Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Putting It In Perspective

(Third Person POV)

Zack awoke the next morning with a pounding headache and a broken heart. He knew he had no reason to feel that way seeing as how he was the one to cheat, but he couldn't help himself. He really liked Nat, even thought that he was falling in love with her, and he had been crushed when she had ended their relationship.

You have no one but yourself to blame, he thought to himself as he moved through his hotel room.

Walking into the living room, he found Jimmy and Johnny passed out on the couch and floor respectively. He shook his head at his friends; they had insisted on staying with him overnight to watch over him, apparently fearing that he would do something dramatic as a reaction to his break-up with Natalie. A lot of good it would have done, if he had done such a thing: the two had fallen asleep much earlier than Zack had.

Sleep. Zack hadn't gotten much last night, having been kept up by tossing and turning around in his bed. Not only did he have a guilty conscious to contend with, but he feared for Nat all night long. Before retiring to his room with his 'watchmen', Zack had spent the evening in Matt and Val's room. What he saw between Brian and Natalie is what caused him to worry. He could tell that Brian had feelings for Nat, but he wasn't thoroughly convinced that they were the right ones. Zack worried somewhat that Brian would take advantage of Natalie in this emotional time.

But what worried him even more than that was the fact that Brian might not have to take advantage of her at all. He was afraid that Nat would go to him willingly, give herself to him without a fight. Zack could sense that Natalie had an attraction to Brian, and he feared that she would act on it. He knew Brian wouldn't reject her if she came on to him.

What man in his right mind would?

For all his worrying, Zack knew there was nothing he could do. For what he had done to her, Zack was as good as dead to Natalie and he knew it. Everyone knew that she would never listen to him or trust a single thing he said from that moment on. Zack had fucked up, and he knew it now.

Valary wriggled her way free from Matt's grip and silently crept her way out of their bedroom and out the door of their room in the hotel. Extra key in hand, she made her way to the end of the hallway where Brian's room was. It slid through the slot with ease and she smirked as the light blinked from red to green.

The wonders of making the reservations yourself and getting all the extra keys, she smiled and entered the room, closing the door as quietly as she could.

As she moved into the bedroom, what she saw didn't surprise her at all. A soft smile found its way to her lips as she took in a sleeping Natalie curled up on the bed next to Brian, who had a protective arm wrapped around her. They both looked pretty exhausted, from the way they slept so heavily, and Val only needed one guess to figure out what they had spent the night doing.

Some people would call her a whore, but Natalie has been in love with Brian since before she got together with Zack. It was only a matter of time before she caved and finally let herself see that, and how much Brian loves her, Val reflected internally as she watched the sleeping duo. I hate to say it, but Zack cheating was almost a good thing. A necessary evil, I guess.

The happy smiles unconsciously gracing both Brian and Nat's faces were all Val needed to see; she left the room as silently as she had entered it and left the two lovers to wake up together in peace.

Strips of sunlight shining through the curtain and striking his face were what woke Brian up. He opened his eyes slowly and smiled a wide smile when he saw that Nat was still beside him in the bed. He had been afraid that she would leave him once he fell asleep and deny that last night had ever happened.

You stupid asshole, she would never do that. She's not that kind of person, Brian scolded himself. You're just insecure, so face it and get over it.

Insecurity; it definitely wasn't something Brian was used to feeling. He hadn't been used to a lot of things - jealousy, insecurity, rejection, love for another person - until Natalie had come into his life. She, right off the bat, had made him work for what he wanted, and even then he had to face not getting it. No doubt, Natalie had made him chase her and work for her, but it was well worth it. Brian knew he was in love with this girl and that he would do anything for her. There were no limits as to how far he would go to be with her, either. He would go to the ends of the earth, jump over the moon, and bring her the stars if that was what she wanted.

As Brian sat in the bed watching Natalie sleep, he remembered the night before with joy. Natalie had finally let herself go and given herself to him, and she had told him she loved him. From Brian's point of view, that night was very close to perfect.

He just wished it hadn't have happened on the same day that she had broken up with Zack, one of his best friends. Brian knew that Natalie didn't sleep with him just to get back at Zack, she wasn't that type of person.... although she was the violent type, judging by the black eye she had given Zack. Despite this knowledge and assurance from Nat herself, Brian couldn't help but feel that the night and the events would have been even more meaningful if it had happened at a different point in time. He wasn't going to complain, though; he was lucky and glad that it had happened at all.

Natalie awoke to a very pleasant wake-up call: Brian's lips pressed lightly against her own. Applying more pressure, she kissed back and smiled as he leaned over her just slightly. Neither said anything as he pulled back and lay on his side, just smiled and laced their fingers together between them.

The silence that engulfed them wasn't an uncomfortable one. The lovers were perfectly content to sit quietly, Natalie's eyes closed and a small smile playing on her lips as Brian hummed and ran his other hand through her long brunette hair. She could feel his eyes on her and Natalie slowly opened her hazel eyes to come face to face with his chocolate brown ones. Natalie couldn't help but feel overjoyed at the adoration and love she could see in Brian's eyes. She slowly reached a hand out and trailed a finger along his jaw line, something that always made him close his eyes and kiss her hand as it moved across his face.

As the two moved closer to the other and entwined their bodies for the first of what would undoubtedly be many times that day, Natalie smiled. I don't regret a single minute this.