Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Two Can Play This Game

After everyone settled down, I moved all of the guys out of the kitchen so I could make us some proper breakfast. It looked like we wouldn't be having pancakes, seen as how Matt had toasted all the ingredients during his attempt, so I decided on omlets. I had no clue as to how the guys liked theirs, so I made any kind I knew how. Half-way through my cooking, I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist. I had a pretty good idea of who it was.

"Brian, what do you want?" I sighed, not turning around.

"How did you know it was me?" he said, trying to be seductive.

I laughed and said, "Well, besides Jimmy going kung fu on my ass and Zacky thinking I was a teddy bear, you're the only one who has touched me this morning. So it wasn't all that hard."

Brian chuckled lowly and nuzzled his face in my neck lightly. "Then I guess next time I'll have to be more sneaky about it," he whispered in my ear.

"Who says there'll be a next time?" I quipped.

"Oh trust me babe, there will be. And we'll be doing a whole lot more than just standing here and talking. In fact, there won't be any talking, just you screaming," Brian replied.

Deciding two could play this game, I turned around in Brians' arms so our faces were just mere inches apart. Running a hand up his chest, I whispered, "Really? And who will be doing the screaming?"

Brians' face moved in closer to mine, so close that I could feel his hot breath on my face. "You will," he answered, drawing in ever closer to my lips.

Just as our lips were about to collide, I turned my face so he caught my cheek. I pulled myself away from Brian and turned to my cooking again, smiling to myself. "Sorry Brian," I said, trying to sound truly sympathetic, "but I'm not a screamer. Looks like you'll have to find someone else."

I took the multiple frying pans off the stove and turned around to face Brian. He honestly looked like someone asked to him to explain why we existed on Earth: dumbstruck and confused. When he saw my smirk though, he quickly masked that look with one of cool carelessness, as if what had just almost happened hadn't fased him.

"Hmm, we'll just have to change that then," he said casually when he had recollected himself. "I've got ways of making women scream."

I smirked again and walked past him to the table. "I'm sure you do, Mr. Gates. It's too bad I'm not interested at the moment," I replied and set the pans on the table with everything else.

"I'm ready and willing whenever you are," Brian quickly answered.

I shook my head at him and yelled, "GUYS, COME EAT! FOOD'S READY!"
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yayy for updates!
