Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

I Don't Wanna Live This Life Without You

(Brian’s POV)

Sheer, utter, total, and complete happiness. That was the first and only emotion that registered in my mind every morning since we returned from tour over two weeks ago. The source of my euphoria, my state of total bliss? The beautiful woman lying in my arms, the way she was meant to be.

Gently rolling onto my back, I pulled Natalie with me so she was lying on top of my chest. Her tousled brunette hair tumbled in thick curls down either side of her face and I couldn’t resist the urge to tuck a strand behind her left ear as she unconsciously adjusted herself so that her cheek was resting against my chest. The soft curves of her body fit perfectly against the defined muscles of mine, and I silently thanked god for bringing her back to me, because having Natalie with me like this was worth everything we’d gone through and more. I gently ran my hands over her back and smiled when I felt her nails press ever so softly into my sides, letting me know that she was aware of my touch.

“Mm, Brian, don’t do that,” Natalie murmured when I dragged my nails up her spine, causing her to arch her back and press herself against me. Despite her protests, Natalie’s body betrayed her and I felt the warmth in between her legs spring to life. Sliding my hands up her body to grasp her own, I then brought our entwined hands up to rest beside my head on the mattress. A simple rotation of my hips moved Natalie to lying directly on top of me with both her legs straddling my waist. Natalie’s head snapped up at the action and I smirked. “Brian…” Her voice held a warning tone, but all threats escaped her and were instead replaced with a soft moan when I slipped myself into her.

Natalie’s eyes fell shut and her whole body moved forward and up as she readjusted to better accommodate me. A content sigh of satisfaction and pleasure left my lips as Natalie started her own pace, pulling her hands from mine to place them on my chest. I found a new home for my hands and held tightly to her hips, my fingers digging in gently as her downward thrusts started to pick up speed. Natalie’s breathing became more labored as she worked harder to achieve release, and a strangled gasp issued from my lips as our eyes locked and she then trailed one hand down to where our bodies met and proceeded to manipulate the tight little bundle of nerves in between her legs. She threw her head back and her hair cascaded down her back, some of it catching and flowing down my raised knees.

I could feel Natalie start to close around me and just that feeling alone edged me closer. I was holding out so we could release together, but it was getting harder and harder to do as I watched her ride me and pleasure herself. By now Natalie was riding me as hard and fast as she possibly could and I knew she was just as eager as I was to reach orgasm. Deciding to help both of us out, I sat up and wrapped my arms around her, engaging her in a passionate kiss at the same time that the angle she was riding me changed so that I hit her G-spot. Natalie tensed against me as her orgasm overcame her and she broke our kiss to moan my name, making me shiver. I leaned back on the bed and allowed her to continue riding me until she had spent all her energy, collapsing on my chest as soon as she had.

“Good morning, Bri,” she breathed, placing a kiss on my stomach.

“Good morning indeed,” I chuckled, making her shake her head and crawl off me so she could lay at my side. I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her right up to me. “And to think: you were going to try and talk me out of it.”

Natalie giggled softly and snuggled in closer to me, pressing a kiss to the underside of my jaw before settling in. “I’ve missed this so much,” she admitted.

I kissed her hair and ran the fingertips of my left hand up and down her side. “Me too, baby,” I mumbled, my mouth still pressed against the top of her head. Exhaling, I placed another kiss on her head before resting my chin atop it and wrapping my arms around her body. Natalie covered my hands with her own and relaxed against me, a feeling of fulfillment coming over me. “This is exactly how we should be.”

“Mhm,” Natalie hummed, a smile on her face.

Dipping my head down, I nuzzled my nose against her neck. “How are you feeling this morning baby girl?” I asked as my lips ghosted across her skin.

“Absolutely perfect,” she responded. Natalie turned around in my arms to lay on my chest again and an all-knowing grin had replaced her content smile. “I told you all I needed was some rest - ”

“Yeah, because we‘ve been doing a lot of sleeping lately” I snickered sarcastically.

Natalie slapped my chest and retorted, “Okay, Mr. Haner, I will admit that we’ve been making up for a lot of lost time, but just because you’re an insatiable sex fiend doesn’t mean I haven’t been getting the rest and proper nourishment I told you was all I needed.”

I pulled Natalie down to my level and connected our lips in another kiss, our tongues meeting to dance a familiar dance. I smirked when I pulled away and then kissed her nose. “I know; I’m just glad you’re finally feeling better. I was really worried about you, Nat.”

“Aww, Bri, you really love me, don’t you?” Natalie teased, pecking my lips.

Maintaining Natalie’s gaze, I nodded my head. “I really do, and I will never stop,” I told her. “I know that for as long as I live, I will never love another woman the way I love you. You’re the only one I want, Natalie, and I want you forever and always.” Tears glistened in Natalie’s eyes and I swallowed the lump that was quickly building in my throat. “You’ve changed me in ways I never thought possible, and in all honesty, I wasn’t expecting to change who I am for you. If anything, I thought - when this all first started - that I would get what I want and then you would get sick of my bullshit and we would both move on. I’ve told you before how that all changed the first night I held you in my arms, but I never told you just how grateful I am for it. You saved me from a life of one-night stands and unhappy relationships - a life I thought I was content with until I met you. Being with you has taught me that falling in love is the best possible thing that could happen to a person, no matter the insecurities and heartache you have to overcome and endure before reaching your happy ending.”

Natalie lowered her lips to mine a sweet, soft kiss and I smiled into the gesture. When she pulled away there were tears springing from the corners of her eyes and I wiped them away with my thumb. “Brian, that was absolutely beautiful,” she whispered, her hazel eyes searching my brown ones. “I just want you to know that I love you so much I can’t even explain. You say that I’ve changed you, but you’ve changed me. Even when you and I weren’t together I was terrified that my past would ruin my future, and I didn’t know if I would be able to overcome that fear. You’ve never once made me regret anything I did in my past, though, and you’ve shown me that real men aren’t afraid to say ‘I love you’. You’ve made me believe in love again, Brian, and I couldn’t be happier that you were the one to do it.”

“Marry me,” I whispered. Natalie’s eyes widened in surprise and I pressed my mouth against hers before slowly pulling away. “Marry me, Natalie Marie Sanders.”

The air whooshed out of her lungs as she gasped in disbelief. Her eyes bore into my own and she asked in a quiet voice, “Are you serious?”

“I’m dead serious,” I answered. “I know this isn’t the fairytale romantic proposal every girl dreams about, and I know you deserve that - ”

“Yes,” Natalie interrupted me, her eyes glittering with excitement, “yes, I’ll marry you Brian Elwin Haner, Junior. I don’t care that yours wasn’t a typical proposal because honestly, what about our relationship is typical?” I laughed and she smiled at me, sitting up and lacing our fingers together. “All I want is to be with you, Brian. As long I can have that, I will never need anything else.”

Sitting up myself, I freed my hands from Natalie’s grasp and rolled slightly onto my side so I could reach the end table next to the bed. I opened the top drawer and dug around for only a moment before producing the tiny velvet box holding Natalie’s engagement ring. A single princess-cut 14 karat diamond sat on a white gold band and while it was simple in design, I knew the ring would mean the world to her. Tears built up and trickled from Natalie’s eyes as I slid the band on her left ring finger, a smile breaking across my own face as I realized that this moment would change our lives forever.

“How long have you had this?” Natalie asked as she gazed at the sparkling diamond jewelry.

“Since a little before my birthday,” I whispered, reaching my right hand up to cup her face in my hand. Once again my words had Natalie’s eyes widened to the size of saucers and I chuckled at her shock. “Why are you so surprised?” I questioned.

Natalie shook her head and laughter bubbled past her lips. “I just can’t believe you had my engagement ring picked out and then we went and had that stupid fucking fight.” She sighed as she stopped laughing and then leaned down to kiss me. “I’m glad this ring didn’t go to waste,” she murmured.

Smirking, I rolled Natalie under me and gently rested myself on top of her. “What can I say, darling? You’re stuck with me and I’m stuck with you.”

“Forever,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down for a kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cute yet unexpected, yes? Well, not the fact that Brian would propose - hopefully everyone knew he would eventually. I just think that it was cute how randomly he did it :)

Anyways, go read the introduction to my new story The Devil's Plaything ! The posting date of the first actual chapter is dependent on comments and interest shown, so pimp this shit out to all of your friends!