Status: Just starting this story let me know what you think of it :)

Into the Deep


I lay face down in the sand. The paralysing fear engulfed my whole body. I felt his hand firmly on my back. I tried to wriggle out of his grip. I felt my cell phone in my jeans pocket.
‘Stay still.’ He whispered. He griped my wrists and half dragged me into a cave. He laid me against the wall. His silhouette filled the mouth of the cave.
I studied the cave frantically; it was dark and only the main features where clear. Besides sand I had nothing to fight of my attacker with. I fished my phone out. The screen was black, dead battery.
Maybe somebody will see our tracks. I thought.
Right now my only realistic option was the scream for help.
‘HELP!’ I pushed myself up off the ground. I ran full force at him, he was cold, husky and had already predicted what I was going to do. He quickly grabbed my shoulders.
‘Quiet!’ he hissed, I caught sight of his face for the first time, it was handsome but unnerved and some what familiar. His eyes darted from me to the seashore a few times.
‘Who are you?’ I tried to shake his hands from my shoulders.
‘Jack.’ He muttered, I caught his eyes, they were the same colour murky grayish brown angry ocean.
I felt reality melt away as I got stuck in his eyes completely over powered as if being dragged under water. The sound of the waves crashing into the shore faded and everything went quiet. With every breath I took all I could taste was salt water that felt as if it was filling my lungs.
I gasped for air and he blinked.
‘Sorry.’ He sighed he let go of my shoulders and ran his hand through his hair, eyes darting away to look at the seashore again. I stood there mesmerized by him, my guard completely down. He sat down in the opening of the cave. The watery moonlight illuminated his face, giving it an almost green tint.
‘Who are you?’ I repeated I turned to face him; I shook my self mentally, wiping the dazzled expression from my face, everything rushed back to me.
‘I am Jack, Son of the Sea.’ He kept facing out to sea, with a longing expression.
‘Ok next question, why did you attack me?’ I crossed my arms across my chest. The reality of the situation registering once again.
‘I did not attack you, I protected you.’ He spoke softly. I edged my way to the other side of the cave so I was parallel to him.
“Why?’ I stood ready to turn and run for the protection of the bright blue beach house. The moon casts long shadows of our distorted figures into the cave. He rose from the sand and for the first time faced me. I flinched as he took a step forward.
‘Are you scared of me?’ he smirked with a note of sarcasm. The stubbornness in me firmly planted me on the spot.
‘Wouldn’t you be if a complete random pushed you to the ground, then dragged you into a cave and then did some kind of weird hypnotism shit on you?’ I pursed my lips and raised my eyebrow.
His facial expression showed hints of stunned, irritation and hurt.
‘I am not random.’ he uttered in disgust he turned and ran his hand through his hair once more.
‘He said you would remember me.’ He turned back to me searching for a reaction.
‘Who?’ I questioned the feeling of fear crept back into my mind.
‘Murrow.’ He sighed ‘I have to go, tell no one of this.’ He said firmly placing his hand on my shoulder again. An overwhelming urge pulled me back to his eyes but I forced myself to focus on the cave wall behind him. He somewhat reluctantly removed his hand and turned and walked towards the sea.
I stood in the mouth of the cave as if I was star struck. My black hair blew across my face, blurring my vision. I watched as he dived into the waves. I waited for him to surface but he never did.
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So this is an idea that I've been thinking about for a long time and I thought I'd give writing it out a go :) feel free to let me know what you think!