Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

I'm Losing You And It's Effortless

(Jimmy's POV)

The morning after our night in the hotel, I was shaken awake by none other than Johnny Christ himself. Swatting his hand away from my face, I grumbled, "The fuck you want, Christ?"

Johnny backed away from my bed and replied, "Matt said you're supposed to get up, and then go get Brian up. We're gonna have a meeting or some shit."

I groaned and stretched myself out on my bed. "Why can't you do it?"

"Because Matt said you had to. I don't know why, so don't ask me and quit complaining, Sullivan. He said you had thirty minutes and then you two have meet the rest of us in his and Val's room," he quipped and ran out of my room before I could say anything.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I reached over the side of my bed and grabbed my cell phone. It was only eight fucking thirty in the morning, and Matt wanted to have a 'meeting'. Typical. A little grudgingly, I climbed out of the bed and went over to my suitcase to get some clean clothes. I wasn't going to bother with a shower; I didn't have time and I would just end up taking another one on the bus anyways. After pulling a pair of jeans on and throwing a tee shirt on over my head, I left my room and started walking towards Brian's.

"Yo Haner, you up in there?" I shouted as I knocked on his door. There was no reply and I tried the door handle, which turned out to be unlocked. As I stepped into the room, I noticed it was completely silent, and it looked as though he hadn't even slept in his bed. "Well where the fuck is he?" I mumbled to myself and shouted his name a few more times to no answer. I tried for five more minutes to find him, and then just decided that he wasn't in his room. Leaving his room, I saw an elevator down the hall and frowned to myself. "I swear if he's passed out in another elevator, I'm going to be pissed. I'm not carrying his drunk ass to his room."

I ran down the hallway and checked in the elevator: no Brian. At this point I sighed and ran a hand through my messy black hair. Where the fuck could this guy be? I had already tried texting and calling him; I got no answer and no reply. In a last ditch attempt, I decided I'd go to Nat's room and see if she knew where he was by any chance. Her door was unlocked, too, and I shook my head.

"Our band really needs to learn how to lock doors, it's fucking dangerous to leave them unlocked," I murmured as I pushed the door open.

Walking into Nat's room, her bed was messy and unmade, and I could hear the shower running in the next room. Well at least someone is actually in their room, I thought to myself as I sat down on her bed and waited. Time passed and I continually looked at my phone, knowing full well that if I didn't find Brian and if we weren't on time, Matt was going to be pissed. I was just about to leave when the water stopped and movement could be heard on the other side of the door.

"What the fuck? Is she talking to herself in there?" I asked out loud, confusion masking my face as I heard Natalie laugh and giggle. Something was pushed against a wall and a deeper, definitely male voice could be heard. "Oh, no fucking way," I groaned. "No fucking way, I'm leaving." There was no way in Hell I wanted to see Natalie and whoever was in her shower with her.

Just as I was about to get up and leave, Nat opened the bathroom door and walked through it, with the mystery guy close behind her. "Bri, stop. We just took a shower," she giggled as Brian kissed her neck. Natalie stopped dead in her tracks when she looked up and saw me, resulting in Brian looking up as well. "Jimmy - "

"Holy shit," Brian interrupted and pulled Natalie behind him. "What are you doing here, man?"

I looked at the two of them - my best friend and my other best friend's cousin, who just so happened to have broken up with one of my other best friends - and then looked away. "I could ask you the same, dude, but I won't. Instead, I'll just tell you what I was supposed to tell you in the first place: we're having a meeting in Matt and Val's room in ten minutes, so meet us there," I responded before getting up and walking out of the room.

As I walked down to Matt and Val's room, a million thoughts were racing through my head. The most prominent, though, were: What was going on with Nat and Brian, and who knew about it?

(Nat's POV)

After Jimmy left, Brian turned around to look at me. "Well that was strange," he said.

"You don't think he'll tell anyone, do you?" I asked in concern. Don't get me wrong, I loved Brian, but I didn't think the others - cough, Matt, cough, Zack - would react very well if they found out from someone other than me or Brian.

Wrapping his arms around me, Brian placed a gentle kiss on my lips. "I honestly don't know," he replied, placing his forehead against mine. "I don't think he will. He might question us later on, though."

I placed my head on Brian's chest and toyed with the towel around his waist. "That I can handle, it's just the idea of him telling Matt or Zack that scares the fuck out of me," I confessed. "Neither of them will react well, especially if they're just told about what Jimmy saw and not the whole truth."

"They probably won't take it well, anyways," Brian corrected. "But don't worry about that right now, okay? We'll deal with it when the time comes."

Looking up at Brian, I smiled and pressed my lips to his. When I pulled away, he pouted at me. "Hey, don't look at me like that. You have a meeting to go to, and sadly enough we don't have time," I said and Brian rolled his eyes at me.

"Whatever, I see how it is. You just don't want me. Well fine then, I know when I'm not wanted," he rambled and I stopped him by kissing him again. This kiss was a little more passionate and I could tell he was getting the point.

"You were saying?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips and making Brian shake his head.

"Absolutely nothing," he smirked and pecked my lips one last time before gathering his clothes and leaving my room.

Once he had left, I plopped down on my bed and sat there for a moment. A content smile had found its way onto my face, and I sighed happily. Even though I blew him off the last time he tried to talk to me, I knew I was finally ready to talk to Zack. Spending time with Brian and being with him made me realize that I no longer had romantic feelings for Zack, and that meant I had to quit avoiding the talk that we needed to have. I wanted to have him as a friend again, and that meant getting over myself and making the move to do so.

Digging through my bag and finding my iPod, I turned it on so that Hollywood Undead was playing. I may be a rocker chick at heart, but I loved these guys along with Eminem. They were the only rap I could stand.

"These lies are leading me astray, it's too much for me to stay. I don't wanna live this destiny, it goes on endlessly." I sang along to the song 'This Love This Hate' as I found my clothes for the day. I only had my shirt left to put on when someone knocked on my door. Figuring it was only Brian coming back for his boxers (which he had left on my floor), I didn't bother to put it on and answered the door with just my bra covering my chest.

"If you want your - oh my God Zack!" I shrieked as I opened the door and saw him standing in front of me. I ran across the room and put my shirt on before going back and opening the door again. "Sorry about that," I blushed, letting him walk inside.

Zack gestured awkwardly and shoved his hands in his pockets. "It's okay. I didn't mean to interrupt you getting dressed," he replied.

"It's just like when I first moved in, huh? I was never fully dressed when you would come to my door," I remarked and Zack laughed just slightly. I was glad he had; I didn't want to have said that and made things even more weird. "So anyways, what brings you to my room Mr. Baker?"

Looking at me with a hint of caution, Zack answered, "Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to breakfast or something. I was thinking maybe we could - "

"Talk," I interrupted him. Zack looked as though I was about to scream at him and to reassure him of the opposite, I smiled. "That would be nice," I finished. "But don't you have to go to that meeting Matt is having right now?"

Zack smiled and shook his head. "I already know all about what he is going to tell the others, so I've basically got a 'Get Out of the Boring Ass Meeting' free card," he joked, making us both laugh comfortably.

"Well in that case, just let me grab my bag and we can head out," I said and shut my iPod off before throwing it into my bag along with my cell phone and putting my bag over my shoulder.

As Zack and I walked down the hall to the elevator, I couldn't help but look at him and notice the genuine smile he had on his face. I had really missed him as a friend, and I was glad we were going to get the chance to talk today and work out what happened between us.

(Brian's POV)

"You're sending Zack to take her to breakfast? After what he did to her?" I exclaimed once he had left the room. Needless to say, I was very unhappy with this development. "Why the hell can't you send me?"

Matt gave me a pointed look and said, "One, Zack already knows about what I'm going to tell you guys and you don't. Two, you have been spending enough time with Nat lately and you don't need to be with her this morning, Haner."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jimmy jump slightly and swallow a lump in his throat. Thankfully Matt didn't see it, and I turned to him. "Fine then. What the fuck are we here for anyways?" I asked.

As both Matt and Val filled us in - we were going to throw Natalie a party for her birthday - my mind wandered and I couldn't help but think what her and Zack were doing at that moment. I might not have had any actual claim to her, other than I was in love with her, but I was feeling protective of Natalie and was worried about what would happen with her and Zack alone. She wouldn't cheat on me, I knew that, but Zack was desperate to have her back. It was him I was concerned about. I silently pulled out my phone and sent Natalie a text message.

Be careful, Nat. Z might try and make a move, and I don't want you to get hurt.

And I don't want to lose you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, how I love foreshadowing....

Just a heads-up: The next chapter may include, but is not limited to:

-Serious Heart-To-Heart Conversations
-Making Up
-Rough, Angry, Passionate, NC 17 Rated Sex