Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Good, Good Vibes

(Brian’s POV)

I could hear Natalie moving around in the bathroom and I groaned, rolling over onto my back to throw my arm over my face. A quick peek at the alarm clock on the nightstand told me that it was only eight in the morning. The sound of the shower starting made me chuckle and I reached down to throw the blanket off me before walking to the bathroom. I pushed my black boxers, Natalie’s favorite pair, off my hips and dropped them to ground after closing and locking the door behind me. Natalie was singing softly and if she noticed when I opened the frosted glass door of the shower and stepped in behind her, she didn’t show it. I watched the water rivulets trail down the curves of her body and sent a quick thanks to the man upstairs for letting me have her.

Natalie hardly flinched when I wrapped my arms around her waist and dragged her back against me, pressing my lips to the spot where her jaw met her neck when she instinctively leaned against me and tilted her head back. My hands wandered the front of her body and Natalie let out a soft moan. Slipping down her stomach, I dragged the tips of my fingers across the soft skin of her abdomen before finally resting my hands on her hips. I gave them a tight squeeze before asking, “What’s got you up so early, beautiful?”

Turning to face me, Natalie kissed me and pulled me with her as she leaned against the shower wall. “I’ll tell you after we get out of the shower,” she murmured with a smile.


“So, will you tell me now why you’re up so early?” I asked, pulling on a fresh set of boxers followed by a pair of black jeans. I watched as Natalie finished towel drying her hair and then searched through our closet for an outfit; she quickly fished out her favorite pair of light wash denim jeans and a pink v-neck blouse to toss on over her matching white lace bra and panty set. As she went to walk past me into the bathroom, I reached out and gently grabbed her arm. “Hey, are you going to answer me?” Uncertainty swirled in the depths of Natalie’s hazel eyes, and she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth to chew at it. “Is everything okay?” I questioned, my eyes searching her face.

Natalie released her lip from between her teeth and licked her lips. “I guess that depends on how you react to what I’m going to tell you,” she giggled nervously. I let go of her arm to run my hands through her damp hair, and she closed her eyes as I attempted to soothe her frayed nerves.

“What’s up, babe?” I asked calmly. The worst thoughts swam around my head but I kept a cool front for Natalie, because I knew if I started tweaking out, her anxiety would skyrocket.

Her hazel eyes opened to meet my brown ones and I knew by looking at her that Natalie’s heart was pounding. Whatever she had to tell me, she was scared shitless to do so. “Well,” she began, “you know how I’ve been sick the last month or so?” I nodded my head, having a feeling where she was taking this conversation. A sick feeling began building in my stomach, and I couldn’t tell if it was excitement or fear. Natalie cleared her throat and continued, “Well, um, I’m a few weeks late, so I took some tests the other day and… I’m pregnant.” Natalie stared unblinkingly into my eyes as my hands motionlessly cupped her face. My chest constricted, and my head swam as I started to get dizzy. “Brian? Maybe you should sit down,” she said, pulling my hands from her face so she could guide me to the edge of the bed.

I sat heavily on the mattress and looked up at my fiancée. “You’re pregnant?” I whispered. She nodded her head and resumed biting her lip. Laughter bubbled up from deep in my throat, and eventually left my lips.

“What the fuck are you laughing at, Haner?” Natalie demanded, placing her hands on her hips. Her voice was strong, but I could tell she was concerned about my reaction. “I just told you I’m pregnant, which took a hell of a lot courage may I remind you, and you start laughing at me? Seriously, Brian?” Her voice started quivering, and I quickly grabbed her hands to pull her down on my lap.

“Hey, hey,” I soothed as the first tears started forming in her eyes, “don’t cry! This is wonderful news, Natalie!” Our eyes locked and I eagerly pressed our lips together. “This is fucking wonderful, but Zack and Jimmy are going to kick my ass as soon as they find out.” Natalie expelled a shaky breath and asked me why. I heaved a sigh and admitted, “I’ve thought you might be pregnant for a while now, but I didn’t want to bring the subject up because at the time the thought crossed my mind, we weren’t officially together again and I didn’t think you’d be too thrilled at the prospect of potentially being pregnant with my child.”

Natalie smiled anxiously, undoubtedly still nervous, and asked, “What does that have to do with Zack and Jimmy?”

In an attempt to silently assure Natalie that I wasn’t upset, I let my arms wrap around her waist and my hands rest carefully over her stomach. A true smile lit up her face and I grinned in return. I then remembered she’d asked me a question and responded, “When we were talking about you being sick, Jimmy figured out I thought you might be pregnant and then both he and Zack suggested I bring the possibility up to you, just in case. I told them the same thing I just told you, though, and so Jimmy settled for me admitting that I’d actually be excited if turned out you were pregnant.”

“Aww, Bri, you really told them that?” Natalie fawned, making me blush. I nodded my head meekly, although the smile never left my face. I truly was happy she was pregnant, and I hoped she could tell. “I love you, Brian. I really do,” she continued, grabbing my hands and lacing our fingers together before placing them over her stomach again. “The reason I’m up early today is because I’ve scheduled a doctor’s appointment to assure that I am pregnant - although Val believes 100% that I am, because all three tests came back positive - and to find out how far along I am if it turns out we’re having a baby.”

I couldn’t help the content sigh that passed my lips as Natalie said those words. Not only was she now my future wife, but she was the mother of my unborn child. It’d taken a lot to get us where we were at - hating each other, lying to ourselves, and fighting against the odds - but life was finally taking a turn for the better for us. “Come on, future Mrs. Haner,” I said, gently prodding her to her feet and clasping her hand within mine as we proceeded to leave the bedroom, “we have a doctor’s appointment to meet.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Well hello, everyone! Long time, no speak! I sincerely apologize for making you wait like I have. I'm this >.< close to graduation, though, so life is finally calming down somewhat. And on top of that, this is a two-part chapter, so the next part is already written and will be posted within the next few days. I hope this update finds you all in good health and spirits! Come say hello on my profile, or follow me on Tumblr:



P.S. - Congrats to the boys of Avenged Sevenfold on their complete domination at the Golden Gods Awards, and congrats to the members of the A7X Family who made it possible.