and I buried my head against his chest, letting sleep overtake me.

*The Next Day*

"Nat, are you sure you want to do this?" Matt asked worriedly.

I sighed and nodded my head. "Yes, I'm sure. Now sit down. Your pacing is making me sick," I told him. Matt made an apologetic sound and sat down beside me. "When are they going to get here?" I asked of the guys.

"Jimmy said about two minutes," Matt replied. "They weren't far from home when I called."

I took a deep breath and let it out, nodding my head. I can do this. I can do this. None of them are going to think differently of me because of what I tell them today.

"Hey, we're home," Johnny called as he and the guys all piled into the living room. "What's going on?"

Val, who had come to sit next to me, gave my hand a tight squeeze. I smiled at her and stood as all the guys found a seat. "There's something I need... well, I want to tell you. It's about why I came here, and my life before I came here," I said and all eyes were on me. I sucked in another deep, shuddering breath before commencing with the story I had confessed to Matt the day before.

The room was completely silent when I was done speaking. The only ones who didn't have a look of shock and sympathy on their faces were Matt and Val, whom I had told beforehand. "I.... I don't want you guys to feel bad for me. That shit is all in the past, and I'm done with it. All that really matters is that I had Matt to help me, and that I survived," I said quietly.

"We're just glad you're okay and that you were able to come and thank Matt," Jimmy said as he embraced me in a hug. Everybody soon followed his lead, and I was engulfed in a massive group hug.

I was let out of the center and I smiled. "Me too. But if you don't mind, I just wanna be alone for awhile. I'm gonna go up to my room. See you all later." Everybody walked up to give me another hug before letting me walk up the stairs to my room. Once I was alone, I opened up my window to let in the ocean air. I took in the scent and let myself fall back onto my bed. "I'm so glad they finally know," I whispered with a small smile. "No more secrets."

I was brought out of my wandering thoughts by my door being opened. I sat up to see Zack. "Hey Nat," he said quietly. "I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's no problem," I smiled. "You know you're always someone I want to see, even if I want to be alone." Zack smiled back at me, but I caught a sense of nervousness behind it. "What's wrong, Zack?"

Zack came to sit on the bed with me. "There's something.... something I need to do," he said shakily, and I took his hands in mine. Taking a breath to calm himself, Zack looked up into my eyes. "Natalie, will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at him with wide eyes. "You want me to be with you, even after what you learned today?" I asked in disbelief. Zack nodded his head.

"Like you said, that is all in the past. You made some bad mistakes, but you've learned from them. And I believe the experience has only made you stronger as a person. Nat, I.... I really like you. A lot. And I don't care about what you've done in the past, I just want to be with you," he admitted.

Staring into Zack's bright green eyes, I was lost inside my mind. Even after all that, he still wants to be with me. And not just as what we were before. He wants us to be together. We'd be an official couple, officially dating. I could call him mine, and he could do the same to me. But that means... that means I wouldn't... I couldn't be with Brian anymore. I couldn't mess around with him behind Zack's back. Am I really willing to give that freedom up?

"Yes," I murmured, and then my voice became stronger. "Yes, Zack, I will be your girlfriend!"

Zack's face was full of surprise, and then excitement. "Fuck, this is amazing!" he exclaimed, wrapping me up in a hug. "You've just made me so fucking happy Natalie. You can't even know."

"We're not going to keep this a secret, are we?" I asked, lifting my face from Zack's chest.

"Hell no! I want everyone to know how fucking lucky I am to be with you, and that I can call you mine," he responded.

I pressed my lips to his and replied, "Then let's go now. Let's go downstairs and tell everybody."

"Are you sure?" Zack asked. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

Smirking, I placed another kiss on Zack's lips. "Fucking right I'm sure. Now let's go and tell everyone so we can come back upstairs and celebrate," I said suggestively. Zack just smirked and pulled me off the bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well aren't you peeps lucky? Brian sex AND Zacky asking Nat out.
Haha, I'm just kidding, I love you guys. You deserved a good update to celebrate the beginning of 2009.