Status: One Chapter Remaining

In My Dreams It's Me And You

A Different Point Of View

"I knew this was a bad fucking idea," I grumbled to myself at ten that night. "I fucking knew it!" The guys and I had spent all day just hanging around the pool and getting to know each other, and it was alot of fun. Until Jimmy started a fucking food fight. Now I was stuck cleaning up all the food in and around the pool, and the numerous beer cans that were left behind.

I was in the middle of scooping some french fries out of the pool when I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I knew that it wasn't Brian, because since I had told him off earlier today, he hadn't done anything but glare at me. I turned around to come face to face with the one and only Zacky Vengeance.

Zacky and I had gotten to know each other pretty well today, and not only that, but it was obvious we were attracted to each other. We had talked about music, our lives, family, and what we wanted for the future, and I had found out that he was much more down to earth than I had thought originally. Much more so than Brian.

"Having fun?" he asked sarcastically as I gave him a hug.

"Oh, I'm having tons of fun," I scoffed and poked his chest, "thanks to you guys!"

Zackys' eyes widened and he replied, "Thanks to us? If I heard right, you volunteered to clean up after us if we made a mess, missy."

"Yeah, but I didn't know you guys were such pigs!" I giggled and Zacky brought me against his chest.

"Well maybe you'll think twice before volunteering to be our maid from now on," he chuckled.

I looked up at him incredulously and said, "What the fuck ever! I ain't ever doing that shit again! I'll leave the cleaning to Matt."

Zacky laughed again and said, "You're learning fast, Nat, because rule number one is: Don't ever say you'll clean up after us when Matt will just break down and do it the next day."

I laughed and leaned into Zackys' chest. I closed my eyes and let him sway us side to side as he gently rubbed my back. As he did this, I thought about how comfortable I was around him. I didn't feel like he was just using me because of how I looked, and I felt like I could just relax and be myself. I didn't feel the need to be guarding myself, like I usually did.

"Nat?" Zacky whispered.


"Can I tell you something?" he asked nervously. I nodded my head against his chest and he gently lifted my chin up so I was looking into his eyes. He took a deep breath and said, "I think that you are very beautiful Nat, and I'm really glad you came here, even though it's only been one day."

I smiled and replied, "Thank you Zacky. And I'm really glad I came here, too."

Zacky smiled and slowly brought his face down to meet mine. Very cautiously, he brushed his lips against mine and then connected them fully. The cold metal of his snake bites sent chills throughout my body, even though we kept the kiss innocent. A few moments later, Zacky pulled away and smiled, blushing slightly.

"That was probably the sweetest, most innocent kiss I've ever had," he confessed and blushed a little more.

I kissed his lips lightly again before saying, "Same here, Zacky. And thank you for keeping it that way."

Zacky smiled yet again and hugged me to him. "I think maybe we should go in before Matt gets suspicious and comes out here and beats the shit out of me," he laughed as we headed towards the house. I started to mention the pool, but Zacky waved it off. "Matt'll just clean it tomorrow. He's a neat-freak."

I laughed and said, "Alright, whatever you say Zacky." I don't think I could've asked for a better ending to my first day of my new life.

(Brians' POV)

I watched the whole thing from my window. Nat cleaning the pool (wearing nothing but a pair of short shorts and a tank top), Zacky coming out and hugging her, them talking, and then kissing. I felt the anger rise in me as she kissed him. What makes her think that I only want her for sex?...Okay, maybe I am physically attracted to her, but what guy wouldn't be? And what the hell makes her think that Zack is any different than me? Just because he pretends to be a good boy in front of her, she assumes that I'm the egotistical asshole.

I'm just going to have to work a little harder for her, I guess.