Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Zack's Been A Bad Boy

After my little 'talk' with Brian, I spent the rest of the day subconsciously pissing him off the best I could. The things I did weren't very noticeable, but I saw Brian clench his fists or grind his teeth together more than one time. Oddly enough, I gained a sick sense of satisfaction knowing that I was bothering him so much. Perhaps it was just my way of getting back at him for the stunt he pulled in the house...

"Zack, stop," I giggled, squirming in the chair we were sharing. Zack was currently pinching me and while no one else paid us any attention, Brian was certainly enjoying the show. If 'enjoying the show' meant glaring at me the best he could without getting caught.

"Sorry babe, no can do. Not unless there's something in it for me," he replied with a smirk.

I laughed and yelped in surprise as Zack pinched me yet again. "Okay, okay. If you stop, I promise to come with you to the studio tomorrow."

"Hmm.... not good enough," Zack answered and instead of pinching me, resorted to tickling.

Laughing, shrieking, and out of breath, I pleaded, "Okay, you can make me do whatever you want, just stop tickling me!"

Zack promptly stop his assault and looked down at me from his position on top of my hips. "Anything, huh?" he asked with a mischievous grin.

"Oh shit. I didn't really say that, did I?" I groaned, biting down on my bottom lip.

"I'm afraid you did, my dear. And since I stopped like you asked me to, I believe that I am entitled to ask you to do whatever I want." The grin on Zack's face only got wider and more wicked as he answered me.

I sighed and flopped down on the chair. There was no point in fighting this; I would just end up losing again anyways. "So what do you want me to do, loverboy?" I asked with a grin. Zack leaned down to whisper in my ear and as he continued to explain what he wanted in explicit detail, I felt the heat rise to my face. When he was done, I knew that my entire face was red. Even I had to blush at what he had just said.

"And you can't say no, Nat," he reminded me. "You said whatever I wanted, and that's what I want."

Giving one more defeated sigh, I answered, "I am so getting you back for this, Baker."

"I'll be looking forward to it. I know how dirty-minded you can get," he countered with a smirk.

"God you're such a pervert!" I exclaimed, smacking his chest playfully.

Zack replied by attaching his lips to mine. "You know you love it," he whispered against our kiss.

"Val, I need you to go shopping with me later," I announced as her and I sat on one of the couches in the studio.

Val nodded her head. "Okay. What are we shopping for?" When I didn't answer, Val looked up at me and started giggling. "Oh. It's that kind of shopping trip. Gotcha," she stated, still laughing quietly.

"What are you guys shopping for?" Jimmy asked as he and Matt came to sit with us.

"Nothing," I replied quickly.

"Lingerie," Val answered at the same time.

Matt groaned and tilted his head back against the couch. "God, I do not want to know about my cousin and what she... wears in the bedroom," he complained, searching for the right words.

"Well look at it this way: maybe Val will buy something new," Johnny suggested with a smirk.

"Shut it, Christ," Matt grumbled.

The five of us went on talking while Brian and Zack finished something up in the recording booth. When they were done they came out to join us, laughing their asses off about something. It made me happy to see that they were at least getting along again, and that Zack's outburst hadn't affected anything. I think it mainly had something to do with the fact that Brian was no longer being an ass about Zack and I being together. Yesterday, after we all went inside from the pool, he actually apologized for having been such an asshole this whole time, and said he was glad that Zack and I were happy together.

While everyone else was breathing a sigh of relief at Brian's change of heart, I caught his eye and noticed the barely perceptible glint hidden there. He was fucking up to something, and I knew it. There was no way he would just give up. For everyone else's sake, and for the sake of my relationship with Zack, though, I was going to pretend I didn't know that. I would continue to play nice with Brian, if only for the simple reason it was the easiest thing to do.

I sighed and pulled on the hem of my skirt . I had to admit, I looked good, but I just couldn't believe I was going to do this. I had never role-played before, so I hoped Zack didn't have any high expectations.

"Holy.... wow, Nat," Zack gasped as I walked out of his bathroom and into the bedroom.

I toyed with my skirt again. "You like it?" I asked shyly.

"I fucking... I love it. I almost want to skip all the acting and just - "

"Oh hell no!" I interrupted with a laugh. "I put this on just for you, so I'm not going to fucking waste it. Now get your ass on the bed."

Zack smirked and backed up so he was sitting on the bed. "Yes ma'am," he replied, his smirk giving me more confidence. Maybe this would be easier than I thought.

I took a slow step forward and tapped my whip into my palm. "You've been a bad boy, Zachary. Do you know what happens to bad boys?" I asked in a sultry tone.

Zack gulped and looked up at me as I continued to walk closer to him. "They get punished," he answered, his voice giving away his excitement.

"That's right," I agreed, "and I think you need to be severely punished." I was standing right in front of him now and I was starting to get into my part. "Take your shirt and jeans off now," I demanded and pushed him in the chest with the end of my whip. Zack eagerly complied and threw his discarded clothing to the floor. I climbed on top of him and slowly started backing him up so he was at the head of the bed. When I had him where I wanted, I brought out the handcuffs Val had made me buy and cuffed Zack to the bed.

"Ooh, I wasn't expecting this," Zack said excitedly and wiggled his eyebrows at me. I smacked his chest with the whip in response, making him groan.

"No talking unless I tell you to," I instructed and Zack nodded his head, his eyes shining with lust.

Making sure the cuffs were tight enough to keep him there but not enough to hurt him, I got off of Zack and went around to the end of the bed. I stood in an authorative stance and smirked at Zack. "Hmm. How should I start my punishment?" I asked aloud, rhythmically tapping the whip into my palm. I looked at Zack, who was watching me intently and taking in every inch of my body, and got an idea. Slowly, I bent down to undo my boots, knowing full well that my chest would be hanging out of my top. I heard Zack moan and squirm on the bed and knew that my punishment was working thus far.

Once my boots were removed, I climbed back onto the bed and straddled Zack's lap. As soon as I was sat on him Zack bucked his hips up and I pulled myself up and away from him. "Now Zack, I didn't tell you to do that," I said and gave him another slap with the whip, earning another moan. I started grinding my hips down onto his and I let out an involuntary moan when I felt his erection brush against me.

"You like that, huh baby?" Zack asked and I could just hear the smirk in his voice.

Before I could stop myself, I answered, "Yes," and crashed my lips down onto his.

Our tongues met and clashed against each other, making me moan and push down on Zack. I ran my hands up to his hair and quickly tangled my fingers there, pulling whenever Zack pushed his hips into mine. I got tired of the friction between us and started undoing my dress as best as I could. Zack whined as I did so and I knew he was getting restless. Soon enough I was left in just my panties and I desperately wanted Zack inside me.

"Baby, let me out of the handcuffs so I can touch you," he pleaded. I hastily complied and I was soon pinned underneath Zack's body.

"Fuck!" I shouted when Zack ripped my panties off and plunged into me. His thrusts were harsh and fast and I knew he wanted this as badly as I did. I dug my nails into his back and held tightly when he lifted one of my legs over his shoulder, pounding into me even harder than before.

Zack nipped at my collarbone, leaving small kisses and bites everywhere his lips touched. Trailing his lips up my jaw, he finally reached my mouth. "God Natalie, you're so fucking amazing," he panted.

I grinned and replied, "You're not too bad yourself, Zack." My ability to talk sensibly was taken from me though when Zack struck my spot. I arched my back off the bed and let out a long moan, making Zack increase his speed.

"Oh fuck, I'm so fucking close, Nat," he groaned as he continued to push himself into me. My only response was to scream his name as my walls tightened around him and I came. Zack followed a few minutes later, giving me another orgasm, and then rolled off me.

"So is that what you wanted, Zack?" I asked when we had both regained our breath.

Zack gave me a lazy grin and a kiss. "That was everything I wanted and more. We definitely have to do that more often."
♠ ♠ ♠
Damn, I'm sorry it's taken so long to get this out. I got caught up in Finals week, and then I just didn't know how to go about the whole Natalie as a dominatrix thing. I didn't want it to suck too bad, so I tried to take my time and make it readable lol. I hope you guys liked it though; there was Zacky action just like I promised!

On a different note: I have a new babysitting job. I babysit two little girls and their brother. The one little girl is four years old and her name is Natalie. It was kinda weird to write this chapter since my main character who just did a very adult thing with her boyfriends shares the same name as the adorable little girl I babysit lol.