Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Pancake Mishaps

Finally making my way downstairs, after having collected myself from the encounter I had with Syn Brian, I was greeted to the delicious smell of....what? Burning pancakes? This couldn't be good. Jumping the last few steps, I ran into the kitchen to see Johnny, Matt, and Jimmy running around like idiots, not doing anything to put out the fire on the stove, and Zacky and Brian standing there smirking at them.

I hadn't been in the house for even an hour, and already things were going disasterously. Or who knows, maybe this is the daily routine for them... Either way, I had to do something or Matts' house was going to be a pile of rubble on the beach in a matter of minutes. Not knowing if Matt even owned a fire extinguisher, I began looking anywhere and everywhere for one, eventually finding it under the sink. Ignoring the fact that Matt and the guys were still running around the kitchen, I sprayed the fire extinguisher, only to have air come out of it.

"Well alot of good this fucker is doing us!" I screeched, throwing the can to the ground. I heard Zacky and Brian laugh behind me and I turned to glare at them. "Unless you two want to be homeless, I suggest you help me," I said venomously.

Zacky gulped quite visibly and ran to fill a pan with water while Brian stood there and stared at me like a dope. He chuckled and shook his head before saying, "You're definitely a member of the Sanders family, aren't you?"

I rolled my eyes as he approached me for the second time this morning and said sarcastically, "How could you tell?"

Brian grinned and put a hand on my arm. "The way you take control, the way you get angry when people don't listen to you - "

"Exactly, I get angry when people don't listen to me," I interrupted. "Now, as nice and cozy as we are right here, I'd rather this house didn't burn to the ground. So go help Zacky."

Leaving Brian looking like he'd been slapped, I went over to my cousin, who was running around screaming, "Fire! Fire! Fire!" over and over again. I managed to stop his tall, muscular frame from running around in another circle and screamed, "Matt! Settle the fuck down! Zacky put the fire out, you can stop acting like a girl now."

Matt stopped thrashing around and said, "I wasn't acting like a girl."

"Dude, yeah you were," Johnny said, leaning against the fridge.

"You weren't any better," Jimmy put in. "You were running around screaming 'Oh my god, we're all gonna die!'"

"Whatever, you all were acting like girls," I said as Brian came and stood next to me. "Even you, Jimmy," I added when he tried to protest.

Brian put an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. "If it wasn't for the fact that this beautiful, sexy woman right here took control, we'd all be dead right now," he said as he gave my hip a gentle squeeze.

Matt eyed us suspiciously and said, " know that that beautiful, sexy woman you're groping right now is my cousin?"

Brian and I smirked simantaneously, but for different reasons. Just as he was about to plant a kiss on my cheek, I squirmed out of Brians' hold and hugged Matt. "Yeah, he knows," I said, smirking at Brian. "And I'm so glad to be here....even if you can't make pancakes without trying to burn the house down."

Brian smirked at me, shaking his lightly while doing so. He may be used to getting anything he wants, but Brian is in for a whole new ball game if he thinks he's going to get me.