Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win

I giggled as Brian rushed me into the elevator and slammed his hand down on the 'close' button so that no one else could get in. "Wanting a little privacy, Mr. Haner?" I asked and hung my arms around his neck as he backed me against the wall.

Brian connected our lips in a kiss that made my knees weak and smirked when he pulled away. "Damn right, and we've got thirteen floors of it."

From there, he didn't waste one moment in refamiliarizing his tongue with my mouth and his hands with the skin underneath my clothing. I willingly let him take this kind of control after wrapping my legs around his waist and tangling my fingers in his spiky hair. We both knew what the other wanted, and there was no way we were going through the night without giving it to them.

Thirteen floors came too quickly, and Brian and I had to move our 'reunion' to one of our rooms. Brian poked his head out of the door and looked down the hallway. "I don't see anyone.... Oh shit, Nat, don't do that to me," he moaned as I stood behind him and slid my hand down the front of his jeans. I could feel how eager he was, and it made me want him even more.

"Come on, let's go to your room," I suggested and pushed him out of the elevator, myself still behind him and my hand still in his pants.

Brian cut off a gasp as I squeezed him and mumbled, "Whatever you say, baby," before walking briskly to the end of the hall where his room was. He fumbled briefly with the lock, unable to slide the key through the slot for a few moments. When the light finally turned green, Brian whispered a quick cheer before pulling me into the room and locking the door.

Leading him by the hand, I sat Brian on the edge of the bed and straddled his lap. We quickly picked up where we had left off in the elevator, and I moved my hips against his in an effort to create friction between our bottom halves. This didn't satisfy the need I had, and I moved my hands down to unbutton his jeans. Brian followed my lead and soon enough, things had escalated and clothes were strewn across the room. I was underneath him, engaged in a fiery kiss, when Brian pulled away and looked down at me with worry in his eyes.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asked, supporting himself with his hands so that I couldn't reach him. "You just ended a relationship today, and I don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of you when you're vulnerable."

"Is that it?" I asked, knowing that wasn't the only reason.

Brian closed his eyes and reopened them slowly, new emotion showing in his face. "I don't want you to sleep with me because you want to get back at Zack, or because you think it'll make things better. I want you to be with me because you want to... because you love me."

I reached up and placed my hand against the side of Brian's face, letting my fingers curve around his well-defined cheekbones as he leaned into my touch. "I wouldn't come back to you if I didn't," I whispered, making him smile.

Without another word, Brian pulled my lingerie off my body and pushed himself into me. I sighed in content and closed my eyes as he set a steady rhythm, continuously rocking his hips into mine. I didn't stay in that peaceful state for long, because he quickly found my spot and started hitting it repeatedly.

"Fuck," I moaned, dragging my nails down his back, "harder, Bri, harder."

Brian complied instantly and changed his pace from gentle to rough, reminding me of one of the reasons why I was in love with him. His hips slapped against mine and his hands held mine tightly above my head, making me think that next time we should try handcuffs or some other form of bondage.

Forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist, Brian placed a lingering kiss on my lips before throwing his head back in pleasure. "God I've missed this so much," he groaned. He looked and sounded so hot at that moment, I couldn't help but bite my lip and close my eyes as another wave of ecstacy coursed through my body.

It wasn't long before we both reached our climax, and the feeling that came over me as Brian muffled his groans into my neck was one of completeness. I had tried to convince myself that I didn't love Brian, and had failed miserably. Now that I had him back, there was no way I was going to let go again.

"I love you, Brian Haner Junior," I said as he rolled off me and laid beside me.

"I love you too, Natalie Marie Sanders," he breathed and gave me a smile. His look went from content to surprised as I got to my knees and mounted his hips. "What's this?" he asked, a smirk forming on his lips.

Slowly lowering myself on top of him, I replied, "I've got a lot to make up for, Brian, and I think tonight would be the perfect opportunity to start working on that."
♠ ♠ ♠
This might sound a little weird... but I really missed writing sex for this story lol. I know this chapter left a little to be desired, but now that Brian and Nat are on the same page, there will most likely be a lot more sex.