Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

You Can't Take Back The Past

"I'm so happy you're coming with us," Zack smiled as he and I walked into the kitchen later that afternoon.

Leaning against the counter, I answered, "Well, I didn't really have a choice in the matter. It seems as though you guys all decided I would be going way before I even knew about it."

"You could have said no," he defended.

"But?" I asked, smiling as I saw the smirk growing on Zack's face.

Coming to stand in front of me so I was completely backed against the counter, Zack said, "But I knew you would come anyways."

I shivered as Zack's lips brushed against mine. "Oh? And how did you know that?"

"I have my ways," he murmured as he grabbed my hips firmly and placed his lips on mine. I moaned quietly as he slipped his tongue into my mouth and grinded my hips against his.

Moving me away from the counter, Zack manuevered us over to the dining room table, which was thankfully bare, and pushed me down on top of it. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and forcefully connected our lips in another kiss while he managed to slide his hand under my shirt and remove it from my body. I hastily reached down to start undoing his shorts as Zack placed biting kisses up and down my neck.

Soon enough we were both naked on the table and Zack had pushed himself into me. As I threw my head back against the wooden table, a thought occured to me. "Z-Zack, what if someone walks in?" I stammered as my eyes fluttered closed.

Zack grunted and gave me a smirk as he looked down at me. "Everyone decided to go out to eat after the meeting, so we've got the house to ourselves for a while," he explained heavily.

Not thinking anything of the fact that we were talking while sex, I continued the conversation. "Oh. Where did they go?"

"Olive Garden."

I gasped, and I wasn't quite sure whether it was because Zack had just stroked my core or because of what he said. "Zack! You know that's my favorite restaurant! I could be so pissed off at you right now - "

"But you're not," Zack finished for me when I stopped mid-sentence to let out the loudest moan I'd ever given. "Because this is way better, and you know it, doll."

"Honey, I'm home!" Matt called about an hour later, followed by the rest of the group.

Zack and I were sat cuddled on the couch watching the TV show Burn Notice. "That's nice," I mumbled as he walked in to join us, "now shut up because Michael is about to escape from the bad guy's house."

"God, I swear you are obsessed with this show," Val teased. "Although I have to admit, Michael Westen is fucking gorgeous."

I looked over at Val and smiled conspiratorially. "Exactly why I watch the show, besides the fact that it's awesome."

"Dude, why the fuck does it smell like sex in the kitchen?" Jimmy asked, Brian and Johnny following behind him.

Before I could stop him, Zack replied, "Nat and I had sex in there while you guys were gone."

I turned an embarassing shade of red while everyone else in the house looked like they were going to puke. "We fucking eat in there, man!" Johnny whined. "Why the fuck would you do that?"

"And on my table?" Val demanded, although she didn't look too mad. "Now I'm going to have to disinfect it, thanks Baker."

"Fuck disinfecting it, I say burn it," Brian threw in jokingly. "I don't want to taste Zack's fucking cum when I eat dinner tonight."

"Hey, who says we did it on the table?" I tried defending.

Brian turned to look at me and smirked before answering, "Where else would you do it in the kitchen?"

I had known Brian would know Zack and I had had sex on the table, because he and I had done the same thing.... twice. And underneath it. And in the pantry. And on the counters. The only difference was, no one ever found out about it.

Jimmy must've taken my silence as defeat because he screamed, "Burned, Nat! Brian so got you guys on that one!"

"Okay, enough," Matt groaned. "We can stop talking about my cousin and best friend's sex life now."

I sent Matt a thankful glance and then sighed, seeing as how my show was now over. "Thanks guys. Because you just had to talk about that shit I missed the ending to my show."

"You know there's gonna be a re-run of this episode next Monday after RAW, so why is it a big deal?" Brian asked teasingly as he took a seat across from Zack and I.

Being the mature person I am, I stuck my tongue out at him. "Shut up, Brian," was my awesome come-back to accompany my actions.

Later that night, I sat out by the pool by myself. The weather was still warm outside and the gentle breeze blowing off the ocean sent the smell of salt to my nose. I drew my knees up to my chest and tilted my head back, looking up at the millions of stars above me. This was something I had done ever since I was a kid, and I always found looking at the night sky something that was extremely soothing.

"Hey, Nat." I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of Brian's voice.

I brought my head back down and looked at Brian. For once, he didn't look like he was going to start anything, and I decided to let my guard down. "Hey, Brian," I replied softly, turning my eyes back to the sky once he was sat down beside me.

Brian stretched his legs out in front of him and put his arms out behind him to support himself. "Beautiful night, huh?"

"Yeah. I always did love Huntington Beach at night," I answered, still gazing at the twinkling bursts of light we call stars.

"Did you miss it at all? Huntington Beach, I mean. While you were gone?"

I again turned my head to look at Brian, laying my head on my knees. "I did. A lot. Who wouldn't miss a place like this? But I'm back now, and I guess that's all that matters, really," I spoke.

Brian nodded his head. "Yeah."

We sat in silence after that, neither of us saying anything. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't uncomfortable or awkward at all. Seeing as how this was the guy trying to break me and my boyfriend up, you would assume it'd be at least a little weird. But then again, Brian never ceased to amaze me and keep me guessing about him. After a time, a thought occured to me and wouldn't leave my head. It was a question I had been meaning to ask Brian since he had first started showing 'interest' in me, and I guessed now was as good a time as any to ask him.

"Brian?" I asked quietly, still watching him.

Brian turned his eyes to me. "What's up, Nat?"

"Why were things instantly so different between us when I came back? I remember before I left, you and I used to hang out and things were never like this before. What changed?" I questioned.

Sighing, Brian pulled his feet in and sat cross-legged. " We changed," he finally answered.

"What do you mean by that?"

Brian picked at the grass as he spoke. "We were just kids back then, Nat. Things were different. I mean, I've always thought you were good-looking, but I would never have made a move on you back then."

"Why? What stopped you back then that isn't stopping you now?" I demanded. I wasn't angry, but I did want to know.

"It doesn't matter," he replied, looking at me once again with his piercing brown eyes. "What does matter is that now we're adults, and things have happened between you and I, and those things can't be easily forgotten by either of us."

I changed the position I was sitting in to match Brian's and wrapped my arms around myself. "Those things shouldn't have happened, and you know it, Brian," I defended.

"Don't you miss it, Nat?" he asked, and I didn't need to guess what he was talking about. "I know you say you're happy with Zack, but don't you miss it... miss us just a little bit?"

"There never was an us, Brian," I replied, staring straight ahead at the clear waters of the pool.

I could feel Brian watching me. I still didn't get the vibe from him that he was trying to start anything, despite what we were talking about right now. "Maybe not officially," he conceded, "but there was definitely a connection we shared. Don't try and tell me that you aren't thinking of the exact thing I am, staring into the pool over there. I can tell by the look on your face that you're thinking about it."

He was right. That pool wasn't just a pool to me anymore, and apparently it was no longer just a pool to Brian, either.

"Brian, are you sure? I don't want to get caught.... " I said, Brian leading me by the hand towards the pool. I was nervous, but I also had an air of excitement about me. I always got that feeling when Brian and I got together.

Brian turned around to smirk at me. "Don't worry, Nat. Everyone's asleep; no one is going to find out."

I giggled as Brian stopped at the edge of the pool and pulled me towards him. "You're right. I guess I just always get a little nervous," I whispered, letting Brian push down the straps of my light summer dress to reveal my body beneath.

"You don't ever need to worry, Nat. I'll never let anyone find out. I'll always take care of you," Brian promised quietly, closing his eyes as my hand wandered down the front of his body to his swimming trunks.

I pulled on the drawstrings and Brian's shorts fell from his hips, pooling around his ankles. He stepped out of them and then approached me again, wrapping his arms lightly around my waist. I placed my hands on his chest. "I believe you," I answered, pressing our lips together for the first time in two days.

"Come on, let's get into the water before we get too distracted," Brian chuckled, pulling away from me.

Brian entered the water first and then held his hand out to me, helping me down into the pool. I shivered as the water surrounded me and Brian pulled me against him. I circled my arms around him and layed my head on his chest. "This is so nice," I whispered, a content smile on my face. Brian ran his hands softly over my body and I closed my eyes, letting him sway us in time with whatever song was sounding in his head.

After a few minutes, Brian tilted my chin up so he could look at me. "Are you happy?" he asked.

I gave him a confused smile. "Of course I am. Why?"

Brian smiled and shook his head. "Nothing. I just always want you to be happy," he replied.

Instead of answering him, I pressed our lips together in a passionate kiss. Brian responded instantly and slid his tongue along my bottom lip, begging for access. I let him in and let him dominate my mouth, happy this one time to let him have complete control without a fight first.

I was so caught up in our kiss that I hadn't noticed Brian moving. We were now at the deepest end of the pool and I was pinned against the wall. Brian had me wrap my legs around his waist and smoothly entered me.

"Oh fuck," I moaned, the sensation of Brian gliding within me causing me to let my head fall back into the brick wall.

"Two days is way too fucking long, baby," Brian said softly, watching me as I shivered underneath his touch.

I grabbed hold of Brian's arms, which were outstretched so he could hold onto the wall on either side of my head, and whimpered in agreement. I started moving my hips in time with him and Brian placed his forehead against mine.

"God, you are so fucking beautiful," he murmured, placing his cheek next to mine as I moved my arms from his biceps to around his neck. He kissed me softly on the corner of my lips and I held him tighter.

"Brian... I'm close," I whispered, holding onto him for dear life.

Brian increased his speed further. "I know baby, I know," he answered, rocking our bodies back and forth in time. I wasn't able to hang on much longer, and I came full force around Brian, my entire body shaking. He followed immediately after, howling my name, not caring that someone could hear us. "I fucking love you, Natalie," he whispered as he continued to rock his hips into mine.

I stared into Brian's eyes, seeing nothing but truth there. "I... I love you too, Brian," I murmured, locking our lips in yet another kiss.

When I entered reality again, Brian was still watching me. "I... I didn't mean it," I gulped. "I didn't mean that."

Brian's voice was surprisingly soft. "Yes you did, Nat. Don't lie to me, and don't lie to yourself," he answered.

I abruptly stood up from where I was sitting. "I did not mean what I said that night, and neither did you. We need to just forget that ever happened," I stated.

Brian's calm was starting to deteriorate. He stood up next to me and stared me down. "You don't know what I did or didn't mean that night, so don't fucking say you do," he warned. "And you know as well as I do that you will never forget that night."

I couldn't be here anymore. I was too angry to deal with this shit. Or at least, that was my excuse. "Fuck you, Brian. I'm done, good night."

With that, I walked away as fast as I could without running, leaving a fuming Brian in my wake.
♠ ♠ ♠
DAMN! I like to think that this was a pretty good chapter! Hopefully you agree with me, and this chapter (with all it's sex and revelations) made up for the long wait!