Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Pool Time

"You know, you never did tell me what you're doing here," Matt hinted as he and I stood in the kitchen after breakfast. We had all ate for about half an hour, but as soon as it came time to clean, the others ran out of here as if the kitchen was infected with the Bubonic Plague or something.

I turned to Matt and smirked. "What, are you saying you don't want me here?" I asked sarcastically. Before Matt could answer, I said, "Oh I get it Matt, you really don't want me here. I guess I'll just go and grab my things and see ya around..."

Matts' eyes widened and he nearly dropped the dish he was drying. "No! No, Nat, I didn't mean that at all! I was just - "

"It's okay, Matt," I laughed, shaking my head. "I was just kidding. I knew that wasn't what you meant."

Matt sighed and shook his head. "You always were able to trick me into believing anything," he smiled.

I sighed too and set the dish I was washing back into the sink. "It's been awhile, hasn't it Matty?"

Matt set his dish down and turned towards me, hugging me tightly. I returned the hug, but not without gasping for air first. "It has been awhile," he replied. "And it's good to see you again....even if it was a bit unexpected."

I laughed and replied, "Well, you were always telling me to just 'drop by some time', so I figured 'Hey, why not?'"

Matt looked at me skeptically and said, "And so you brought all you bags here, too? I don't think so. Tell me what's really going on, Nat."

I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to my dishes. "I just decided it was time for a change in my life," I answered. "And you told me about how you have too much extra room in this giant house of yours, so I figured that I could start that change here."

Matt sighed again and turned his dishes. "Are you going to tell me the whole story?" he asked quietly.

"Not now, Matt," I replied. "Maybe someday, but not now."

We continued to wash and dry the dishes in silence. As bad as I felt for not telling Matt everything, I just wasn't ready to explain to him why I came here. I knew he understood and would respect that, but I also knew that the fact that he couldn't help me would eat away at him. I would tell him, eventually. I just had to get settled in here.

"Yo, bitches, you done in here?" Johnny asked, walking into the kitchen in his swim trunks.

"Yeah..." Matt said, obviously not liking where this was going.

"Well hurry up and get changed, we're all gonna hang by the pool and get totally ripped!" he said.

"This early in the morning?" I asked. "Damn, I think I'm gonna like it here!"

"Come on guys, I just cleaned that damn thing yesterday! Do you really have to go and make a mess of it so quick?" Matt pleaded.

"It wasn't that bad," Johnny replied.

"Like hell it wasn't!" Matt countered. "After what Zacky did in there....eww. I shudder just thinking about it, and I had to clean it!"

Johnny looked at Matt for a little bit and then shrugged. "Eh, it's clean now. We don't care. You coming, Nat?" he asked.

"Hell yeah!" I answered. "Come on Matty, it'll be fine. I promise that if they make a mess today, I'll clean it tonight."

Matt looked at me as if I was crazy. "You must be crazy, woman," he said, "but hell, if I don't have to clean up, then why not? Let's go!"

For some reason, I feel like today is going to be a very good day, and then tonight is going to suck...
♠ ♠ ♠
yayy, i finally updated!! i'm going to try to update all my stories more often, but i honestly can't promise you anything.
oh and if you haven't yet, check out my profile on the very top, right under my "About A Girl" thingy. i left a very special message for all my readers that is very true.
