Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

Conceited, Much?

I walked out into Matts' backyard about ten minutes later, after having changed into my black and silver striped bikini. The guys were scattered throughout the backyard and as I walked to the chairs, each of them shouted something to me.

"Hey Nat, looking good!" Johnny shouted from the pool and then was dunked under by Jimmy.

"Come into the pool with me Nat! I promise I won't dunk you!" Jimmy yelled, trying to hold Johnny down but eventually giving up.

"Hey Natalie, why don't you come here and I'll put some sun screen on your back for you?" Brian offered from the chair furthest away from the group. He was obviously expecting me to join him, or he wouldn't have isolated himself so much.

"I think I'll pass, Brian. Thanks, though," I said as I approached the chairs.

"Hello Nat. Care to join me?" Zacky asked from his chair, holding up a beer.

"God damn it you guys, enough hitting on my cousin!" Matt yelled from his floatie in the pool. "I swear to god if any one of you touches her sexually, I'll - "

"Cool it, Matty," I said as I joined Zacky on his chair. "I can take care of myself."

"Yeah but - "

"Don't worry, Matt. I said I can handle these guys. If any one of them does something I don't like, you know I can take care of myself," I said calmly.

Matt mumbled something under his breath, but I decided not to bother with him anymore and turned my attention to Zacky. "So how are you this fine morning, Mr. Baker?" I asked as I took his beer out of his hand and drank half the bottle in one drink.

Zackys' eyes were wide with amazement and he said, "A whole hell of a lot better, now that you're here. I've never seen a girl drink like that in my life."

I smirked and said, "Well, you've never seen me drink. But don't get any ideas, Zacky. I don't get stupid when I get wasted...okay, I do. But I don't sleep with random guys, or get taken advantage of."

Zacky smirked back at me and slid his arm around my waist. "You don't have to worry about me, babe," he said, "I don't need to get you drunk to get you to sleep with me."

I raised my eyebrows at him and moved a little closer to him. "Is that so?"

"You bet," he replied. "You know you want a piece of this hot ass. It won't take much to get you into my bed. And quite frankly, I can't blame you. I'm one hot motherfucker."

I laughed a little as our faces moved closer together. "You're so full of yourself, Zacky," I whispered.

"I know," he smiled as he inched his lips closer to mine. Just as our lips were about to touch, Brian cleared his throat. Zacky groaned and said, "What do you want, Brian?"

Brian smirked a little and said, "Oh nothing. Just to see if Nat wanted to join me in the pool."

I looked up at him and grinned. "I'm good where I am. I think I'll go in later, maybe," I told him as he smirked even more.

"Well that's too bad," he replied, "because you don't really have a choice in the matter." Without warning, Brian picked me up from next to Zacky and lifted me over his shoulder.

"Brian! Put me down!" I screeched as he walked towards the pool, me pounding on his back and kicking my legs.

"Nope, you're gonna come into the pool with me," he said as he got to the edge of the pool. He set me down on my feet so my back was to the pool and so I couldn't get away without him grabbing me again.

"Brian, what are you doing?" I asked nervously as he picked me back up, only bridal style this time. He didn't say anything, just shook his head and took a few steps back.

Before I knew what was happening, we were running full force for the pool, and then we were in it. Brian and I hit the water together, him letting go of me once we hit. I went under, the cold of the water shocking me. When I came back up, Brian had already resurfaced and all the guys were laughing. Brian swam over to me and took me in his arms.

"I'm sorry Nat," he spoke into my ear. "But I had to do it."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, looking into his dark brown eyes.

"You and Zacky," he replied, stroking my sides. "I couldn't let him kiss you."

"Why not?"

"Because, I want to be the one to kiss you first," he replied, bringing his face closer to mine.

I turned my face away when he went to kiss me. "I'm sorry Brian, but I already told you I'm not interested," I said as I pushed away from him.

"Why will you kiss Zacky but not me?" he asked.

"Maybe because I like Zacky, but I don't like you," I replied. "Ever think about that, Gates? Ever think that a girl could maybe, just maybe, not be attracted to you? Or are you too conceited?"

Brians' face was a mixture of shock and anger, and I decided it was best to get out of the pool before something happened. I'm pretty sure I had just sent his whole world crashing down, and I wasn't too sure I wanted to be there when he decided to retaliate. Pissing Brian off my first day here probably wasn't the best idea, but I needed to stop playing games with him and get my point across early. I honestly wasn't interested in him, and he needed to know that.

So what am I doing with Zacky, then? I thought to myself.

Zacky was sweet and funny and although he had been flirting with me, it wasn't to the same extreme as Brian. Yeah, he'd made a move on me and almost kissed me my first day here, but I'd actually wanted it. Zacky being full of himself was him just trying to make you laugh and make himself more comfortable, whereas Brian being full of himself was Brian being Brian. He actually did think that every girl wanted him, and that was disgusting. He was fucking hot, but so conceited. Zacky was hot, and not conceited.

Tell me: Who would you want more? A hot, conceited asshole who thinks every girl wants him, or a hot guy who seemed to be genuine? I know who I want.
♠ ♠ ♠
whoo go nat! i'm proud of her lol.
anyways, i've got a bit of a dilemma. as those of you who have read my profile know, i'm working on a new story and i want to create a layout for it, but don't know how. if anyone here would be able to explain to me how to make one, i'd love you forever. just pm me.

peace <3