Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Personal Warfare

"Come on guys, shut the fuck up! I'm trying to talk here!" Matt shouted above the din of Zack, Johnny, Jimmy, Brian, Val, and I all talking at once. We were all currently at the Warner Brothers office and apparently there were some things the guys needed to talk about for the upcoming tour in support of their new album. "HEY ASSHOLES! MEETING'S STARTED!" he screamed and we all jumped in unison.

"Some times I curse the fact that we have a singer with such a loud fucking voice," Brian grumbled to Zack and I as we sat down.

Zack laughed and pulled me into his lap before replying, "Yeah, but you have to admit that it's effective."

"And we all know the fans love it," I added with a smile, both of the guys agreeing with me. That was one thing I loved about Avenged Sevenfold: they knew that their fans loved them and were loyal no matter, and they rewarded their fans with the best material and best live shows possible.

"All right, now that we've got everybody's attention, let's get down to business," Larry, the manager for the guys, announced.

I quickly started to tune Larry and the others out when they started discussing things I didn't understand. Zack started to get really into whatever was going on, so I slid off his lap and into the chair next to me so he could have more room to move around. I had just started spacing out completely when a hand landed on my leg; I didn't need to look to know that the hand didn't belong to my boyfriend.

Growling lowly as Brian started to run his hand higher up my thigh, I pulled my phone out and opened up a new text message.

I am going to fucking kill you, Haner.

I hit the send button and waited impatiently for Brian to receive the message, swatting as best I could at his hand without being caught. I heard his phone buzz silently as it vibrated and Brian used his free hand to check the new message. A smirk lifted at the corners of his mouth even as he continued to make plans with the guys and Larry for tour.

Haha sure you are. You know you want this and more.

I glared at the text message and roughly pushed Brian's hand away from the bottom of my skirt.

I'm not fucking kidding, Brian. If you don't stop right now, I will tell Matt and Zack and they will kick your sorry ass.

Brian received the message a few moments later and slowly removed his hand from my leg. Thinking I was free to go, I let out a barely audible sigh and propped my chin up in my hand on top of the table. I jumped in surprise when my phone shook with a new text.

"You okay, baby?" Zack whispered, glancing at me.

I nodded my head. "Yeah I'm fine. My phone vibrated and it just surprised me," I whispered back and Zack went back to his conversation.

Hey what's going on with you and Brian??

This text was from Val and I shot her a confused look.

I can see you two texting on your phones. So what's going on?

I debated whether or not I should tell Val what was really going on, or if I should just tell a little lie. Everything had been fine between all of us since Brian had apologized to Zack and I, and I didn't really feel like screwing that up just because Brian pissed me off.

He's just being stupid. Typical Brian, y'know?

He's not still being a shithead to you, is he? Even though he apologized?

Damn, this girl was good. She was right on the money, but I wasn't going to tell her that.

No, he's not doing anything like that. When I say he's being stupid, I mean it in the literal sense lol. Nothing to worry about.

Across the table, I saw Val give a smile and nod her head.

Alright. Well, just let me know if I need to kick his ass ; )

I laughed quietly and smiled over at her.

Thanks hun. I'll keep that in mind just in case.

Again, I thought I was free when my phone went off for another time.

You didn't tell her, did you?

Nope. Didn't feel like starting anything within the group because of your dumb ass.

I felt Brian shift beside me.

What about your threat about telling Matt and Zack and having them kick my ass?

Pull another stunt like you did earlier, and all bets of peace are off. Keep your hands to yourself. I don't care if you have to jerk off late at night in your room or go find a hooker, but just keep your hands off me.

This isn't over, Nat. Not by a longshot.

What the fuck?! What is that supposed to mean?

What the fuck does that mean?

You know what it fucking means. I'm not giving up. I don't care what I have to do, but you will cave in to me.

What, so your little speech the other day was just a bunch of bullshit?

Well to you it is. To the others, it means that I'm not going to be a jackass anymore or bother you and Zack.

I fucking knew it! I knew that Brian was fucking up to something.

You dickhead... You know, why can't you just be happy being my friend? Why do we have to fight all the time and have our own private war?

That was a legitimate question. I really did want to be friends with Brian, but he made it extremely difficult and I was just tired of it.

Because I want more, Natalie.

Ha, sure you do. Don't fucking make me laugh, Haner.

If our own private war is what it takes, then I'll do it.

I shook my head and pushed my phone into the pocket of my skirt, completely done with the conversation Brian and I were having. I would say I couldn't believe he was being such a jerk, but that would be a lie.

"So Nat, what do you think?" Matt asked, jolting me out of my private thoughts and rants about Brian.

"Umm, what do I think about what?" I asked, making Matt shake his head at me.

"You and Zack can either share a bunk, or you can have your own on the bus. Which one do you want?" he questioned.

Whoa. I'm going on tour? Since when? "Since when am I going on tour?" I blurted out.

Matt sighed. "You haven't been listening, have you?" I shook my head no. Another sigh from Matt. "Well, since you sang on a couple of our songs for the new album, Brian came up with the idea to have you come with us to sing onstage. The guys and I agreed, so you're coming with us. So one more time, do you want to share a bunk with Zack, or do you want your own?"

I stared at Matt incredulously for a moment and then shook my head. This was Brian's idea? And they all went along with it? What the fuck? I looked at Zack, who was giving me a pleading look. It was obvious in his eyes that he really wanted me to come along with him, so there was no way I could refuse to do this.

Giving a small sigh of defeat, because I knew that this was all a part of mine and Brian's personal war, I took Zack's hand and replied, "I wanna share with Zack, if that can be arranged."
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Next update should be soon, but I'm not sure. I've got my hands full with applications for National Honor Society, Solo & Ensemble for Band, and Track starting up soon.