Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Go Ahead & Tell Yourself That

"So what do you feel like doing tonight, baby?" Zack asked, running a hand through my hair.

I was currently stretched out on the couch, my head in his lap. I yawned lazily and smiled up at him before replying, "Nothing that requires too much energy. I'm still worn out from the other night, thanks to you."

Zack laughed and rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry, doll. If it wears you down so much, I'll take it easier next time if you want me to."

"I never said that!" I defended, shaking my head vigorously as I sat up. "I just need a little bit longer to adjust is all."

"What, are me and my sexual appetite and abilities too much for you to handle?" he smirked.

I laughed and shoved his chest playfully. "You wish, Baker," I retorted. "I can handle you just fine, and you know it."

"Whatever, just admit you are amazed by your magnificent boyfriend and his abilities to keep you satisified all night long," Zack countered smugly.

"I can go along with that," I said lowly and brought our lips together in a kiss. I threaded my fingers through Zack's black hair and pulled, gaining a growl in response. Moving my lips from his, I kissed down Zack's neck while he took my hips and set me on his lap. Grinding slowly, I pushed our bodies closer together.

"Go get a fucking room," someone grumbled as they walked into the living room. "I don't want to see you two fucking on the couch."

I sighed internally and reluctantly pulled away from Zack. Any guesses on who it was that interrupted? Well if you guessed Brian, you are correct my friend. It had been three weeks now that Zack and I were together, and he was the only person that still seriously complained about it. Yeah, everybody else poked fun at us and told us to hold off on the PDA, but Brian was still pissed off about it. If you ask me, he was just being a little bitch.

Letting me climb off his lap, Zack wrapped an arm around me once I was sitting next to him. "You know, if you didn't want to watch us, you could've just left the room," he said to Brian, who was flipping through the channels on TV.

Brian glanced quickly at Zack, and then at me, before turning back to the TV. "It's the fucking living room. We shouldn't have to leave just because you can't keep it in your pants."

"What the fuck, man? What is your problem lately?" Zack accused, reacting to Brian's mood for the first time in weeks. All this time, Brian has been moping around the house, pissing everybody off, and Zack has just been cool about it. I mean, they are best friends, so I guess I can understand being that way for a little while. But I think Zack just might've had enough. "You've been a whiny little bitch for the last few weeks, and I want to know what the hell your problem is. I'm sick and tired of you complaining and being an asshole all the time, so what the fuck is your problem?"

Completely silent, Brian got up from his seat and walked out of the room. Not even a glance at either Zack or myself; he just got up and left. I wish I could say I don't know what Brian's problem is, but that'd be a lie. I know exactly what has been bothering him.

Sighing, Zack sat back in his seat and closed his eyes. I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and rested my head on his chest. "Don't worry about him, babe," I said quietly. "He's probably just stressed about finishing up the album and that's why he's been such a dick lately. I'm sure everything between you and him will be fine once that's done."

"I hope so, Nat. I really do," he answered. "Brian and I have been best friends forever, and I don't want some stupid shit to fuck that up."

My heartbeat increased by a fraction of a second when he said that. What if I ended up being that wedge that ultimately broke them apart? I would hate myself, and I don't know if anyone would ever forgive me.

Stop fucking thinking like that. None of this is your fault, and you know it. Brian is just being dramatic, and he needs to get over the fact that you aren't going to be with him.

Confident in what I had just decided, I smiled at Zack before jumping off the couch. I pulled him up with me and said, "Come on, let's just go chill at the beach for a while or something."

"Hey babe, I'll be right back. I'll come outside with you in a little bit, I just have to change quick," I said as Zack and I walked back into the house. We had gone to the beach for a little over an hour, and then it got too crowded so we came back.

Zack smiled and planted a kiss on my lips. "Don't keep me waiting too long," he whispered.

I smirked against our kiss. "You know I won't."

With a playful slap to the ass, Zack sent me on my way before finding his own way outside. I took the stairs two at a time, eager to get outside to just chill with Zack and the others. Letting myself into my room, I ran full speed for my dresser and started searching for a swimsuit. That's part of what I loved about California; it was almost October, and it was still warm enough to walk around in nothing but a bikini. I had found the one I wanted, white with black designs, and started to undress myself when the door slammed shut behind me.

"I don't know what you're covering yourself for, it's nothing I haven't seen," Brian smirked and crossed his arms over his chest, which just so happened to be bare. Convenient, huh?

I pulled the bottom of my outfit on and glared at Brian. "It's not yours to see anymore, that's why," I informed him. "And now that I think of it, I never really was yours to see."

Brian rolled his eyes in disgust. "Well if my memory serves me correctly, you were more than happy to have me look at you before you and Baker got together. In fact, I did a hell of a lot more than just look at you."

"What the fuck do you want, Brian?" I asked, turning around quickly to tie my top around my chest. When I turned to face him, Brian was only feet away from me.

"I see you're still trying to play it off like you don't want me," he said pointedly. "It's kinda hard, isn't it, when I'm right here in front of you, and we're both half-naked and alone?"

I was not going to let him get to me. I would not falter. "Brian, if this is all you've come here to do, you can just leave," I told him. "It's not going to work."

Brian took another step towards me, closing the gap between us. "You know, it'd be so easy to fall back into old ways. All I'd have to do is pull at a string - " he demonstrated his point by reaching behind me and pulling at the string behind my neck " - and voila. We're only one piece of clothing away from doing what we both want."

My breathing had become heavy by this point, and I wasn't sure if it was from anger, or from something else entirely. I could feel my top slowly falling away from me, but much to my surprise, that wasn't where Brian was looking. He was looking straight into my eyes, and I nearly gasped at how close our bodies were. It was then that I realized that his body against mine was the only thing keeping my top from falling off me completely.

"I know you can feel it, Nat," Brian whispered, his face drawing ever closer to mine. "I know how much you want this, because I want it too. Just give in. No one ever has to know." Brian's lips ghosted across my own and I shuddered. Just as he went in for the kill, I raised my hand and -

- slapped him across the face. Brian stumbled away from me and I growled in frustration. "You asshole, how fucking dare you!" I roared. "I should just kick your ass right fucking now!"

Without a reply, I left the room and took deep breaths to calm myself. There was no way I was going to go out there as pissed off as I was. Zack would immediately know something was up, and then I'd be forced to tell him what happened. There was no way I wanted that to happen, because that would only lead to him and everybody else finding out about Brian and I. No. That would not happen, so I just needed to calm down.

But I had to think about what had just happened with Brian. I knew I shouldn't have put it past him to try something like that, but it was still surprising. I couldn't believe he had actually done that.

What was also unbelievable was how good it felt. God, was it just me, or has he gotten even hotter since the last time I've seen him shirtless?

"What the fuck?! No way, shut the fuck up!" I admonished out loud. I quickly realized that that could've looked bad to someone watching and looked around to find no one there. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Brian is not hot, and we will not think of him like that," I whispered under my breath like a mantra. "We will not think of him as hot, cute, adorable, sexy, or any other adjective of that kind, and we will most certainly not fuck him again behind Zack's back."

I stopped in my tracks as that last part left my mouth. I was just rambling, that's all. Nothing to worry about. Because if there was one thing I wasn't going to do, it would be fucking Brian Haner, Junior.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry it's taken so long to update! I've just been a mindblank for this story lately, but I finally got this out! I've already got some of the next chapter in my head, so hopefully it won't take as long next time.
And I'm thinking some Zacky action next chapter? Yes or No?